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Everything posted by scoobos

  1. and then shelvey looks to kick him in the bollocks but in fact doesnt even seem to make contact.
  2. Well, I hate them usually. I want to enjoy them and when I was company owner I found no one would unwind and everyone just wanted to suck up or were on their best behaviour. Since then, I've now left the business back in the UK and work as an employee in a small company , and have EXACTLY the same problem, everyone seems so uptight ... For the first time in my working history I'm trying to find a way to dodge this one. Whats the point in calling it a party if everyone fears consequence. Its more a social event.
  3. how can anyone NOT know what the internet of things is - a simple definition is as simple as you seem to think I am, ewark. Also, based on voters actions on Buzz words and phrases, I'd rather we did have a political party that tries to use facts and FAILS than the utter dogshit we had with brexit.
  4. Not wanting to upset you after your sugar rush. But , whats wrong with that? I do think Corbyn is a mentalist , however, his advisors here are perhaps bang on. We need to offer something, we need to produce again - can we rely on financial markets when we look destined to place barriers of trade between us and other financial markets ? The internet of things is a MASSIVE market and needs British inventiveness like never before. Right now its wide open and been exposed as perhaps THE Achilles heel of the internet as a whole, and our security as a result. Our R&D into Cyber Physical Systems is fuelling the NSF and also the Japanese development, at the moment. Say what you like about the British, and it's inexplicable perhaps, but we really do seem to have a natural homegrown ability to lead the world with R&D and our inventiveness.
  5. I don't know what to say. I think its absolutely ridiculous for a country, like us , to essentially opt out of one of the best trade agreements we will ever get with Europe. We've sacrificed domestic production and manufacturing in the name of the financial sector; playing in the world economy - and now we want to separate from Europe? We have very little to offer , export wise - our financial services are all very portable in the current era of worldwide low latency internet , giving very little reason for the likes of Goldman Sachs and the power players to stay - why would they? they can be in Paris or Berlin and have free entry to the European currency markets , or if they want a UK type deal, Zurich or Geneva. Why should any dealer in Europe give us preferential treatment, we have very little to offer and a lot to protect! But.. on the other hand, I'm paid in US dollars - and we've single handedly destroyed the value of our currency, thus giving me a 20% payrise... Sort it out guys and I'll come home once you're finished.
  6. I don't agree really that the NHS needs private sector thinking. I think its private sector thinking that's fucked it up so much. PCT's and the executives within them are landed "buddy" Eton arseholes who don't have a fuckin clue about anything to do with the business at hand - like 60% of the CEO / MD's in most of our private multinational companies. They come in , make their "cost savings" / Outsource, then take their bonus and get fired or leave in a year with fuckin millions after doing nothing positive. Take it from me, I've seen the fuckers get milked year on year when I worked on one of the biggest NHS projects in the last 20 years - its not in, doesn't fuckin work and was never going to - but who cares at the PCT, every fucker has gone and every fucker has gone with at least a quarter of a mil in his/her back pockets. Cunts, All this "businesses will have to do well or they will be destroyed by competition and market forces" rhetoric is bullshit, merely proven by the bailout of the "failing" banks at our expense and now the leeching of our social services. <off bandwagon> but FUCK OFF tories. Here's an idea, how about we don't starve the fuckin organisation for near on 6 years while moving all the money into your maties pockets and then say it's failing? How about using national insurance for what its meant to be used for , what , too 80's thinking for you? Oh, by the way - I just paid the equivalent of 80 quid for a big plaster at our hospital, (US healthcare system) to keep a drip in place so I could go home.
  7. must stop forgetting to get the predictions in ...
  8. Ewark will probably fill you in, for a sherbet dib dab.
  9. Aww I like pictures too, I think that's why <edited as I was being a bit too smug there>. erm. yer daft knacker.
  10. Well done, have you been a good boy today and not licked anyone or shat yourself ? Is that why you got the choccy bar?
  11. you wish I were retarded Ewark then I might give a shit when you write something. WTF is an octo-spaz and what does it have to do with posting a useful link about NUFC.TV being free and broadcasting all radio Newcastle matches live?
  12. got this email today : No more searching for radio links!!! just register and you'll get in. They also said they would refund any of us who have paid this year.
  13. My wife's a prestonian and I tell you what, if Preston has 1 thing that's any good and worth being PP of (and no its not the big bus station), it's the ale and pubs like this one. Well recommend a visit if you're going.
  14. for the record, I ate my first cheesy chip, with Garlic, in Gosforth. don't know what all this cheesy chip hating is about tbh. Great win, but as much as I love Mitro he doesn't do himself any favors in front of Rafa (who I think clearly isn't endeared). Silly yellow and a lot of craziness again (which I like to see!)
  15. I saw a deliberate headbutt on Colback like, forget the elbow, that was just leading in to smash his foreheed all ower.
  16. please.... enough with the thread titles, or at least break the link with twitter.
  17. its not all camel toes and rollerskates now though you know (california)
  18. going 3-1 I think I'm again in a minority but I don't feel as secure of a clean sheet as I would with Sels.
  19. Attacking people for leering at his aunt by throwing champagne bottles at them.. Quality, I think he'll do well. Long gone are the pushing a bottle of dog into someones nose, its hoying Champers ftw!
  20. Another good one tonight for England U21's. He looks a great player already, it's either been a masterstroke to loan him to a same league team, or a massive miss of an opportunity to get him bedded in the team before we go up. Not sure which tbh.
  21. Thanks howaymanhey - I'll look for that next time. Got caught out by the clocks changing in England (?) got up an hour too late and missed the first half.
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