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Everything posted by scoobos

  1. Well, they did buy Chris Wood at a high price , from a relegation rival. WTF happened to Willock though, seriously. For me, defence has to be the priority, but personally I think it could be vastly improved by dropping Lascelles and I thought that Trippier coming in might well have done that. It boggles my mind how he's getting first choice pick and retaining the armband - Clark gets a lot of hate, but he's probably a better defender than JL, Then we've Schar, Dummett and Fernandez (the Bruce saga mole?) - who can all play CB.
  2. That fact that we CAN do both, doesn't defend the fact we HAVEN'T though, was the point I was trying to make. Boosting with Az, yep its in use - surprisingly as a booster in the last campaign, as they said they wouldn't do that. But that has since changed, following results from the Oxford Vaccine group. AstraZeneca Booster Shot Generates Strong Immune Response Against Variants Including Omicron (forbes.com) Hopefully we are close to the end, but I honestly think we are contributing to the problem as a nation (or have done), but we are not the only one by a long way.
  3. Not disagreeing with the post as a whole, but picking up on that: How's it a "false argument" - its reality - we've boosted ourselves and not met the pledge made in G7. Boosting people like me seems more a political thing to try keep "restrictions" away (mitigations in most other countries language), if we really want to deal with this, we need to boost global resistance and keep cases down. UK action is doing the opposite and may well be counter productive, in the long term. (It may all be fine too , but I'd prefer us to be cautious than just gamble all the time). G7: World leaders promise one billion Covid vaccine doses for poorer nations - BBC News The real numbers : COVAX - Wikipedia "We're planning to hand out extra life jackets to people who already have life jackets, while we're leaving other people to drown," World Health Organization (WHO) Health Emergencies Director Michael Ryan I agreed with the above, pre Omni - and part of me still does , when we are pushing boosters to teenagers.
  4. You might not think that way if you had a serious anxiety issue, for example. I'm triple jabbed and it goes against my beliefs, I think its very wrong for us to be triple jabbing our population when a lot of the world hasn't even got 1. I see this as a global problem that cant be solved by the elite countries trying to buy their way out. Hope I'm wrong mind. The not being able to take it stat, is more about it not being effective, not safety. I got it reading a story about people who HIV wont do anything to, but 20% is probably a stretch. Older peeps dont get much from the vaccine against Delta, thats why we originally started the booster programme, pre Omni.
  5. It's cos you fancy me, isn't it?
  6. Just read this first line of the first post. "Finally, after 10 years away - I'm coming home to newcastle to settle down and, hopefully, wind down." fuck me, that didn't happen like, did it! My politics thread today shows that one, a fuckin BJ government a pandemic and STEVE FUCKIN BRUCEBALL , "well they are good opposition , we knew it would be difficult, but there are positives to take from it, so we'll dust ourse" (vs Hereford town LGBQT+ over 70's side) suddenly the choice of only Budweiser or Coors Light seems appealing. 🤣
  7. Nice one, not been to that one yet , it changes so fast around there - didn't know the brewer had moved either. p.s. It's Byker mind, none of this Shoreditch oooozeburn shite for me 🤣
  8. I take my Mum on that metro when she visits My mate calls it crack alley, cheeky cnut, his old place was on the wrong side of the river somewhere. Here's my old place (it's me swimming) : From there to Walkergate and it is worth it Steve Bruce's brother lives down the road man, what more could I want?
  9. Hidden gem in a crock of shit those two - what a fuckin god awful complex - but great pubs and beers. One of the many things I've really loved since coming back is the local brewery scene and pubs like the Cumberland Arms. That place is batshit crazy - Normal pub outside, one side inside younger punters before Cluny gigs etc - other side is folk singers or sword dancers , and they'll be a punk band on upstairs.
  10. Thought I'd update this for shits and giggles. I ended up in Walkergate Not bad though, metro is 10 minutes each way to either St James or Tynemouth, and that'll do me nicely.
  11. The fact we are even publicly making loan bids, or bids, for quality players with Premiership experience , who have potentially little sell on value after 3 years - makes me feel like I'm tripping. Honestly if we sign lingard and trippier in the same window, I wont be able to jizz for at least a year whilst I rebuild reserves. I think I'll start hydrating in advance now.
  12. Everyone's saying it (everyones unvaxxed in ITU) mate, its been going on for months. I just don't think lying is a good way to convert suspicious people (ie. anti vaxx) to get a jab - and all the data I've seen indicates it to be misleading (proper data , either peer reviewed or PHE published transparency data). Also, a stat I saw but can't back up is a good 20% of vulnerable people cant even have the jab (immosupressed etc) and tehy are somehow being smeared as expendable because we are labelling those who dont get vaxxed. Finally, its a human right to be able to decide whether you take a vaccine or not, we can argue the morals, but surely a government shouldnt be able to force injections on anyone. There's so many reasons someone wont get a vax and its nothing to do with mistrust or conspiracy, it could just be a genuine medical condition (mental is just the same as physical). And yeah, my post is in no way saying that getting vaccinated doesnt help, it helps absolutely massively - I think the last check against delta was power of 80 or something! That opening line by PHE says it all really. If its 80% effective then the 20% are going to have problems. Which again rides against this rhetoric that everyone is unvaccinated who is in hospital ICU wards, or that the vaccine is "enough". Same thing pisses me off with the use of the word endemic. A Novel virus cant be endemic for like a decade, not a bloody year and now you google and see all these misreports of what endemic even means. In our case , its "it's everywhere, we may as well give up, because nothing will work" Look at France etc - look at their hundreds of thousands of cases (yep, because they count EVERY TIME they have it, not just once and you are struck off the figures). Total manipulation by SA, UK, Brazil and USA (until recently) .. Are we saying everyone else has it wrong and is miscounting - yes, that's been the denial line from the beginning. It's like Climate change denial and flat earthing, consensus wins. (all 2 cents again!)
  13. He;s already told us to get fucked. He was an early target . I'm happy, I think we need people who want to come for challenge, development , a regular team place with the upcoming internationals, or something like that. Players with bad attitude and no backbone - we've plenty of those. Oh and Lingard replacing Fraser etc. nah, I'd rather he sit in the Longstaff / Shelvey space
  14. Yeah I understand, I'm in a kind of denial myself, but I've been away for many years so not read the British media as much - but now I think this, I notice it more and more on subjects that I know something about. I think blaming "boomers and right wingers" for everything can make hate as much as blaming immigrants and lefties. I'd still read the Guardian, whilst waiting for a haircut, but I'd fucking bin the mail if I saw it ! And of course, who is the web to say what we can trust and cannot - but I do have a lot of faith in that website, as much as the fact checker site.
  15. I never find anything to back that up, I think its statistically very unbelievable. Here's PHE's own definition on the report I'll link below: "1 In the context of very high vaccine coverage in the population, even with a highly effective vaccine, it is expected that a large proportion of cases, hospitalisations and deaths would occur in vaccinated individuals, simply because a larger proportion of the population are vaccinated than unvaccinated and no vaccine is 100% effective. This is especially true because vaccination has been prioritised in individuals who are more susceptible or more at risk of severe disease. Individuals in risk groups may also be more at risk of hospitalisation or death due to non-COVID-19 causes, and thus may be hospitalised or die with COVID-19 rather than because of COVID-19" This is the published data and it doesn't add up that none of the deaths on page 41 , were in ITU at any point (not page 40, that's Level one admission, needing oxygen or care but not High dependency). COVID-19 vaccine surveillance report - week 2 (publishing.service.gov.uk) Also, very suspicious to me that the old survellience report became Covid and Flu, when PHE suddenly started publishing under the Health Security Agency or whatever the fook they've called it. when it was specifically Covid before, more water muddying. I'd love to know how they get away with making these statements and publish the fact at the same time ... Happened all through the pandemic. "masks aren't useful" - WHO publish, whilst masks are useful there's going to be a world shortage and healthcare professionals will need priority. etc. Now its cases are down, when you've basically reduced PCR testing by 17% and made it less accessible, replacing it with an honesty policy that is entirely voluntary (LFT). Oh and also the never mentioned fact that UK Citizens can only be recorded ONCE - so if you had it 3 times in the last year (PCR positive), only your first time was included in the statistics. And whilst mortality might be lower , it can be a third lower and kill just as many people due to high cases: Healthcare in Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust | Coronavirus in the UK (data.gov.uk) Right there, you can see that the total number of covid patients in Newcastle hospitals (blocking beds for other serious ilnesses we are not measuring) - is as almost as high today (data from 11th Jan) as its ever been in the entire pandemic - But London is ok, so lets lift everything and even send a message that we wont even need to isolate anymore soon. Boils my blood. Also, my best friends mate died last week of Covid, at 50 - no pre-existing conditions, got covid on Friday - died of a PE in his heart, on the Sunday - to call it mild is very upsetting. DHSC Mild == don't need hospital, not "the sniffles". now im really logging off
  16. I wanted to push back with this link and say, nah its just as bad - https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/ but it is 1 mark more credible I suppose. I was involved at a Principal level with a countries covid response (IT wise) and the Guardian was posting utter utter shite about it at the time. I used to be a loyal reader, but it was utter bullshit and the first time I'd seen how cleverly they twisted the "facts" to suit their narrative. But it was very similar, presenting something 1 person had "said" as a documented and proper thing, when it wasn't. A minister can say anything they want, but a policy has to be written, put forward and discussed and voted on in Parliament.. (*cough* usually, though the current gvt have been right bastards at skipping that with Covid policy). I trust these guys and they say its "Mixed" not "Low" so I shuddup a my face. But its not trustworthy, not by a long way. The Guardian - Media Bias/Fact Check (mediabiasfactcheck.com) - Mixed Daily Mail - Media Bias/Fact Check (mediabiasfactcheck.com) - Factual reporting Low Least biased and most factual, seems to be: Financial Times - Media Bias/Fact Check (mediabiasfactcheck.com) I'd go with all the above , in my personal view. Who would have thought that FT would NOT be supportive of Neoliberalist governments , but they are not. (And I agree there too, final stage Capitalism is absolutely as horrific on a global scale as facism etc, just because the deaths and torture aren't in your country, doesnt really matter in a globalised world). OMG, I dont know what prompted this soapbox, but I'm getting down off it. Have we signed fookin lingard yet?
  17. oh and btw -> My reaction to just Trippier this window:
  18. If we get Lingard, on a permanent deal this window, I'm believing again. I think the strategy of established international players who have fringe roles in their clubs, or are overseas to their home nation, is a good one. But Deli ali can fuck right off. He's not even a fringe international anymore, lazy cnut.
  19. I've only seen it because they are the only countries I've lived in that I saw it. But yeah... maybe you have a point! Australia does it a bit too tbh, but they are FORCED to vote (which personally, I wish we did here)
  20. The Guardian is as bad as the daily mail. Not trustworthy, its arguably as biased to extreme views , just on the other end of the political spectrum. Whilst I'd much rather read it, because its "left" , its still as full of shit imo. Here's some balance: Cabinet opposition forced climbdown on ending BBC licence fee | Financial Times (ft.com) Basically, like all populists at the moment Dorries is speaking out loud with nothing behind it, hoping it sticks as a policy. She has no authority whatsoever on this and is trying to say things are real that are not , its politics by tweet - and we all know who trailblazed that particular strategy. *my 2 cents caveat!*
  21. I've only seen this in Britain and the USA , but why do we vote tribally? Just vote on who's manifesto fits, fuck the 2 state system and First Past the Post making your vote "wasted" , its not, its a myth given by the top 2 and makes sure nothing changes. If everyone votes green in a constituency and Cons still win, the fact that they won by a minority , may well oust them the next time. I love this video , if anyone's reading who doesn't realise how it works to make people think everything is 2 party , which then evolves to single party "as no opposition is credible". My opnion is that the Tory defecting to Labour is doing so, because Labour are trying to pull to neoliberalism without socialist influence, so are essentially almost the same thing. Thankfully, those nasty unions are making sure Raynor are over his shoulder while he moves the party in a neoliberal direction. Just vote on the manifesto or the policy, not the person or party - that's how idjits like Boris and Trump get in.
  22. Before I start - I'm pro bbc and have no issue with the licence fee at all, I think its very undervalued and people who haven't spent considerable time resident in other countries haven't seen how its the best broadcaster in the world, bar none. But no one has said it will be without public money, they've said "we are freezing the licence fee and this is the last decision we will make until 2027". "The licence fee's existence is guaranteed until at LEAST 31st December 2027 by the BBC's royal charter and that's not likely to change without a massive push of public opinion. Now this is where I think the stealth and deliberate culture war is happening - during the period of the biggest inflation we've seen since the late 80's early 90s (5% or more) , we are saying the licence fee wont increase. So effectively its a net terms CUT year on year of 5% compounded at least . So I think their plan is, "The public wont back us, unless the quality drops remarkably, or the institution has to outsource, or fails" . See NHS strategy etc. (all my 2 cents)
  23. Thing is... Is it good that Boris is going - something is wrong with the UK voting system and I genuinely fear that Boris going means another Tory GE win. People have VERY short term memories and twist history very easily. We only need to look as far back as what people are saying about the Covid pandemic to see that. The opposition calling out in PMQ's back in April 2020 that we were not following WHO advice and that we needed to have a test and trace system working BEFORE lifting the first lockdown , was turned into they've only ever moaned and never said what they would do. They were saying it very clearly. It'll be the same sort of deflectionist bollox that we get with Asprilla just above and everything will be forgotten.
  24. A lot of moaning at work at this one , saying he's no good and overpriced at 25 mil. But this list of Players who have scored 10+ goals in each of the last four seasons, says otherwise. - Kane - Salah - Vardy - Son - Aubameyang - Sterling - Lacazette - Chris Wood He's in good company, hopefully its not personal bad form and more the service he's been getting of late.
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