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Everything posted by scoobos

  1. I'd like to agree with that - but as an EnvironMENTALIST - I'm not ashamed ; I thought that the response to the pandemic from many youths was upsetting. On one hand, prior to Covid - on the environment front - we had youngsters getting really angry at "Boomers" and the fact that they weren't backing a standard of living change required to avoid the younger generations paying the price for climate emergencies. Then, once the covid virus hit and was " only hitting the elderly" , we had a hardcore posting and trending "BoomerExcluder" and then within months, just loads of youngsters partying and meeting up because "it doesnt affect us" - or protesting on things that really could have waited. Total hypocracy.. Really pissed me off and continues to. Fact means nothing nowadays in the UK "The narrative" is all that counts.
  2. I totally agree and thought exactly the same thing - they've been there for months in the town centre - I *think* they replaced the Covid safe ones ; I bet they justify it as they'd bought the advertising space anyway.
  3. I'm not saying it's organised as such, I dont think much is. But I do think that there's an "accepted way" of running a business / corporation and the push against anti competition laws ; together with the type of buying your talking about, leads to more money going to fund politicians and therefore more pressure to work for the economy. Once something "works" for one company, everyone follows suit and it becomes acceptable. No way could Unilever (im not picking on them in particular) have the number of subsidiary companies and purchases, under 1980s competition laws. But yeah, hearing about P&G is perhaps regional, I meant globally - there's a definite movement in my field with the youngest professionals, anyway.
  4. I'm a bit more optimistic than this - but yeah - Peak Oil is our "economy collapse" , or was to the people in power in the late 90's (e.g. the people in power money wise - not politically) . The equivalent of a "man in the pub" was telling me years ago, the change to neoliberalism (get rid of regulation) may have been a response to people in the know, knowing that peak was being reached - science wasn't keeping pace with consumption of oil and the new technologies needed to get it from more difficult sources. Lobbying became more about reducing regulation and getting bailouts, tax breaks etc. I personally buy into it, there's been a definite change - some striking things are: 1. The IMF basically kicking out an elected government and taking control because of "national debt" in Greece. 2. The move to neoliberalism , adopted by many nations - basically removing anti monopoly regulations first , allowing what we have today with the media, multinationals and offshore trading. 3. The start of monitoring of behaviours and intrusive collecting of data of your own citizens private communications (USA , Patriot ACT - UK , Investigatory Powers Act). 4 . Is the above combined with “Nudge Unit” | The Institute for Government , resulting in Social media manipulation by political actors an industrial scale problem - Oxford report | University of Oxford ?? Probably - get us hating the foreigners, jobseekers, disabled - scroungers etc - to justify the swiping of funds from their pot into the private sector. 5. The mass redistribution of wealth, from the public purse into the private sector, in many countries worldwide - with the IMF and Financial hubs pushing it as necessary. (Australia gave everyone a cheque to go out and spend in the economy , public purse back to the public - it was very successful - Australians get $900 cheques from government to boost spending (telegraph.co.uk)). But, I'm optimistic on it, thankfully. The younger generation are shifting , or in my field they are - many more people don't want to work for Unilever etc. I do think you can have economic growth without it being tied to consumption of finite resources , but marketing needs regulating - WANTS and NEEDS need to be redefined to something more sensible . In other news, I just watched the BBC doco "The decade the rich won" - couldn't agree more tbh and I don't understand the mind control that people dont see it.
  5. BBC doco - "the decade the Rich Won" - well worth a watch and made me feel so much less isolated in my views on the past 10 years. (so its obviously bang on the truth!)
  6. Cheers. I went down the allotment for a bit, did me the world of good. I could have just said " just be careful of propoganda, in war time. Especially with the social engineering and AI shit thats now part of our world." Instead I just sit trance like in bed, writing shit for 2 hours in the day. An "interesting time" to be alive, thats for sure. At least there's the footie!
  7. This whole left and right thing , to me, shows the problem. Black and white always and its hust not like that. Go and live in central USA for a few years its fucking awful cos of divide and conquer. Im not communist or capatalist , but the culture wars are just as bad on both sides. More people have died to US foreign policy and domestic policy than russians. (China wins on that tho, they had people literally eating those withthe opposing view). Dark shit, but this good and bad is not helping. Left and right shows indoctrination in my opinion. Its a term that simply didnt exist before neoliberilsm replaced keynesian / social policies.same and neoliberalism including the word liberal, when theres fuck all liberal about freeing corporations from social and human responsibilities in the name of GDP Seriously tho, who is the "lefty" person right now you dont see hating Putin? Ive not seen anything even from the most rabid of the media
  8. Now i am being a bit silly BUT Replace "idealistic democratic utopia" and perhaps 20 years instead of 30 And couldnt you say the same of the UK / USA idea of democracy and neoliberalism? We are also corrupt states with the equivalent of oligarchs , just ours are "entrepreneurs" or "wealth creators". Democracy does exist , switzerland manage it , as does New Zealand, but I think its been rigged to fuck in the US and UK . Hopefully the ukranian war will be over quickly and the information war will win. Russia cannot control the internet unless they remove it entirely.
  9. Ive no idea who that is, so apologies. But that could be polarisation. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2014_Crimean_status_referendum#:~:text=The official result from the,Russian Federation with an 89 Now , to show im trying to be balanced, the UN pretty much called it invalid BUT they did Isreals occupation too, along with our war in Iraq and syria and yemen. That doesnt make those less valid to the people on the aggressive side though.
  10. Careful what you wish for, and the last bit is impossible. When Russia said they'd upped the nuclear status - it means they activated this: Dead Hand - Wikipedia Nuclear war is the end of us, even if its one fucking bomb. The "small" Tactical nukes are 10's if not 100's of times more powerful than Hiroshima. We've a fucking climate crisis going on. We need an information war - good on the BBC for joining the dark web and onion sites - let the Russians rise up - they will. No one is born a cunt. Or, lets get him assassinated.
  11. So is catastrophic climate change - yet our Governments say that we need to consume, chase economic growth and increase GDP and the clear majority of the populace believe it and follow it. We serve the nation by putting GDP first, arguably? We voted out of the union on nationalist and arguably racist terms. If you want anything different you are a Communist , "Lefty" or enemy. Now I know this ISNT facism, but it's certainly on the spectrum : ok, im timing myself out here, I think I'm going mad with all the stress of the world !
  12. Yes, that's the point of NATO. Arming Ukraine and member states interfering in the internal politics of non member states, is not. This is old news - but this is the "other side" to how free a state Ukraine is. Official results: 97 percent of Crimea voters back joining Russia - CBS News Crimeans voted over 97% in favor of being russian. Then what? Yup, you guessed it - US interference . It's not Russia that's pushed Ukraine to the brink of war | Seumas Milne | The Guardian And then we have the annex by the Russians. Then we have sabre rattling and escalation when Putin shows his hand - in the case of the UK - to give our Shithouse PM an out for being a cunt. Nothing justifies Russia's actions right now NOTHING - but conversely - denying history and not taking a look at how the West and NATO have played a part in this , and saying we are "Free" and fair is dangerous imo. This is a battle of super powers - and if history shows us anything its that "super powers" are dangerous and that the level of power they hold perverts all who lead them. Preachy and I have no answer, but I'm pretty sure "more war" isn't the answer - and NATO escalating in a non member country would assure that. We need global co-operation and a new world order imo - all this is detracting from the destruction of our habitat and the overriding belief in greed and "good and evil". lol, im off my soapbox as I'm cringing at myself here , and also people are dying while I write some of this contentious stuff (but devil and angel on the shoulder - so are they in Yemen , and Nigeria, and down the cadmium mines at 8 years old for our fucking technologies). I think I'll fuck off and do something in nature for a bit .. Edit -> this weeks panaroma is worth a watch if you have the stomach for it. It's harrowing.
  13. Yeah - I dont think its worth taking a risk with a man whos clearly unhinged / deranged with a Nuclear war , myself. That's my reality here. I dont mean whataboutism by the way - Yemen is now - its not a past thing and its , in my view almost directly comparable to Russia and Ukraine. A BS manufactured reason to try a land grab for historical reasons. All the "atrocities" we are seeing in the news are / have been happening there - to this day - that's my point I think. This "US vs Them" is manufactured crap imo. I dont want to take sides because I'm being told to either. Interesting that you use the term facism for Russia and not Ukraine, who both have equally facist backgrounds. Fascism Returns to Ukraine | The New Republic Ukraine's Toxic History of Fascism and Ethnic Cleansing | History News Network Is Ukraine Fascist? | HuffPost null (The huff post is a bit ambigous, but this kind of strikes the point: Svoboda's approach to ethnic relations has been termed fascist but in point of fact it is strikingly similar to official policy in Estonia, Latvia and Israel. In effect, Svoboda aspires to create a "lite" version of what Israeli scholar Oren Yiftachel calls an "ethnocracy," a system of rule within which the titular nation holds a position of dominance over the other nations inhabiting the land, such as Estonians and Latvians vis-à-vis Russians or Jews vis-à-vis Palestinians. As the Baltic and Israeli examples show, ethnocracies can be democratic, but they're obviously not as democratic as liberal democracies and, with their penchant for hierarchy, can easily violate the civil rights of minorities." I'm not trying to defend anyone - I'm sticking to the same line - its not black and white and being polarised only fuels this conflict imo. If we want change and for these atrocities to stop happening , we need a global uprising the like of which we've never seen - not virtue signalling that we care about 1 country and turn a blind eye to 5 others. Syria , Sudan, Yemen, Nigeria are all proxy wars with actors from all sides. It's not whataboutism , going back 20 years - this is TODAY. Can you spot the difference between caring about those 4 and caring about Ukraine? Disclaimer as usual, I'm not arguing with any passion etc - just debating , I'm friends with all here.
  14. The back heel seems to be a signature move! He used it twice to pass the ball in the Brazil game, one leading to the goal!!
  15. But thats also propoganda . It's a tiny world nowadays I'm not sure the neighbour thing goes. If we redline Chemical weapons, or bombing civlians and talk about atrocities, then how can we profit from it? Read on Yemen, if you are interested, its very eye opening to the true cost of our societies. Finally, ask yourself a question - if you grew up with 40-50 years of oppression and murder at the hands of "US/Isreal" agents , would you want death to america and Isreal? Everything is so complex, by me writing this I'm not saying the US / Isreal is bad (well maybe Isreal) - but that's a clear invasion of land - as was Iraq . Conversely, we seem to hear little about France's "war on terror" done very differently to ours , but what they have done in Mali should be a gold standard imo, risk fighters lives, not civilians. They've had a 10 year war with minimal civilian casualties. (5 in 6 months of war during is the highest validated number, but 19 at a wedding is claimed). They didnt try to land grab, or instill "democracy" they've just fought the enemy. British view is still that they are surrender monkeys in most terms - when their military has easily outperformed the superpowers of the USA and Russia in that theatre. There's always 2 sides and the people on the ground, like you and me, are nearly always decent human beings until bad things happen to them. War is fucking horrible and taking sides just leads to more war. We need co-operation, dialogue and shared experiences, not competition and demonisation of anyone with a different world view.
  16. I'm saying that , if we established a no fly zone, we'd have full scale war. No doubt about that in my mind whatsoever. Putin is a madman and his regime is fucking horrific, but , in honesty, so are many of the Wests. Our targets are just "far away" or black. We need a change across the board, and genuine democracy does seem the answer, but where is it? Certainly not in the UK (FPTP and media is pretty much "state owned" when its all doners to the current party in power) - USA or Russia. Judging by the last decade - our "average joe" has become a heartless consumer with no thought of the human cost of the needless things we are being conditioned to think we need for a good life. We've supported, funded and assisted attacks just like the one on Ukraine - but we get other actors to do our dirty work for us. We call it for "democracy" but. my personal view , is its for energy or resources every time. We even have access to Saudi military planning and see the attacks in advance and they ARE on civilians , hospitals, electicity , water etc - but as we dont have any power over "choosing the targets" its ok?
  17. Ok, Im going to post something honest here, I hope it doesn't offend anyone too much - but hopefully, I hope someone can also sympathise with the view - only because I feel a bit like a "uncaring outlier" at the moment. This has nothing to do with the ownership of NUFC , it's co-incidence only that I mention it. I think that Propagandas is everywhere, on both sides. All this "Ukraine 100% good guy, Russia 100% bad guy" , is dangerous imo. Ukraine does have an awful history at how it treats non whites and minorities - but conversely, I don't believe they are all neo nazis like Putin is peddling. But to say they are not a racist nation etc , like the papers are doing now, is denial. Pre-2022 coverage: Ukraine face potential racism sanctions - Federation | Reuters Ukraine conflict: Refugees in their own country - BBC News The hypocrisy of our media and government appals me, it's also scary how easy it is to "change" the internet. Try this: is ukraine a racist country at DuckDuckGo (dated before 2022) Top hit: In Modern Ukraine, People of Color Need Not Apply | | Observer Today -> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racism_in_Ukraine That said, I'd rather our response was what it is to the Ukraine (selling weapons to the attacked, rather than the aggressor) , than it is to Saudi Arabia and the Yemen. Can anyone explain the difference to me please? 17 billion worth of planes, bombs and other weapons of mass destruction from 2015 to 2019 and UK authorised £1.4bn of arms sales to Saudi Arabia after exports resumed | Arms trade | The Guardian , this year. Chemical weapons a "red line" - not for us selling - as long is its in DIY kit form. -> Saudi Arabia's use of British weapons in Yemen to be investigated by Parliamentary commission | The Independent | The Independent ("Sir John Stanley, CAEC had a strong record for holding to ministers to account and exposing flaws in the arms control system, including a decision by the Coalition to allow the export to Syria of substances that could have been used for the production of chemical weapons." Saudi Arabia used chemical weapons in Yemen—who’s going to bomb them? – Veterans Today | Military Foreign Affairs Policy Journal for Clandestine Services I'm by no means being an apologist, but fucking nora it makes me sick. Give me a reason other than it being Europeans , culture , or skin colour. As horrible as this sounds, I think the western response might actually need to scale back a bit - When we have Biden, Boris and Liz Truss on the microphone - it literally scares the shit out of me that they will push this madman over the edge. Boris definitely ramped up the rhetoric at the time of partygate and that terrified me. I know its kitsch to say - but we really do seem to have the worst set of leaders at the worst time. The only positive for me , is that China has hidden behind the curtain. Last rant - when did it become acceptable to show killings and dead bodies on mainstream TV and news? The soldiers are human beings on both sides and they will think they are doing the right thing - they are victims as much as everyone else. These are real human beings with parents and its awful to see the BBC airing things like Ukrainians gloating over the train carriages full of dead russian bodies they have - family might see that! Finally, hope this hasn't angered anyone - Its not the intention, its more for debate around the dangers of polarisation / internet news.
  18. scoobos

    Eddie Howe

    I used to behave like this to girls I fancied at school. Didn't work ..
  19. scoobos

    Eddie Howe

    Yeah, lets not get bored eh. better to just ignore it .. that works.
  20. scoobos

    Eddie Howe

    Here's a side thought, my own belief. What is it with all this stuff at the moment, our entire way of life is underpinned by the absolute horrors of extreme globalisation and company externalities. E.G. selling weapons to horrible entities - producing our electrical goods in chicken farm esque facilities, animals suffering like you wouldn't believe on the grand conveyor belt of "Modern" food production, so we can have our fucking 99p burgers. All our waste and recycling being sent to those that will take the least money for it - etc etc etc .exploitation is everywhere . All this is just "look over there" and not "look at what WE are doing". By buying fuel for our excessive consumption we are bankrolling everything. You can't buy a pair of jeans at asda for 4 quid and not realise someone is getting fucked somewhere.. It's good news, but that lass who's been released from Iran - after we repay the debt we had sanctioned and refused to pay - because we have to buy oil from them from December onwards. Britain and US announce ban on Russian oil as economic vice tightens on Putin’s regime | Evening Standard - Effective december.. Big whoop. Cheery thoughts eh.
  21. It took ref's assistance and an absolutely brilliant goal to beat us .. Very promising with a "second string" !!! Convinced ASM is too expensive, risk wise, to play.
  22. Interested to see if ASM's introduction improves us, or not. Jury is out , after the last few games.
  23. Yup, saw it and thought - is he trying to save morale of our best players? Let Lascelles take a whooping he's used to it - or just save legs cos its been an outstanding run. Expecting a whooping, wants to try 5 at the back and preserve the morale of potentially shaky people? Looking a good choice 10 minutes in, to be fair.
  24. I was at the evening with Rob Lee in Seaton Sluice when this went in , most people laughed at the goal rather than cheer! Absolutely mental effort.
  25. scoobos

    Eddie Howe

    Professionalism? I contract and have lots of clients that don't care - but I'm more likely to be hired again if I do a professional job. I think that's what annoys me, all the money and a shit attitude. (but then, who knows what goes on behind closed doors). Like Shelvey, if he was getting dropped and had a team that doesnt care, well he should and lead by example and try and get a way out of the club - not just sit on your hands, sulk and take the money.
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