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Everything posted by scoobos

  1. Yeah, I wanted to edit that, because I'm basing my "lower turnarounds" on one game, against a 10 man Brentford. Perhaps harsh , but we'll find out next game!
  2. I'm personally wondering how "injured" ASM actually is. Some of his 70 minute onwards limping and sitting down clearly seems to get on Howe's tits (if you see him on camera on match of the day the other week, he's just shaking his head at him as he tries to play to be subbed). We seem more robust in possession without him, the number of turnarounds is much lower ..
  3. scoobos

    Eddie Howe

    Hmm, they improved before that though. I saw shelvey run when not in possession before any signings were made. The change is so different that I'm facing cognitive dissonance on how much hate I had for a couple of our players - and how now they are totally the opposite. I don't know whether to be even angrier as they've clearly been taking the piss.
  4. In all seriousness, In my opinion I don't think he has transformed Schar, he's always been very talented at bringing the ball forward - he's just been surrounded by absolute shite for months. When he plays for his country he's always looked like he did in his early and present days at Newcastle. We're sorted now like, I can't believe how quickly we've come out of relegation - and doing it without using his most expensive signing , sends a great message to the team imo.
  5. No its putting words in my mouth and writing your percieved meaning as fact. thats what got me riled. I'm going to flounce cos I don't think anyone needs anymore conflict or division in their lives right now. Im writing this while the match is on ffs, cos I was triggered by words being put in my mouth, I hate that.
  6. nah you just want to argue with the view you've taken of me, due to one sentance. I'm saying that if he did start Shock and Awe , like the US and UK did (who is the main contributer of funds to NATO) then it's likely they would have more people pushing for escalation from NATO countries. I don't think that is so unreasonable tbh. I've edited this, but strong views of "of course we don't care more because they are white" might work for us, it does for me - but a horrible reality is that for many, they are racist - either knowingly or not and do put more value on people who look and act more like themselves. Brexit showed the level of xenophobia we have here. But im not having a go at anyone , nor saying no ones got a right, I'm trying to have a discussion. You just want an argument or to feel right, or at least that's how its coming across.
  7. It's by no means the worst thing to happen since WW2, many horrible things have happened. So many atrocities since then. Sudan, The Kymer Rouge, Guatemalan civil war, Yugoslavia, Chechyna, Bangladesh in 71, Afghanistan (russia conflict), Syria - there's loads of things that are comparable. We did nothing for most of the above, too far away and not in our interests.
  8. Where did I say anything like that? that's your perception reading my post but its no way how it was meant. Try think the best of other people rather than wanting to argue eh? Nothing I said was argumentative , I was just sharing a perspective. Jaysus. "I've been fighting this in my own circles" - shows me that you're perhaps feeling too emotive and quickly jumping to conclusions that are a reason to start labelling and putting people into little boxes of "friend and enemy". I was sharing what Putin is saying to his people, WHERE anywhere in that did I even say I agree? Now I'm riled too, and for no reason other than being shocked as just how conditioned to argue and disagree some of us are, in a time where the whole message we are learning is that blind conflict and an inability or refusal to even entertain an opposing view - causes us all pain.
  9. You would be surprised. Wearing a mask to save granny was too much for some of us in June 2020. I suspect many of "us" would be long gone before the invasion even happened.
  10. That's putting words in my mouth - I've not supported it or refused to condemn it. In fact, I even highlighted in bold that I didn't support it. I've spotted so much use of "Left and right" have you already labelled me in a nice little bucket already? This Left and right stuff is deliberately concocted by the people in politics to make us think in Black and White and divide us. I'd suggest you work on trying to drop it. There is no left and right clear division this way. If you try and see both sides - that doesn't make you a sympathiser - if you studied history as a subject - thats what its all about! No one's view is the "right one".
  11. I'm still very worried, especially so with Boris making Russian language speeches. If we sanction Russia for "long term" aims - I worry that we are effectively recreating the situation with the Treaty of Versailles and Germany, actually losing support as the population get Angry and want reprisals. From what I've been reading over the years - Putin is pretty much saying "how can you do X, when we can't" E.g the argument over the research and development of weapons that contravene the build up treaty - because they are "defensive". My view is he sees the US / UK Invasion of Iraq as being totally and fairly comparable to what he's doing - he's trying to drive tanks at speed into Kyiv and overthrow the leader and replace him . Will he have him hung on video? The problem he's having with Ukraine is that he's not carpet bombed civilian or governmental targets in the city, as we did during the "Shock and Awe" first phase of our assault. so they are not completely psychologically and physically broken before his arrival. Also, in Iraq the public had no appetite to defend their regime - Ukraine's been very impressive. Time will tell how much of the Civilians taking arms is through a desire to defend and how much is driven by the government blocking escape for men of fighting age. Again, maybe biased, but I think its a sad reality that killing Iraqi civilians in their cities is somewhat more palatable to NATO members, than the same in a white European city ; this gives Russia a massive problem.. How can they take this city without looking like absolute monsters , and also they don't want destruction, they want regime change and a quick change of "ownership". I'm by no means supporting the maniac. Numbers and stories on both sides will be propaganda based , as far as numbers - but I've not seen many verified videos of airstrikes, downed planes or destroyed tanks from either side . The woman with the Sunflowers will go down in history. Putin's clearly snapped and that's fuckin terrifying in my book , we need to handle this very carefully indeed and try and encourage his own people to oust him before he feels like a mad caged tiger and starts releasing Electromagnetic Bombs. Anyhoo, thats my shite for the day...
  12. That's how you do it, against a huge conventional army though - down and dirty guerilla warfare. Problem is it may make every civilian a "legitimate" military target. No one's ever dared invade Switzerland (I think?) , you know that every household is armed and will shoot from their windows.
  13. Great advice, most of the stuff on twitter yesterday has been outed as fake or old videos made to be new. In other news - nice one Kuwait for sticking your neck out , they know what its like.
  14. That's better! Phew I honestly was starting to shit myself that the world has gone 101% topsy turvy. Equilibrium is restored
  15. Good point that, it's not NATO we should be looking to, but the United Nations to make some resolutions. Or are they just another "League of Nations" ?
  16. oh FUCK ME. I've written the same words as Farage. That's it, im done for, I'm out: "It made no sense to poke the Russian bear with a stick."
  17. I dont know if I did say that, but he was posturing - and we chose to posture back with "no fuck off, we're not listening to you and your concerns, theres nothing wrong with "defensive" weaponry on the edge of NATO territory". What happened when Russia put missiles in Cuba? I hope he will stop at the Ukraine, as then he "wins" - and I hope NATO learns that expansion is perhaps going further than what it was supposed to set out to do. The Warsaw Pact did meet their obligations (or thats what Putin is saying, no one knows what (omg cant spell) Gorbachev agreed and told the Russians he'd agreed to. All this NATO good, Russia bad shit doesnt wash when we have been taking his money , intelligence and social media profiling to get stupid late stage neoliberals into power and keep them there. A fucking moron could see this coming - for too long we've just belittled them. Will sancitons work? Lets hope so - but if you know anything of history - the second world war started due to punatitive sanctions in the treaty of Versailles. I was hoping a global climate emergency, pandemic and general fuckery of both late stage capitalism and debt based economic warfare (china) - would bring us together Anyhoo, all just my opinion and there's no answer , and I hate what I'm writing. We can't retaliate, sanctions are pointless and even likely to be a precursor to something worse. Whats the answer? Who fucking knows, but for me, people need to be more aware of the real consequences of propping up their standard of living and make compromises. Externalising everything doesnt work.
  18. I think thats highly optimistic. For all this BS Western media talk of " a build up we warned you about" - he started his mobilisation in August last year. we did nothing after he annexed the Crimea, because its just nigh on imposible to move NATO troops to nato borders and then feasibly think we can move across the "no mans land" to the Ukraine without massive losses on both sides and a definate escalation to global warfare. Putin has said "Stop expanding, you promised you wouldnt expand this far" "Stop putting defensive weapons on my border" . that's his view and rhetoric . We've said "fuck off, they are a soveriegn nation they can choose who they join". So he's said, I have no choice, if you're going to expand your way, I'll do it mine. It will get very nasty very quickly if you think we can take 6 months of building up, with international co-operation needed, against that mad bastard heading a totalitarian regime thats probably planned for this for over a decade. I hate that I'm writing this, and I don't blame the USA - but trying to make out they are in some way a good force for prodding the bear for the last 15 years doesn't wash here. They were planning on intimidation working, so Putin is showing us he isnt scared. I am. Of both sides, they are both absolute extreme maniacs.
  19. Yours is still covered in shite , spunk, puss and something a kind of deep mauve colour I've no idea what it is.
  20. But they aren't mobilised, that's the point (that I think) you are missing. We didnt mobilise , we didnt really try and find a diplomatic resolution either - other than France and Germany.
  21. The "left and right and centre" thing is modern BS politics, I'm being a bit preachy, but labelling is a weapon and not a good thing. Also, people are dying every single day due to USA's actions and culture, and Chinas and the rest of the major powers - its a reality of the modern world. It's dog eat dog out there, over resources, not democracy and all the other shit we give it.
  22. Im talking in terms of Putin's motivation. He's trying to retain power.
  23. This is the "not black and white" that I get emotive about. How can we say this , after Iraq, Afghanistan etc? we said they were defensive and the Eastern world KNEW it was bollox. War is fucking horrible and greed and nationalism generally drive it - greed for us and Nationalism for them - the cause doesnt matter, its the actions that count. We do FUCK all when its not of economic importance. Russia does nothing when its not of nationalistic importance. I honestly dont think even Sanctions will work, Russia's pretty self sufficient isnt it?
  24. I think your average Russian does want Ukraine though, I remember there been reports of unrest when they "only" annexed Crimea . I think they will believe that once its took, the majority will become "russian". If they've deleted all citizenship records etc, that becomes even more attractive. It's hard to cross borders without papers, most UK people don't understand that - but if you are born without papers, it's difficult to even be a refugee!
  25. I think that yes, its Ukraine and it'll stop - but also, if it gets bogged down it'll become like Vietnam etc - the only possible way the Ukranians can win this is guerilla warfare , it seems to be the only effective countermeasure to modern warfare. That means a lot more dead over a longer time. Fuck me, I can't believe this is happening and I can't believe how angry I am at all sides. Putin is a clever bastard, that's for sure - Trump and boris, then Biden and Brexit all apparently had his hand in, one way or another - and look at the result.
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