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Everything posted by scoobos

  1. I wish I was so optimistic. Right now, they have 3x our total UK troop numbers - engaged overseas in conflict. If NATO can do anything, it needed to be mobilised with more than the 2000 troops on the border of belarus etc.. As I said before though, this isnt NATO's war and it shouldn't be.
  2. Excuse the double post. News on the IT grapevine is that Russia have "destroyed by deletion" over 20% of the Ukraine Governments data . They are deploying ransomware, without the ransom. There's also reportedly a chance that these attacks self replicate, so could essentially leak , if we do not cut off all peerages to the Ukraine ;/ Scary thought that, if its true - specifically that its the equivalent of passport, residency and citizenship data - its going to create the biggest group of people without a state that we've seen in modern times. God help those refugees , as they'll have zero proof they are even Ukrainian. As I say, this is gossip in my sector - but its looking to be at least partly factual , so this is what Cyber warfare is. GPS is 100 to 200 metres out apparently , (god knows how they do that) - Denial of service on all government sites. I always thought cyber warfare would be messing with targeting systems etc, not deleting entire governments.
  3. Wow these are strange times, I'm conversing with ewark How on earth do you think NATO gets the number of troops to the area? We needed to build up much earlier if they were going to do that. I dont think we can compete with a fully mobilised, planned Russian attack force of these numbers. What we could do is attack Russia on its weakened fronts , if it does, as alleged, have 70% of its forces in combat right now. Right now alaska is open, there's absolutely zero build up there - that's on US Soil - which shows exactly what the US intent is - and like it or not , NATO is , to some extent, in the pocket of the US. Worst leaders at the worst time. Personally, and this is fookin horrible - I'm hoping they roll over Ukraine like we did Iraq and this be over in a matter of days. but from the videos coming out, it's not like that - and the Ukrainians are more ready than we thought. Lots of exploding tank footage out there .
  4. If NATO mobilise against Russia when they are NOT in NATO territory then it will only server to "prove" Putin's poin, in Russia, it could be full scale war and no one wants that - We've the worst leaders in at the worst time. This is absolutely sickening and I'm gutted that diplomacy has failed us so badly. Frankly, I also don't think NATO can stop him - the same way that no one can stop the USA when we invaded Iraq over the petrodollar becoming EURO. We've cut our forces to shit, we've said tanks are not relevant anymore etc etc. I know its "pussy move" but I'd rather we didnt over commit, and get our arses handed to us - perhaps the pre-tense of NATO as a deterrent might work, but if we go into Ukraine now, we play straight into their hands. btw, 60% of Tory funding comes from Sanctioned Russians, if you didnt know.
  5. I think they'll surrender pretty quickly - I hope so, as resistance truly is futile at this point. I feel sick, if only cos I watch too much news and have felt since November last year that I'm in that BBC TV programme - Threads , with the build up on the internet, but nothing on our news. Then listening to Biden sabre rattle when Putin's showed his hand. 2 months ago, I remember reading that the only reason the invasion hasn't started is because the tanks need colder weather and cannot cross the mud. Scares me that we think we can do anything when we've got 60,000 troops total and decided that Tanks are not part of "modern warfare" . If we start seeing DDOS attacks against our financial systems, then we better keep our fingers crossed.
  6. Scary times, we have had the worst leaders during the worst time. We needed an entirely different response to the annex of the Crimea. Putin openly demanding that NATO stops expanding due to his strongly held belief that the "promise" was made on formation to not expand as far as it has already. Never seriously addressed any of this demands , so now we get the same, but with bloodshed and potentially Russian troops right up to the NATO border, which I hope I'm wrong with. Sanctions will do nothing, it'll be planned in and we all know that they have the capability to completely disable the IT systems we rely on for finance. I read somewhere that Russia is self sufficient for its needs , about 5 years ago. Positive hope (if there is one) is that he will take his troops up to the NATO border and stop there. I believe that all this "Boris and Biden warned" is complete and utter horseshit - we knew back in November what was happening , it was a show of strength from Putin to say "listen to me, I will take by force if needed". Sanctions were needed a long time ago - and as much as they've proven their intent and twisted world view - you can't have diplomacy if you don't listen, no matter how much you disagree. I never thought he'd actually attack all the way to Ukraine , and Russia are entirely responsible for it - but did the name calling really help, that's been happening over the past 2 weeks - some of us have definitely helped escalate this. Gutted 😕
  7. I don't worry about Nuclear war as much as I worry about the carbon budget , we're going to spunk hundreds of tons of CO2 - that war machine aint eco friendly and we've only 6 or 7 years of current consumption left, according to all the BS agreements the world has signed up to.
  8. it's mind games man, he's winding him up, surely?
  9. Exactly. What is scary is the "dead hand" that is still operational in Russia and will automatically launch missiles that fly over all launch sites and remote launch nukes at all enemy targets . Allegedly it needs "turning on" first, but other intelligence seems to say it needs to be always on to ensure it's failsafes can monitor for faults. Dead Hand - Wikipedia Let's hope that they keep those "event detectors" well maintained and looked after. It's mostly rumour, but I remember some guy showing me a Russian vid a few years ago, where they were arguing that it was "too dangerous" to attempt to decomission it! They better not start fracking in Moscow, that's all I can say! I've just read that Express article, fuck me, people need to take a long hard look at themselves, at that paper.
  10. Wow, well reading your post made me realise how old I'm getting: "seem to recall him being nicknamed both sicknote or 80 klicks because of giving it the big one about his wages in town" oh... yeah I vaguely remember..... wow that feels like a distant memory "After being dropped by robson for refusing to play right wing" was that Dyer, or was it Jenas - I always thought that was Jenas.... no it was Dyer: "he paid for the hotel room at the grosvenor at the time of the spit roasting debacle." Oh aye yeah, that too.... This has taught me how much I have directed my past hatred for Bobby's sacking at the feet of Bowyer and Jenas (I hate that lad, still. goldfish bowl haircut even takes the fucking piss).
  11. Interestingly, Shelvey made an interview on nufctv just 3 or 4 days ago saying "We aren't stupid" <snigger> "We know that we're the players who were there in the championship and none of us are getting any younger - I'm just delighted to be involved in the project in it's early years" - or something like that. I've got to admit, when Howe said in the early days he thought Shelvey was an integral part of the team - I was gutted. But he is "better" but I still don't see him as undroppable as the media says. But then I do agree with the mantra of never changing a winning side.
  12. I was talking to someone about this earlier - apparently that's the reasoning behind "free tests for the vulnerable" , My point was" its not really the vulnerable that need those tests, but the people who will interact with them - once they have it - whats the point?" The answer - "because that will then trigger them getting rapid anti viral treatment, among the others we already use". Makes me feel a *tiny* bit better about the vulnerable being thrown to the wolves - but then, they have to be free and they have to be taking them pretty regularly 😕
  13. Controversial! I had it down as Bowyer tbh. Great player but 101% actively racist.
  14. After staying away, I'm back again foaming (and not in the "good way"). How the fuck has the tactic of saying something publicly that directly contradicts your own published documents - worked as a political tactic? Trump did it all the time, sometimes contradicting himself, in his own speeches! Boris is doing it now "dont throw caution to the wind" while throwing caution to the wind (no isolation! with 50k+ cases a day, higher deaths per week than we've had for 8 months) Oh and here's the published "expert advice" from the SPI-B team S1514_SPI-B_note_on_lifting_restrictions.pdf (publishing.service.gov.uk) Specifically - dont drop isolation and let the NHS give the message not the politicians because trust is lost. Also , pay good sick pay to allow people to isolate - Gvt has quietly dropped that too , no more isolation payments and no more (pathetic) SSP at day 1. Have a read if you want - some "High confidence" snippets: If testing ceases to be encouraged or facilitated, then, for the public, Covid-19 symptoms will become ever more subsumed into the broader, ill-defined set of respiratory-illness symptoms that are common in the population and will be treated by the public in the same way as any other symptom [High confidence] Any withdrawal of free testing for those experiencing possible Covid symptoms or ending of requirements to isolate for those with Covid may unintentionally communicate the message to some that it is acceptable to continue with social contacts regardless of infection or symptoms. This may have particularly adverse impacts on the ability of some employees to take sick leave when experiencing (possible) symptoms. For many years, NHS advice on what people experiencing flu-like symptoms should do has been to stay off work or school until recovered. 5 Very often, this advice is not followed, increasing the risk of transmission [High confidence] Previous attempts in other countries to reduce rates of infectious illness by providing improved sick pay have proved effective: as fewer sick staff attend work, less transmission occurs, leading to fewer staff absences overall.12 13 Unfortunately, trials of interventions that encourage and enable more people to stay at home when ill are lacking in the literature it is advisable to build on the ongoing strong public trust in the NHS, which suggests that now may be a good time to shift responsibility for messaging from central government to public health agencies (NHS, UKHSA) [High confidence]. The profile of the NHS is obviously greater than the UKHSA, so that would be the preferred trusted source, though coherence and visibility of messaging remains important across a variety of sources If the legal requirement to self-isolate when testing positive is lifted and becomes an item of public health guidance, it is also likely to lead to further ambiguity among the public about the need for strict adherence. This will disproportionately impact vulnerable sections of the population, for example those who face greater pressures to work outside the home when ill because of financial hardship, precarious employment or caring responsibilities [Medium to high confidence]. 38 Evidence from multiple rounds of the ONS Opinions and Lifestyles Survey show that, throughout the pandemic, only a minority of the population report that they are able to work from home. The majority report travelling to work at all times.39 mental... I want an uprising, seriously. Even if this works out - how the hell are they getting away with everything that's happened over the last 2 years , so many dead - painted as "vulnerable or cripples anyway" A BMI > 30 is a comorbidity. Or this whole "dying with covid is in the government stats" , when AGAIN it's published on their own fucking site that the ONS figures are Covid listed as a CAUSE of death on the certificate. aaaand relax.. Brrrrrrrruuuuuuuuunnnnooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
  15. They'll struggle to get there by road, but it does Piss me off immensely that premier league players fly about everywhere anyway. Yet another reason to hate SKY TV.
  16. A flying insect just flew into my kitchen and exploded! ..... I think it might have been a Jihaddy Longlegs.
  17. scoobos

    Eddie Howe

    Future England manager if he keeps this up. Good news for the toon and England.
  18. We are winning shit games, with the VAR decision going our way. 3 wins on the bounce. That fookin ref was on a bet though, from the 70th minute onwards. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnd relax! HWTL!
  19. You could, but I'd say the money wasn't in it, every single war faught since 1950 by the US has been about money , or protecting the markets.
  20. Yup. That's also Russia's point really, that's what they are testing. 1 thing I'll counter though : "To supply Ukraine with free weapons" not a chance, they are all sold and fully chargable, we don't even give discounts and we give them to the baddies as much as the goodies - we don't care who gets them, we really dont.
  21. Apologies for making the assumption, its just the talking of China like its a single country in real terms, is like saying the same for Canada - it's almost a federation with the differences in opinions from the rural to city. (Cannibalism during the cultural revolution is still justified in some peoples minds that I met, in the North!) I don't think so , this has been taunted and stoked on for years by NATO expansion. That's the Russian view and its not invalid. Ask yourself, if we previously "owned" France and Russia had the Warsaw pact all the way to France and filled it with "defensive weapons" that could hit most of our southern cities - would we feel we had to do something to fight for ? I think we are best off not sabre rattling and waiting to see if they do attack if NATO pull back and then we can go in properly on good grounds. This is a wargame between NATO (really the USA) and Russia imho. And I really do think annexing the crimea was a crime , but we either move forward diplomatically (by sanctioning russian money - which of COURSE the UK wont do!!) or we just make the situation look like Russia were right all along. If they get there and they witness a build up of advanced weaponry that Ukraine has that could strike Russia, they will say they are justified. If we really cared, we'd be taking an economic hit and cutting Russia out - rising fuel prices and everything. I mean, the shooting down of a civilian aircraft really should have been enough for this to happen - I actually feared a world war over it at the time - but apparently it's ok.
  22. And whilst a lot of this is correct, especially about residents of Bejing - it begs the question, have you visited yet? Most Chinese dont give a damn about the international situation. no ones saying its "benign" and using labels like "the left" shows that something to maintain the status quo of neo-liberalism, "acceptable war" , and the continued expansion of late state capitalism - is working. No war should be acceptable unless you are defending yourself . We've faught wars for "democracy, peoples freedoms" etc and its all been bullshit - its money and resources every single time.
  23. Im going to keep biting though, as it is in my view a bit of propaganda again. Normandy was not the US and the UK - with it being impossible without the USA. Canada, India etc etc all on other beaches. But, the one that doesn't get mentioned but is proper legend in the army is Pointe du Hoc - that team were superheroes (I think that's band of brothers ? too)
  24. I'm not an angry keyboard warrior, just enjoying the forward and back here. That line - do you think that requires a "Live human being" test though? Did they need to kill actual people or could they have just dropped it at a test site? Someone somewhere wanted to see what happened to humans - not just buildings or the Richter scale. If hitler had developed those weapons, he'd have used them on the jews as his final solution , or hook them onto his V2 rockets that could hit most of europe. so thank god he didnt.
  25. Something that also annoys the Russians. They gave so much and were the ones to overthrow the Reichstag, but the US won it .. joining in at the end, after , with the help of GM and IBM assiting both the mechanical war effort and the background final solution. There's two sides of course, the US joining definately contributed, but I think Hitler ended the war by his own hand, trying to fight on two fronts and starting a war with Russia, who may well have just appeased them, the same way the US , UK and France originally did. Ford & the Nazi War Efforts | corpwatch General Motors & the Third Reich (jewishvirtuallibrary.org) IBM and World War II - Wikipedia
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