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Everything posted by scoobos

  1. Do I win a prize for predicting the future? I can smell Ashley and it's not good.
  2. Adios , can you message me your paid streaming service info please? I can't find anyone covering this.
  3. Well, last night's interview pretty much confirmed my suspicions. We need to burn Ashley out or something.
  4. Miserable negative old bastard I may be - but I'm worried that behind the scenes Ashley's fucking us again. Worried given Rafa's earlier windows, the stories in the mirror and the fact we've basically brought no one in - at a time when it would be ideal to start getting our Premership XI built , and bringing people into the team .
  5. He's been instructed to, I reckon. no fuckin way did he pick that starting XI, without intervention.
  6. For me, totally unnacceptable and I don't buy for 1 fuckin minute that Ashley is reformed. We are in the middle of a transfer window, we've had all the talk about cup runs again and taking every game seriously and then what? Rafa fields a true pardewesque team in the FA cup, almost as if we are showing the shit we want to sell off and makes fuck all change during the match to even try salvage it. "stick our lads in the shop window Rafa, and I might give you a few percent of any sale to buy who you need". I smell a fat cunt from Maidenhead behind this.
  7. Whinging, but we really need to be putting at least a few fuckin first teamers for the FA cup.....
  8. Oxford united aren't a bunch of cloggers like, they have a pretty good manager .. I really hope we don't lose today after all those changes, I thought the FA cup mattered now?
  9. I have to say I havent been following UK tax laws - but I bet less tax efficent does not equal an equivalent to PAYE + NI - or anywhere near ?
  10. Look at his stats for the last 4 games at the pool and "massively overrated" he ain't. perfect Professional is a better tag.
  11. Ginger - go wash yer mouth out man. back on topic. Oh FFS .. what is it with this cunt?
  12. spot on for me, 2-1 3-1 Ritchie , there goes my prediction.
  13. 2-1 - commentators blaming Sels, but a freakish sliced shot.
  14. Fish, I'm usually with you, but I hope you're eating enough fish , I'm worried about your memory , man. It seems to only go back 24 months.
  15. Rafa has literally showed his managerial skills. Pulled a good looking first 11 out of a ravaged squad. We will literally win this one 2-1.
  16. *looks around* *doesn't take the bait* fuck this lads I'm offski, before I get arrested while I sleep.
  17. He's done good work for us this year tbh.
  18. Same for america as a whole imo - and that's why I really didnt enjoy it there at all. It really starts to get you down when you come from the UK with our welfare state and see how the average, nice , normal citizen will treat someone in that position as if they are not human. You're also right about the buses, but its more about the weather being more temperate in winter so they dont have to "deal with" frozen dead homeless people on the subway grids, at 6am in January, than they are better looked after by the state or anything. (and I'm really not joking) Also, don't get me wrong its great to work overseas for a bit - but make sure you factor in things like: you will be expected to take almost FUCK ALL holiday - get a good medicare package, don't go for standard or even +1 , they are not good enough - If I were you, I'd not try push for any special currency payment terms, get paid in USD and bring it home as gold if you have to , also try move to match a tax year, and return that way. In all honesty I dont understand the sterling slump comment, I must be missing something - I'm paid in USD and its meant a 21% pay rise for me ? USD buys more sterling. The positives are absolutely worth going for at least a year or two though, but to emigrate and live, you're going to need a lot of money and a very blind eye (especially as you approach retirement). IMO America is by no means the land of opportunity anymore. you didnt ask, but if my threads getting derailed I'm going to act all knowledgable Benton seems to be winning by the way - pretty nice houses there for 150k!!
  19. It's been done to death, but what does me in is the amount of older americans (mostly living on my island) - who are banging on about they had to vote Trump because they needed change and power returned to the people. So hold on..... You wanted change and voted in a elite businessman who represents the 1 percent , gives no fuck about anything other than economics, how is that CHANGE?
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