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Everything posted by scoobos

  1. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sb8F8CJmGsg
  2. Quality. 5 trophies at Liverpool and 60 goals after that for him .. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IIzRfz3NZz "Peter Beardsley, Jackie Milburn, certainly they're the two greatest geordies to represent the team in this shirt"
  3. Well, thats the media and outside fans for you. I find big wanks help take the edge off.
  4. Fuckin hell lads, enough about Shearer, who wasn't better than Beardsley and more about Pedro.
  5. Because he'll get hounded / overseas rep as a manager who couldn't save a good premiership team and then left as the "going got tough" in the championship. I don't agree, but most outsiders or pundits expected Newcastle to walk this league . Far better for Rafa to take the money (he's not getting a new job in January) - prove his point by bringing up his team and then fucking right off with a championship winners credit on his tally and a clear mind. Edit - what rob said..
  6. Nothing new here. Keegan played to it - everyone else has suffered. I'm still sore about what happened to Bobby. People fuckin hated David Batty in my section of the ground back in the day , purely because he was a defensive midfielder and passed sideways , backwards all the time. If you can't hold and protect the ball in midfield, then you're playing score more than they do.
  7. I think he'll be away, and nothing will change his mind. Saying that, putting myself in his shoes - if I was building a new team, with 100% backing and a guarantee of full control, then January happened , I'd be off at the end of the season, only to protect my own reputation . There's a big difference between having a pledge of building a team, doing what he did in the summer break, with a view of building in January ready for the premiership, than what he has - go up and buy people after promotion, with no time to gel in the team and less bargaining power.
  8. Wow very surprised to see shearer in front. Is everyone voting old enough to have seen them both play properly? beardsley not in the "support striker" class ?? He was the messi of his generation - seriously, WHO was better than beardsley? Beardsley was unbelievably good , a complete footballer. End of.
  9. Nice post, cheers. excited for this lad, don't understand how he isn't 1st choice, can dribble and carry the ball forward too.
  10. In my limited opinion and time with the material, no it doesn't - but what I'm getting at in my own peerage , is that the Governments are involved in the commonwealth, at least with the CIA you can say its a law unto itself, we are supposed to be protected. The tactic appears to be , if vendors will not co-operate , then the answer is to NOT share vulnerabilities (which you would do, if you were truly trying to protect the populace), but in fact use them to exploit and control EVERY mobile device you can at a kernel level , then you don't need to worry about encryption, as you capture keystrokes , before they even get to the app. What scares me , is how people just don't give a shit in a way I thought unimaginable, the whole "if you've nothing to hide" propaganda has worked very well. If you look at a network packet the same way you did a postal packet to your doorstep, who would tolerate a government institution opening and reading (or recording) anything they wanted between sender and destination? https://robindoherty.com/2016/01/06/nothing-to-hide.html
  11. Rafa's not staying and we won't be able to sell Mitro at a profit either , so my rule of Fat Ashley says that this whole discussion is moot. Rafa gone once the season is over, Mitro here next year. right o, back to being a miserable cnut at work for me.
  12. Finally, something I'm qualified to comment on. But I think you have a bit too much faith HF - in England, sure we're not subject to this sort of stuff . However, as someone rightfully said, they dont need to crack the encryption, they need to just compromise the phone at kernel / OS level and grab it before its encrypted - or , run a known string though the same encryption by hijacking a process and then once they see the result, they can reverse engineer the encryption. EG> if you know what you put in and what you get out, you don't really need to break the encryption. Companies based in Europe sell tools to do this to less reputable countries- e.g finfisher. Then we have the cheap 'enemy' markets, producing components for electronics that allow them kernal access remotely. Heresay , I know - but I had it on pretty good authority that back in 2015 with the "have to turn on your phone / ipad devices at the airport , due to terrorist threats" was , in fact, mass exploitation of mobile devices with a known apple and android flaw to compromise "Illegal immigrants" mobile devices. Problem is, it's indescriminate. The bottom line is that you should NEVER use your daily browsing / entertainment device for ANYTHING personal at all, so with an internet enabled phone, you've already broken that. People give so much away without caring nowadays that spying isn't the big issue . Take a deeper look into Facebook messenger, Whatsapp, FindMyIphone and it's scary just how much you are sharing. Lets not even get started on webbrowsers -> e.g. http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/web_browser_password.html Finally, my caveat is that I don't believe that every big company has backdoors put in, I worked at some of the largest tech companies in the world and they DO NOT do this at all. In fact, Microsoft go the extra mile to make sure this NEVER happens - as most organizations do not want their big data accessible to government institutions. <end rant>
  13. If we don't implode before the end of the season due to some advanced Ashley fuckery, we're going to have bigger problems than adding to the squad when Rafa walks out on the cunts. January was the time to start building your premiership team, Rafa knows that, we know that - we're in denial again.
  14. It doesnt fuckin matter really though lads does it? Ashley's fucked Rafa, who's offski on the final day then we're fucked again and back down next year.
  15. Wonder whats going on with the Mirror, must be pissing Ashley off, given they are our approved rag, unless its some kind of fucked up mind game from the fatman himself .
  16. So are we in denial lads? surprised to come on and see no ones mentioned it! And from our "approved media" rag too... sheesh. http://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/news/rafa-bentiez-arsenal-shortlist-replace-9801936 The old "rafa has asked for Henry" line suggesting it's been discussed already?
  17. Lol that makes 2 of us who've wasted time
  18. Nearly everything about enforcing the rules. They are the SAME for Sunday league footballers and premiership footballers - why in the fuckin world does everyone in the football business think different? Swearing at the ref after a decision, or physically jostling him == CARD everytime in Sunday league, never in the Premiership.
  19. first rule of internet question asking for geeks - if you "work it out" then update your post with the solution.... I spent 2 mins reading through it !
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