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Everything posted by scoobos

  1. This... Even with new owners we announce things prematurely and tempt shit fate. Do you see BBC headlines of "club makes bid for player" for any other club? All I see anywhere else is "club SIGNS player"....
  2. Good, as long as we don't continue to pursue them - we need loyalty
  3. Does this need an /s for sarcasm?
  4. Exactly. This is Neoliberalism at its worst. It should be, that the economy works to improve peoples lives and health and serve our needs. The modern multinational "neoliberal" economics seem to say that we serve the economy and risk our health to serve its needs. If that breaks your employment laws, just outsource / externalise it overseas, then blame them for emissions / human rights etc.
  5. Me too. Every human being has a right to decide what you take medically (or recreationally!) as long as it isn't harming others. If you distance, use mitigation, test regularly and isolate properly if you are positive, then you could potentially be "doing a better job" than someone who's vaccinated and takes no other precautions because "They are ok jack" , despite carrying and potentially spreading the virus. No one should be forced to have a needle put in their arm against their will. I chose to be vaccinated and appreciate having that choice. Now, being restricted from big indoor venues during the pandemic stage, if you're not vaccinated, I can agree with that tbh. But not literally forcing you against your will, its your choice not to be vaccinated, it should be a nightclubs choice not to let you in.
  6. I agree wholeheartedly, but would add that I think the energy companies misinformation spread and decades long campaign against the science of climate change - are probably more to blame than Micheal Gove in the UK. The film "Don't look up" on Netflix at the moment is worth a watch. I think the pandemic response is climate change in a microcosm. Ignore it - its too far away, Deny it, Counter it - act when its too late and too slowly, because economies might suffer.
  7. I struggle with this line "People who need to be given rules and mandates from a government" Clearly some people do, as they find being asked to wear a mask on public transport, during a pandemic, as an assault on liberty. The UK , US and Brazil are in a minority of countries who call Covid Mitigation - Covid Restrictions - its for a reason. They want business as usual and people spending and to somehow say that Public Health protection measures are tied to liberty and freedom. Well what's the role of a government in a national emergency if not to govern . If we didn't need rules and mandates we'd need no police etc. People need clear rules and governance, not guidance and unenforceable crap. There's a reason we've lost so many people per capita. Also, calling people snowflakes for "needing them" , is a little ironic given that anyone over the age of 40 pretty much grew up with Public Information Films from the government, telling you not to let your kids eat smarty coloured tablets.
  8. Now thats a return to normality you utter utter cretin. Dont you have some beans to count?
  9. I've posted twice here with links and effort and everything and the shit keeps getting thrown. I gave reasons and links. Is it cos I is "long time away". At least ewarks not giving me shit about selling watches in the Cayman Islands as a looky looky man.
  10. COVID-19 pandemic in Japan - Wikipedia The bottom line, according to the WHO - is that they acted quickly and decisively - they actually did the same approach that we did but did it in an enforcable and policed way (just far earlier once cases were seen). The WHO are on record as saying , after the ebola outbreaks - that you don't necessarily have to make the "right decision" just a quick one and authoritatively. Japan has also seen MERS and SARS with its neighbours and learned to take things seriously. Funny , because all the excuses that the UK government gave were based on reasons that are WORSE in japan! Population density - worse in Japan - Country comparison Japan vs United Kingdom Population density (people per sq. km) 2022 | countryeconomy.com "Heathrow transport hub" - Tokyo has more air traffic than London. List of busiest airports by passenger traffic - Wikipedia older population - Japan has a far bigger proportion of vulnerable older people - Japan Demographics 2020 (Population, Age, Sex, Trends) - Worldometer (worldometers.info) "we are a free country" - so is every other European nation and the majority of world nations, and the people acted in a socially responsible way, as they seem to do in the UK when they are not fed misinformation by their "economy first" government. And while I'm on about the economy, this economy that has "stopped" and is on its knees, is another lie. Sure we've taken a hit - but public money should be used for public sector or the private citizen, NOT businesses such as airlines and bloody pubs (e.g. pay each person directly a living wage, like Germany etc). Take a look at GDP growth since 2010 to 2020 - 3% every year, year on year growth - over the last 2 years we've lost 6% and 10% respectively - so 16% down in 2 years after being 30% up after 10 previous. A net growth still, by a long way. or the FTSE in 2010 (5500ish) to today (7400) - thats an increase in the value of our top 100 businesses by almost 50% over 12 years. All underpinned by Billions of public funds propping up failing businesses and austerity that took so much away from the public. (Bank bailout had full cross party support - HS2 costs the same as our entire pandemic response up until September last year, but wouldn't be cancelled, royal yacht etc). They are taking the piss and how they've got such support for putting multinational businesses balance sheets in front of public health is beyond me. (And its not cos we need the taxes for the NHS, because most of these companies dont even pay it and have staff on zero hour contracts etc). I'll take health, over money to companies that doesn't even result in any increase in standard of living , any day thank you.
  11. Over the moon with Trippier he's a quality player and still good enough for a very strong England side. I can't believe the 12 mil - is it 12 mil then 10 more after 2 appearances? Also, wish they'd wait for the medical etc before announcing, I know chances are slim - but I'd hate it to fall through and the leadership have bleated to the media to early again. I do get the sense that they are easily excited these two!
  12. I want to pick up on this, as I think it's a lie and what really annoys me, is Donald Trump style, we have a leader who is lying - despite the evidence to the contrary being published publically! Which charts? The PHE publish this data and it says the opposite. COVID-19 vaccine surveillance report - week 51 (publishing.service.gov.uk) Page 38 and 39 show people in Emergency care and deaths. In both of these categories, the majority of over 50's, admitted and dying ARE vaccinated (which you would expect given that 80%+ of the population are vaccinated) The majority of deaths and admissions are over 60's and vaccinated. (Using the data in the link, week 51 - 2528 deaths in over 60's - 551 of those unvaccinated. NOT anywhere near a majority. under 60's deaths total 428 , of which 231 are not vaccinated, so a slim majority of unvaccinated there. For admissions to hospital (not death) the figures aren't that much different, around a 50-50 split, in under 60's and the majority vaccinated in the over 60's. There's no denying (table 11) that vaccination MASSIVELY reduces chances of illness and death - but its not a silver bullet on its own against Delta (and perhaps omnicron) , as the WHO, BMJ, SAGE (shite) , CDC all said back in the early days of Delta. Until treatments arrive (shortly) we really did need extra mitigations (such as masks on public transport , shops socially distancing / capacity limts etc, ventilation standards). Take a look at that and please correct me , if possible - as it's driving me and my colleagues mad. For clarity - I'm VERY anti UK response , pro vaccine (but pro personal choice too) and think we've been outliers playing the same game as other neoliberal economies (USA, Brazil, SA etc).. We've had so many unecessary total lockdowns instead of sensible long term middle measures imo. (All my 2 cents) Anyone polically interested, Boris set out his objective on 3rd February, where he shoe horned into his PM speech his rebuttal to the WHO's Public health Emergency of International Concern, raised 3 days earlier . PM speech in Greenwich: 3 February 2020 - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) "And in that context, we are starting to hear some bizarre autarkic rhetoric, when barriers are going up, and when there is a risk that new diseases such as coronavirus will trigger a panic and a desire for market segregation that go beyond what is medically rational to the point of doing real and unnecessary economic damage, then at that moment humanity needs some government somewhere that is willing at least to make the case powerfully for freedom of exchange, some country ready to take off its Clark Kent spectacles and leap into the phone booth and emerge with its cloak flowing as the supercharged champion, of the right of the populations of the earth to buy and sell freely among each other."
  13. Bit harsh on him I reckon. He's had months of Steve Bruce "coaching" having him play as the man to change the game and have all the forward responsibility to himself (In Wilsons injury absences). It's going to take a while for the new mentality to kick in - hopefully Howe et al will give him the same focus they've clearly given Shelvey and Joelinton ; and bring his game on. He's got too much talent to replace with anyone else in the squad imo, unless he's playing absolute stinkers.
  14. Weird how he's "Howe's target" when it was let slip he was a target weeks before he arrived.
  15. Yup, or at least thats what the mirror was saying before Christmas. My new theory is that Ashley was either bullied by a geordie or supported a rival club during the Keegan years and decided one day he would have his revenge. Nothing about putting the club up for sale after criminal underinvestment, getting a 250 mil offer and refusing ; makes any sense whatsoever. Having billions and wanting to fuck over an entire city due to some egotistical revenge campaign over a childhood wound. Now theres a more plausible theory.
  16. stolen a living is a bit harsh of you're talking about gouffran, he's grafted and changed his style for pards. serious question tho lads, if getting pissed off at Ashley and co playing the same shit game they always do, with rafa as manager == bedwetting. What does getting excited about signing a Norwich player the day before your first friendly equal??
  17. Glad to have him back, to be honest. Expect the "he's like a new signing" patter in aug when we've only bought one player
  18. No but they havent the record our directors have. Its already getting late, you call it bedwetting i call it denial. Rafa was clearly wanting to build his team during the second stage of the championship, already we are running out of time to realistically expect anyone to assimilate with the squad. oh and fish, yeah was a bit over the top, im sure we will sign someone, but i suspect it wont be enough or of the quality we need.. weve lost a few we've released with no replacements imo. soz lads, but why expect different outcomes from identical situations. The best I hope for is that the lack of signing is down to a new owner coming in.
  19. Why does anyone expect anything different? Year on year, time after time the same. Mike Ashley and his team are fucking idiots. we bought fuck all in January , and we'll do the same again by the looks of things. Are we saying everyone rafa wanted in mid season are niw unavailable?
  20. 2 or 3 premiership players at best , at current rates ?
  21. Well, it was great having him here and I hope he gets a good send off at the weekend Great manager, such a shame we got him during the Ashley era.
  22. I thought so, not expected back for another game after this one.
  23. aye and 2 of those deserve to be in it too.
  24. Quite a nice town for pubs mind - but we'll batter these I reckon.
  25. Aye its a good one. I demand someone changes their vote!! The two beardsley goals from 2:40 to 3:05 , are legendary in my memory. Someone mentioned the number of goals Pedro scored vs Shearer, but lets remember that Shearer scored a hell of a lot of penalties.
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