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Everything posted by scoobos

  1. Ah there's potential spoilers here, but they seemed to "kill off" some characters in events between Series 5 and 6 so I never got closure. Anyhoo - yup it was mint! Bobbi was the best female action character, I've seen since Ripley in Aliens, I even think she may have been better - loved her raging in the early series.
  2. Patience though, if he's not trained for more than 2 or 3 days then it's understandable that he may not understand the game plan, or strategy . I know its shit yer pants time, (Or at least thats how I'm feeling it) - but winning against Everton is a big ask as it is and is perhaps not worth the risk of reducing morale by him expecting us to play a certain style and making a tit out of himself - or getting angry at the players he had . (I got a bit of that feeling from Trippier when he was calling people up from the tunnel to go and see the fans, after a drubbing).
  3. Yeah I was gutted when I heard it was being cancelled on Amazon too - but I can appreciate that it costs an absolute truckload to make. I just wonder where the marketing is! It's one of the best sci-fi stories of decades imo. I don't know what comes close , it was "breaking bad" addictive for me. I know that they've deviated from the books in order to bring it to a close with the last season - so I'm tempted to start reading them, but its soooooo many pages! (I'm a beekeeper so read too many books already!)
  4. Lingard is much better than that! In my view he must have been totally blocked by Man U as he's part of Southgate's setup and he's going to really struggle to keep himself in.
  5. I love to hate Joelinton and have been as surprised as anyone around me in the stand how I've turned from screaming at him, to encouraging him and gushing everytime he comes to the touchline. But the last couple of games he's slipped back to form imo... His strength and close footwork in the centre of the pitch are great - but that makes it even more inexcusable when he fuckin falls over , unchallenged, with a shot on in the box 4 minutes later.
  6. scoobos


    Someone I worked with had a theory that any 2 savoury items from greggs can be combined. So if it was greggs bread , then that would fit the "law" (do they even sell loaves anymore?)
  7. I liked it's always sunny in philly , but like most US sitcoms, it loses something after series 3. Alright then, I'll try again and hopefully this meets with some approval. Into Sci-fi? "The expanse" on Amazon Prime . I'm not a massive sci fi fan, but did like Star Trek next gen and the original star wars - I got told about this in November and watched the full lot by the end of Jan! Enjoy belta lowder.
  8. Fuck you đŸ˜˜ Eat shit and die. You non conformist - the interwebs agrees with me its got 11 out of 10 on IMDB and I cried at nearly every episode in season 2.
  9. Yep... Well.. After dipping my toe in and feeling ashamed or guilty if I don't keep up with what's going on politically. I'm out. I'll vote, but I'm not discussing shit anymore - because this whole thing has made something go pop in my head and I don't understand how we aren't in uprising as a nation. I seriously mean it. We've been through a pandemic with a PM who was alleged to have said "let the bodies pile high" and has absolutely took the piss and undermined not just politics, but peoples faith and likelyhood to comply to any future heathcare measures we need. He's also willing to stoke a fucking war , with the 60,000 troops we have after vicious cuts, just to save his "career" ? I'd go to London in a fuckin heartbeat if we could get 1 million people to block the fucker from getting in in the morning. Fuck them all - obvious corruption and our country seems so tribal, we appear to have become a mini USA.
  10. I found him! 1 minute 47 into the video below. But the window has closed https://fb.watch/aVvWti9Acq/
  11. Not sure if it's been said - but Ted Lasso was the perfect dose of brilliance during the pandemic for me. Beg borrow or steal to watch it (it's an apple tv exclusive, but torrents ftw!). Give it 2 episodes , because it deliberately starts "too silly to be believable" - but you will :
  12. Trippier higher than Bruno. I hope Bruno hits the ground running, but I think its expecting a lot . Trippier is a blooded english player who knows the league. A 5 for wood is a bit harsh, he'll score some goals for us.
  13. It occurred to me that I have NEVER in my living memory had the transfer window newsfeed running in January. I'm in shock.. I'll forever hold Trippier in high esteem, no matter what happens - he took the bet and that set a bar , I reckon.
  14. Hoping for Lingard - thinking he could be our next Rob Lee.
  15. Anyone watching this? (Boris's sorry not sorry) How does he get away with it, we know that he's lied to parliament. Starmer is going at it - but he's not saying "you lied, walk" - why not?
  16. If they let you have that as a single service, let us know in here please. Because that's amazing value.
  17. Depends on how far away from the TV you are tbh. Display Size, Resolution, and Ideal Viewing Distance | RGB Spectrum Not to say 4k doesn't look "better" than 1080p when you're too close, but you dont get the full benefit. Also, hardly anything broadcasts 4k without charging you extortionate fees for the priviledge (Amazon video DOESN'T charge at the moment) For the original question. Virgin Media quality is great Pricing is not great and they WILL fleece you year on year if you let them , increasing your prices. As per the screenshot above, everyone's parents I know have been fleeced into paying bills touching 100 quid a month , over the years. I'm currently getting TV, phone and internet, for just the price of internet - because I told them the bills were too high and that I wanted rid of the phone and TV - they just let me keep it for free.
  18. Lockdown party report delivered to Downing Street - BBC News I hope if I'm ever investigated , for a potentially illegal act - that the investigator gives me the report first too. Jesus , what kind of country do we live in. Utter fuckin madness. Where else would you give the report to the person its implicating?
  19. I'll entertain it, why not? I'm kind of new again and full of energy It's not black and white. I'm liberal (in the real sense of the word) but I probably hold some right wing views. I'd like national service, for all who don't go on to further education at 16, for example, and I'd like us to build more prisons and give people real sentences (Couple jailed after their baby died with more than 60 broken bones | ITV News London - 8 years for baby murder). On the other side I believe in rehabilitation and our commitment to the Geneva Refugee convention. Just labelling people as "left" and right is annoying and it reads like an attack (whichever side you feel you are on) and then people get defensive, and it escalates and gets silly. The whole "left" thing seems to me to be a manufactured thing that's happened in Britain in the past 15 years that I've mostly missed. It wasn't a thing in 2005 , I've tried searching google etc for it, date limited and its just very rare. the left at DuckDuckGo - limited to 2004 the left at DuckDuckGo today I think it all started straight after the con/lib coalition and I believe it's come from American political culture. A way to indoctrinate people that anything not in favour of GDP > everything , is communist. Just like a certain country over the pond and look at the fucking state of them - scared of their own shadows because everyone is full of pre-conceived ideas about the others and everyone is "something" (so division in society) - Black , White, Communist, Democrat, Republican, NRA , Anti Abortion, etc etc etc. Anyhoo, my personal opinion- It's not left vs right. It's everyone vs NeoLiberalism and we need to try and win pretty fucking quickly as they are sewing everything up to ensure they can rob us and the world of our resources indefinately. Most of the media, most publishers, most governments are all in the pocket of the few. We had the IMF literally take control of Greece a few years ago, acting as a government and setting it's healthcare policy. No one batted an eyelid as people ate from bins and death increased - cos they "deserved it" and were in debt , right? All this labelling, is just playing into the hands of the politicians - divide and conquer is a strategy. I'm bleating again.. cheers for the therapy
  20. Please, for the love of god, change that profile picture. I can't unsee it - wtf is it anyway?
  21. Fondu, you cretins - on a potato, piece of bread or mars bar. Not suitable for sexy shenanigans as it can get hotter than lava. Special love to burger companions, feta , Kasseri and Kefalotiri. There's a secret place in Jesmond that you can get this stuff "unpasturised" oooooo (well, it was secret, still I started telling everyone and their aunt)
  22. The arsenal lad fits Eddie's mould and he does like to buy "underachieving" players for which he sees potential to develop at a cheaper price. (or the promotional video on youtube makes that out) Regarding Lingard , apparently (msn news) Rashfords been gobby saying its about Man Utd not wanting to be embarrassed when Lingard comes to play for us and plays well.
  23. Yeah , I like Dave Johns (especially his stand up) - very depressing watch, but very very realistic..
  24. Take it how you want - but I know that Boris did have Covid . I was telling my wife at the time that it was wrong to wish he got it bad, but boy that was a hard stance to take, with so many people dying and suffering and him making the stupid PM speech in Greenwich on 3rd Feb then pretending he wasn't trying to get us all to be superheroes and just let is wash through us... Interestingly, everyone who treated him - bar 1 has since left the NHS - one of them very publicly, so I am told
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