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Everything posted by scoobos

  1. I've an inkling that it is corruption , right through the MET and Cabinet. If im wrong I want correcting - but if the MET do provide all the bobbies you see outside Number 10 and downing street - then they KNEW and it's self implicating on the MET as a whole. This is getting buried in plain sight. Our parliament is taking serious damage here imo. They are showing what "The ministerial code" "The rule of Law" and "transparency in Government" are worth. All absolutely unenforceable if the PM doesn't allow it?
  2. It is absolutely outrageous. I actually claimed (for 6 weeks) when I returned back to the UK, as I had all my stuff on a boat coming back - had to wait weeks for my money to come back too and wanted the Council Tax exemption, I was effectively living off a credit card and I needed cash for minimum payments. I had no computer or printer or anything, and, irony on irony - was applying for a Full Time leadership job with the DWP in IT . They wanted a paper copy of the CV at interview! So, I went to the job centre to be absolutely alarmed that they wouldn't print out my CV (computer says no) - from an email, as staff machines were locked down, or from my USB stick containing a word document. They don't provide access to a computer to print a CV anymore! They told me to come back with the file in PDF format on a USB stick - that they could put straight into their printer - it was the "only way". Some poor woman was crying in there , because she had no money, a job interview that she needed to travel by train for - and no right to help with transport costs. Meanwhile, my "advisor" was telling me that if I didn't get a job in IT (I'm highly qualified, worked in IT for 20 years + , globally) within 12 weeks that I essentially had to take "any job" within a 50 mile radius, or lose the UC. The fact they don't pay anything for 4 weeks is also a massive thing - so the scenario is that : People sign onto UC then in the 4 weeks they are waiting for cash - potentially with NO disposable income, they are supposed to find work - or gamble and take a loan for that 4 weeks money, and pay it back with the payment they are due. Fuckin mockery, creating an underclass they can blame for everything. As smug as this might sound (its not) - I'm in demand and I'd struggle to go from initial offer to signing a contract in 4 weeks. It usually takes around 6-8 weeks from initial interview to actually getting in, due to security checks etc. Final point on this - the Vivaldi music and the fact that every application is initially knocked back , for me is psychological warfare against the poorest members of our society. 4 bars of vivaldi , for 30 minutes is the only way to access the service when querying your refusal.
  3. Florida's orrider than Whitley Bay. No Mckewans best scotch in the USA. Used to sing that in Florida, no one laughed... not much changed.
  4. I'm questioning my sexuality tbh.
  5. Look its been a busy day... Fuck it, im off back to onlyfans.
  6. We know its bollocks though, right? The PIF is not a piggy bank, it is actually an investment fund. They will spend crazy money, dont get me wrong and it might be a vanity project for the fund - but that pie chart has to be on the TOTAL value of the fund - which there's not a bloody chance you could even spend on 1 football club.
  7. They just don't seem to fuckin learn do they. I mean is there a mole anymore? I doubt Ferd's leaking this stuff. I find it endearing to think they are as excited as us tho, and just getting carried away with things.
  8. Yeah , to be fair, I've been away a really long time. I remember people saying the Cayman government was corrupt , and once you'd seen it so transparently - you'd see it when you returned home. I was hoping that to be the case, but this stuff is just totally blatent. Dick nearly gets fired (rightfully last year) but the government defend her. The MET for example, manage security of Downing street in a way , right? I mean it's their police force there.. So they must have KNOWN what was going on. Then the MET say they wont investigate. Now it looks like Boris may go and the tories may look for a scapegoat - all of a sudden they want to investigate. All those PPE deals, "NHS" *Cough* test and trace all of it has exposed them . The current cabinet isn't clever enough for cloak and dagger (except for Gove, who's a durty bastard)
  9. This is so damaging to UK politics and depressing really. When Trump was being attacked - it was condemned , even in the Torygraph that the President of the USA is above the law. All this is showing is that the current system is all honor and there's no real rules or way of enforcing anything. It's clear and obvious Boris has lied, Starmer took him for that today . The Speaker himself is having to intervene constantly The Met office have started criminal charges. Scary really, I didn't think we had a system where MPs were so above the law -- and I thought I was quite aware of UK politics.
  10. I don't know what I think, I worry that he's replaced and the goldfish memory of the electorate forgets. What I like about this, is he's totally unable to hide all the corruption and favouritism to the elite, at the cost of the electorate, that the "Conservatives" do as their business as usual. It's almost like an unintentional transparency . Putting Gove in, who has no right to be involved in politics, may well steady the ship
  11. Things must be serious Reece Mogg is wearing a facemask in parliament.
  12. Hopefully, he goes soon - before he gets a chance to start a conflict with Russia to divert attention and save his career. Somehow, with less active soilders than the capacity of Wembley to defend us and Russia allegedly with 100,000 on the border of Ukraine - we might lose. This following MORE fucking tory cuts while GDP soars year on year with Quantitative Easing backing it . We dont need tanks, or infantry anymore apparently, we can just wage a cyber war instead... fuckin cummings and boris madness.
  13. It works though, that's the scary thing. Trump showed how easy it is to say one thing , whilst the facts are published publically, and get away with it. Like "the EU is going to let Turkey in" "Our vaccination project is the fastest in the world" "Everyone in ICU or dying of Covid is unvaccinated" "Wages are rising at the fastest rate in history" "Refugees have to stop at the first "safe country" they enter, else they are illegal" (totally NOT whats outlined in the Geneva convention ) "Unemployment is at its lowest rate ever" (zero hour contract market etc). and my personal favourite at the moment, after hitting Omnicron and having most of us vaccinated or previously infected - "Covid is as harmful as flu, we didnt need all these restrictions, they were disproportionate, we need to just live with it like we do flu" (despite the fact we have a sterilising vaccine for flu and its seasonal, not 3 or 4 times a year). Etc etc etc.
  14. I'm desperately hoping it goes ahead, I think we'll win - and with their injury list right now - I think we've a better chance of winning tomorrow than we will after the window. New signings are all great, but expecting immediate understanding and impact is another thing. (Unless we just buy England fringe players as a unit )
  15. Speaking about re-joining the forum after all these years - what happened to Happy Face? My ying needs a yang.
  16. Attacking midfielder. Can play all central or wide, but central I'd argue is where his best game is. It is as good a signing as Trippier if we get him , he had a dark stage mentally but he got his mojo back. He just wants first team football and he'll deliver.
  17. You do, but we don't want to send a message that we can be fleeced. It is an investment fund, not a personal plaything (or that's what they'd say). If we start giving cash like this (e.g. 3.5mil loan fee , not "pay his wages" and 1.5 mil extra if he signs) - it sets a precedant.. Asking a loan fee + 100% wages for someone on a free in 6 months is a bit cheeky like. Perhaps, maybe...
  18. Fuck off with that, a pandemic is enough in my lifetime. p.s be careful around Jennyfields eh.. I don't think there's a Bettys there.
  19. how is he still there then? That's pretty bulletproof to me. He's a proven liar, racist , documented as burning a 50 pound note in front of a homeless person who "asked for change" during his time in the Bullingdon club , LIED to the QUEEN! How the fuck he gets away with it I dont know, but the public vote for it , because, unfortunately a majority are hoodwinked to blame everything , not on the controlling class system , but immigrants, unemployed, EU regulations etc. He won the Brexit referendum too remember, then ran away the next day as he didnt' expect a victory and had no plan.
  20. I wouldn't call the vast majority of the country who think Anti-vaxx is madness "a bubble". I can sympathise with it in the very early days "new technology" and all that - but the fact that hundreds of millions aren't dying of their immune systems attacking themselves , or 5G radiation or whatever, the window has passed. What bugs me personally, is why not just be honest about why you dont want to take it. Technically it's your body and your choice what to do with it ; but backing up your own reservations or fears with "I'm not scared of Covid" , "Its just a cold" , "Its an experimental drug" (like its the first time we've tried vaccination), "Bill gates microchip" etc etc etc ..... Why? That's potentially actually harming other people who buy that crap, just so you dont have to be honest about having vulnerabilities or fears. I think its perfectly normal for many people to not want to be injected - many people routinely faint or get hyper anxious around needles. Thats a decent reason to share, not "I'm not scared, I'm a warrior - now lets go burn down some masts, or rally without vaccines, masks or anything and say its all a conspiracy".
  21. sorry for double posting , but here's a blatent example of the media rallying to help. Last week when he was under fire, he disappeared and sent the Paymaster general to answer questions. He's reported to have laid down in the back of his chauffer driven car to avoid the media. Now the papers are running stories that his infant child was seriously ill with a covid infection.. Utter utter bollocks - but it works. Same as saying "there's no credible opposition" when they have zero credibility and all opposition that is democratically voted in, is opposition, whether they say so or not.
  22. I think its 2 things mainly: 1. He is proven to be comfortable with following whatever strategy is needed to win a vote, including deception. That's both Brexit campaign and the leadership / Tory general election landslide. He can win elections , even now - It's a sorry state of affairs for the UK, but for me - it's been like this for a decade , every GE I think "after X ... there's no chance they'll vote them back in". 2. Every single member of the cabinet, would be absolutely nowhere bloody near it, if it wasn't for the collapse of Theresa May during the never ending Brexit fiasco and he won loyalty from a lot of MP's in the "Red Wall" who thought they had no chance . Personally, and I hope I'm wrong - but I can see him continuing on , no matter what and winning the next GE. I bet loads of Tories do too. Just look what's happened over the past 2 years - an open ally of Trump he went down the dismissal route when the WHO called the world to arms and pretty much killed thosands of people in the name of GDP. He's bulletproof. The good law project even won a legal case that PPE contracts were given , illegally, using public money BREAKING: High Court finds Government PPE ‘VIP’ lane for politically connected suppliers ‘unlawful’ (goodlawproject.org) No criminal charges and apparently no punishment.
  23. Surprising stat that, apart from the first 2 games he played under Howe , I don't think he's even been good at passing. I hate the lazy cnut, and hate is a strong word - just the way he points at the player he should be watching and then walks with that nonchalant head down way he's got. Sometimes , I swear he hides behind players deliberately , so he's not available for the ball - because he doesn't see a hollywood pass on. Don't understand why he doesn't shoot more either , how about that free kick in the last 10 minutes this season, where he passed it instead of shooting against an outfield player in goal. I don't understand him at all.
  24. Seriously though, I think JRM easily has the connections and power to ruin anyone's life.
  25. Because the government made the pledge and we've thrown 100's of thousands of doses in the bin, trying to buy our Covid get out of jail free card?
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