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Everything posted by scoobos

  1. A bit off topic, but seriously Rayvin - don't build a picture of me being a cunt to you or thinking bad - it is genuinely just debate on my side and I like to think I'm really moderate (I'm a hippy etc) - as I said before "Forgive the writing things as "fact" it's as much opinion as everyone else, it's just my style I suppose" I advocate mutal respect and love , I know thats a soft thing to say - but no one gains anything by getting all red faced and raging at each other. I'm no where close to that - and don't want my own posts to trigger anyone else to think that. I am debating, in my view , and you are as entitled to your opinion as I am mine.
  2. I said if you believe Yemen is "complicated" because there are more than 2 sides - shows that maybe you've been hoodwinked. For example, there are more than 2 sides in this war in Ukraine right now - the seperatists, the loyalists / ukranians and russia. We are arming them in a "non specific country" way (or we were until Truss starting being a twat" - as the rest of the world saying "no" - we are not doing nothing as you suggest. We are actually doing more than I thought we would. and I would have believed it if the UK was cowering in the corner (as we more or less are) telling everyone that Putin wasn't such a bad guy and that he's just misunderstood (disclaimer, I'm not attributing that view to you, it's just an example of an opposing government line). Who's saying that? Which opposiing government is saying that. I think what Im saying is dont , for fucks sake start saying we've mobilised nuclear submarines ready to strike. Thats nuclear escalation and WE are doing it - just the UK.
  3. It depends what you mean by attack. Lets say that someone backed Ireland and built a treaty organisation that had EIRE as a member - and then put missile launchers within striking distance of the UK on their ground. What did the US do, when the Soviets did that in Cuba? Also " opposing imperialist warmongering" - seriously, then we have to oppose our own actions in modern times. The USA is the biggest warmonger in the world and have killed more civilians in proxy "anti anti-capitalist" wars since WW2 .
  4. Ah dont think that mate, its just debate. honest.
  5. Saying he wont nuke us , is more confident than I am. Never underestimate a madman, especially one who appears to be ill / deranged. The Chinese had it's citizens literally eating people with alternative political views, The Kyhmer Rouge / Pol Pot killed millions of their own, etc etc.. I think to answer the question posed, If he did take Ukraine then we do nothing - and we escalate our defenses on the NATO borders - as international law allows. They couldn't join NATO for a number of reasons that suddenly are all forgotten now . No one is saying do nothing at all - we are arming Ukraine to the teeth and they are repelling the invasion, that is enough, if they lose then we need to re-evaluate, absorb the refugees (now theres something that the UK CAN DO and isnt - 2000 people in so far, 25,000 visas issued but with no way in..) Here's what got me so upset today: BBC Headlines: Kremlin "Europe Arming Ukraine is reducing their security". UK Response "Push Russia out of the WHOLE of Ukraine" - Truss, "Our nuclear submarines are mobilised and ready" <paraphrased, cos I cant find the quote, but its in a previous post> Ben Wallace US Response "We are not attacking Russia we are aiding Ukraine's defense". Now I for one am much more comfortable with the US Response - the UK one is the same as everything these utter utter fucktards have done - its strong words with no fucking plan behind them, that risk UK citizens lives. If we want to "save the world" and stop raping and pillaging we have to take a very long hard look at our foreign policy - we have appeased things as bad as Russia, we really have. We use child labour for our goods, we buy oil from countries with appalling histories and we arm aggressors all around the world, without blinking an eye. Now that's depressing I know - and again, I have to re-iterate my belief that arming Ukraine is the answer , helping them defend - but its probably as far as we can justifiably go. If you want to stop Rape, pillage, torture and illegal occupation , then we have to be honest and admit that a good 20-30% of our arms sales and training need to stop. Escalating a war will create a meat grinder , of human lives, ww2 style - all this talk of "modern warfare" seems to be bollox, no one has managed a decent victory with conventional weapons , except arguably us in Iraq but we bombed the absolute shit out of the capital city for 3 nights straight, spending billions on long range cruise missiles and bunker busters - murdering children through shockwaves in incubators in hospitals etc. Just cos we aren't shown it, doesn't mean that we somehow fight "cleaner" wars. We invented the word "Collateral Damage" during that war.
  6. There's the award for saying in 1 sentence what I can't get out in 3 paragraphs!
  7. If you think Yemen is more complicated you're just hoodwinked I'm afraid. It's total aggression. I have to question this though: "There are more nazis in the UK and Russia than there are in Ukraine, I'm not remotely interested in the war being justified by the existence of Azov. Women are being mass raped and war crimes are abundant. Azov are a footnote compared to this." Azov Battalion - Wikipedia _ they were "secret police" before the military arm and some are wanted for genocide and murder. How can you be selective like that? Azov are guilty of rape and war crimes BEFORE the invasion - now our media is saying there are no Nazis and they are bravely defending - I find that very upsetting how we can turn a blind eye to one side . Again, this is not justifying an invasion, more rallying against wartime propoganda of "Black and White" thinking. Esclating war is not an answer to avoid death - it will create more death. I'll get bloody conscripted too and trust me, you dont want 44 year old me defending us. I think you simplify it if you think that it is not even slightly understandable that Russia and it's allies believe NATO to be aggressive or expanding in a provocative way. We've been putting "defensive" weapons in firing distance of Moscow for the last decade, you know? It's been used as an arm of US policy for too long - but Europe and its members are partly to blame here, by not funding it fairly. The clue should be in the name "North Atlantic Treaty" not eastern europe. The Russians are dangerous but so are the Americans. Proxy wars have created the taliban, Al'Q, Hamas, so much. Give peace a chance. Defensive only is the way to win this. the UK has fuck all right to be talking about "not resting until we take Crimea back" - there is no WE - Its Ukraine vs Russia and it needs to stay that way.
  8. No price change , and seems like a short window to renew this year?
  9. No. Forgive the writing things as "fact" it's as much opinion as everyone else, it's just my style I suppose. I think you're being drawn into it by our own media propoganda. We ARE escalating it now, for our own domestic political reasons. Tories don't give a fuck about oppression or illegal occupation or we wouldnt support Isreal, Saudi etc. We've gone from one oppressive country to another for our Oil. I mean is anyone talking about the "Brave Mariupol (sp?) defenders" in truth, you know that the Azov regiment are actually nazis and have lynced people publically Taliban style? Don't get me wrong, I support the world supporting Ukraine and Russia is the agressor, but aggression is not the answer - showing them our power by completely blocking them is the answer. World lessons are here - the world is almost going down the road of the Treaty of Versailles and it doesn't work - creating hyperinflation raises support for the war, it doesn't dent it. Giving them assistance with Weapons etc is one thing, but making declarations of wanting to attack russian soil is completely different and we are then putting ourselves in the position of proving Putin's paranoia correct, that we were just looking for an excuse. - They are NOT a NATO country - so as sad as it seems - do you get as upset about the Yemen? Do you feel a need to do anything there? Why not? Because its not close to home. We do nothing because we profit from it , is the brutal truth - just the same as our government saying how much they care - to make money and protect their own power. Ukraine can deal with this and keep their honor, there is absolutely fuck all need for the fuckwits in power now to start pretending that they can plan anything . They have fucked up everything they have touched in the last 3 years, whats going to be different now? Nuclear war is suicide, its mutually assured destruction - there is no deterrent needed other than that. The world has the worst leaders at the worst possible time, and I personally put a lot of blame on the Internet.
  10. Can someone assasinate Liz Truss asap please - she's a fucking danger. I'm really as frightened of her being in this position as I am the situation escalating. These stupid fuckers will use anything to try and look "strong" and doing something. Kicking Russia out of Ukraine by Ukrainians fine - but lets not start making PUBLIC fucking declarations that we wont rest until they are kicked out of Crimea and then some. Or that we have "our brave men and women deep under the sea <in nuclear submarines> ready to defend our country" , whilst simultaneously sabre rattling harder than anyone and putting ourselves in the fucking frame. Ben Wallace's statement is sure to be subtitled, edited and used to make Russians think we're mobilised to Nuke them. FFS - It's so fucking transparent that this is just "Save Big Dog" or whatever bollox. Meanwhile - just how much PUBLIC money is again going into the FUCKING PRIVATE SECTOR - these arms are NOT free and its more public money going to companies that Tory donors have interests in. Two months ago we couldn't afford to protect our own nation against Covid anymore. Now as 1500 people die OF Covid in the last 7 recorded days - it's fucking tragic, BAE Systems should be a nationalised industry.
  11. scoobos

    Eddie Howe

    The Sherriff is a near.
  12. Cheers again for sharing this, I've got a wry smile out of it every day since.. But this is a belter today: "We are up sh*t creek without a paddle and there is a hole in the canoe and non of us can swim and we haven't got life jackets and the water is full of crocodiles."
  13. I hope we hammer them. I never had a problem with Liverpool until the last time they won the premiership and bought little pockets of seats all over the place . Why? It was the first (and hopefully last time) that I saw a little old lady get punched in the face by a fully grown scouse man, in the gallowgate, right near the goal - it bust her nose and there was blood everywhere (i dont know if he was aiming for her, lets hope not, I just heard the kick off). Then the *idjit* stewards proceed to harrass all the home fans that who retaliated and let this scum bag walk back over from the gallowgate to the 1892 seat area. 10 minutes later there were 10 or so police at the 1892, so hopefully they did get the cnut. Lower than low that like.
  14. I doubt it , tbh - because (not necessarily accurate here!) - 2 or 3 years ago they changed the website and you had to do some funky account linking thing that resulted in me losing loyalty points etc. For my mates who have had 10 year deals (that in some cases are lasting 15!) - this didnt apply as they were transferred automagically - so maybe they are traceable. I was lucky / unlucky , in that I jacked my ticket in under Bruce, but then missed the weekends with the lads too much - so bought a ticket again, at the start of this season. But now Im in the east stand paddock, rather than the gallowgate with them - there's no chance I'll get my seat back now.
  15. You're right there like, he was even worse than ASM - really embarrassing stuff. Anyhoo, we better win the next 3 games or we're going down.. a couple of league positons.
  16. Sorry I've just realised that my penis isn't a limb and therefore I need to start my own awareness campaign for things that aren't limbs - but just don't look as they should on a "normal" person.
  17. Sometimes theres nothing wrong with admitting mistakes are made and going backwards - and in honesty I strongly believe it would have public support to "deglobalise" given how JIT supply lines and our reliance on far away countries has been exposed in the last 10 years. While I'm moaning, a bug bear I will take to the grave is the late 80's ideology to privatise and deregulate everything , including banks (which used to be almost a public service like the police or doctors!) - the argument being that "Market Forces" can regulate and "bad businesses" will fail - either because other companies take their custom , or that consumers won't spend money with them. Fast forward just 20 years (if that) and we are taking literally 130BN out of public funds, in this country and pretty much giving it to the financial sector and bypassing Market Forces altogether, because we cannot have the public losing trust in the banking system and making a run on it (in other words, trying to take their business elsewhere)... It's now the norm, any excuse to divert public funds and its used. Global Financial Crisis Covid - public to private. Furlough - again public to private - and also again bypassing Market Forces. If you've a multi million pound chain of pubs (Wetherspoons), hiring cheap labour - and taking out ALL the profits every month to the point where you cannot survive one month of closure - then that's a bad business. It's down to businesses to have a "reserve asset ratio" for unforeseen events, like war, environmental problems, failure of supply chain etc etc.. I still fail to understand why Public to Private was the answer here, when we could have just paid the Public directly, out of the public purse on last years declared PAYE earnings or self assessment, OR a basic emergency living fund - it would be a LOT easier for HMRC to do than what we asked of them (and they failed with, with billions written off as unrecoverable). I considered deleting this line, as its a hot topic and I'm not an apologist , but again with the Ukraine - Public to private (all this "aid" isn't so much aid, as it is undocumented and unregulated public funded purchase of weapons from private companies again). Just how much profit has gone to BAE systems shareholders - from the money that we didnt have 3 months ago to help with UC, Child Poverty, Covid Testing for free etc etc. The arguments for Nationalism being "inefficent" seem pretty weak nowadays (although, in honesty in the early 80's and late 70's - inefficiency or laziness were becoming British watchwords )
  18. Yeah, although I think no-one knew - we called it "Globalisation" back then.
  19. I'm daring to guess your age and say you are perhaps younger than 30? It used to be "the thing" - every party had a "national plan" and what they were going to do and published it. Now comes the potential rose tinted spectacles, in that I was a teenager during the 80's - but it seemed that change came more slowly - there were more unions and protections in place (like anti monopoly laws etc) . This seemed to get killed off in the 2000's onwards to this slash and burn "reform" we are perpetually told everything needs. but yeah, it was supposed to be about building a better country for all and future generations - that's all a bit unfashionable now , as people have been conditioned well to believe in "fairness" . Problem is the people who are telling us what fair is and what it means. E.G austerity and "dont look at public funds going to private companies by the billions" - look at the underclass claiming benefits and still watching TV etc.
  20. Yeah, a good stance imo. I vote on manifesto alone - but nowadays even that doesn't matter so much. I'd vote ANY party if the manifesto leans towards social conscience and public service improvement. I don't believe a government's function is to maximise GDP , I believe its to maximise SoL . not that anyone asked
  21. Yeah Im just *trying* to be funny. But don't buy the "net zero" crap though - its a totally unneccesary activity and they could have gone full alternative fuel a long time ago.
  22. Lol Rayvin, its always your posts I quote - soz! I dont know if "changing up local councils from time to time" is actually a good idea, given that the government can now directly control the funding they give. It's all sewn up - give a Tory council vote when Tories are in power and they will give them extra funding , taken from the non Tory councils (And honestly, until the system changes, I think Labour would do the same). I'd be happy to hear the last paragraph is bollocks and be pointed to some rules for protection, but I don't think its coming. There's no strategic value in funding a Labour council for the current government, but every reason to make cuts .
  23. Not read the thread. They should change to sustainable alternative fuels or fuck off. Are they even allowed to overtake again now? Didn't they put a stop to that back in the 2000's?
  24. After a tough week I'm so happy that posts like these are being made. Finally, now's the time to share, with a compassionate and aware community: There's something "not quite right" with my cock.
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