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Everything posted by scoobos

  1. Inside or outside of IR35? - if you knew what you were talking about, you'd not be doing scrum with Agile anymore ,like the true agile Jedis. 😜 (I don't do project management on Excel) but at least you can do timeframes, iteration and produce quality , rather than broken features more easily without Kanban and bloody Scrum... An hour of productivity lost every day in most places. just being a cnut here tho, cos something about that post seemed a little too smug for a Scrum Master backing kanban on a football forum.
  2. Or maybe not follow the Tory lead of hiring spokespeople. Jesus, if you cant do "Public speaking" then you really shouldn't go for leader of a party - in a country who's electoral system has been eroded to an effective personality contest ...
  3. Don't worry, they will find a way to blame it on : Johnny Foreigner The EU Terrorists (they've not used this for AGES now) Lefties Enemies of Democracy (this is the new one, imo. Hearing it a lot , its the new "Move on") The ECHR is apparently one now, for trying to force Pritti away from serving her electorate. Communists Tony Blair Leyland Seriously though, I fear they are going to use the RMT strike in a horrible way .... Yesterday , someone died at a tube station (suicide), which are notably less manned than a decade ago - today we've tories saying that Trains will be automated soon, so the workers better think themselves lucky ... Meanwhile, Pritti "can't put a price on a human life".
  4. Priti patel responds with "You cannot put a price on lives that are lost".. Unless it's a pandemic , in which case it doesn't matter if those lives are old, infirm , or vulnerable - if the value of commercial property is at risk.
  5. It's not to me, when its effectively buried , even by the BBC. This should be MASSIVE news.
  6. There's a good documentary on the BBC -(or perhaps channel 4) called the decade the rich won. This is kind of old news really - the IMF taking political control of Greece, ousting a democratically elected government due to "national Debt" was very alarming - especially when put against the figures that are "normal" in the UK now, post covid - as a percentage of GDP. The whole pretending the bank was funding the government with QE , isn't that much different to the IMF taking control of a country which refused to QE to "help the global economy" / pay back its debts (that as the above twitter rant shows, is as real as a baseless currency)
  7. Oh fuck me, it's two posts up.....
  8. I scrolled a few pages back. But - has anyone seen this? https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1079310/Ministerial_Code.pdf He's re-written the ministerial code - a new forward, saying something along the lines of "this pandemic's been bad and people have made partisan complaints" and now an apology or loss of wages is appropriate. Welcome to hell everyone, for the same reason millions of Americans supported trump - it seems that as a nation we cannot see what's in front of our face. He's easily as bad as Trump.
  9. Tough one for me this.. Newcastle have little to play for, but momentum that you don't want to dent. But I really really don't want to see Liverpool win the league..
  10. What a game this is. It's the opposite of last weeks!
  11. Roy Keane? Who gives a fuck about that utter cnut of a man. Everytime he's on TV I stop watching and go to a stream - after his open admission of properly trying to end someone's career , he shouldn't be anywhere near the game. Thus he became a Sunderland Manager, he can shove his "opinions" on what makes a good player or human being for that matter. aaaaaahhnd relax.
  12. Fair for this game CT - but it's not their usual style to be this tip tappy.
  13. I don't get it - that's why I think we will have him. We wanted him in January and he was blocked, now he's refusing to sign a new contract and leaving on free. That's good for us, innit?
  14. Harry.. Lingard James Justin or Omar Richards.
  15. Yup, and who's HMG striking desperate deals with now? some of his campaigners, who he distanced himself from, were giving out leaflets saying if he gets the second term he will forcefully extract Muslins, either by relocating or cleaning them!! Sickening. But again, what is it with the rise of this sort of politics in the past 15 years? Is it simply "the internet" and governments having thought police departments ? (we've got one , and we are "Free" - “Nudge Unit” | The Institute for Government )
  16. There;s history to that. Unfortunately, it's never worked. I'm worried about the echos of the past , it's all going eerily similar. Sanctions on the scale we are doing are very similar to the Treaty of Versailles against Germany, they are probably the biggest cause of the rise of the Nazi party , due to hyperinflation. (not the UK though, cos its bullshit as usual - we are STILL buying Russian oil - our "sanction" only comes into effect in December (allegedly, but this has since been changed to "at some point in the future" - no doubt because HMG thought it would be over by then - the whole sanctioned oligarch delay due to "legal process" (which no other nation had), was just to enable the movement of liquid funds offshore to UK overseas terriritories) etc etc). UK to phase out Russian oil imports - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) - Whilst this transition takes place, the government recognises the need to continue to import Russia oil in the meantime as we work to this aim. This will help ensure continuity in our supply and protect consumers. Boris's bit in there - "Working with industry, we are confident that this can be achieved over the course of the year, providing enough time for companies to adjust and ensuring consumers are protected." So then, after reading that document, explain why everyone is thinking that increased energy prices or costs are anything to do with us "helping Ukraine" like the lying fuckwits are making out? The League of Nations failed just as the UN has now - because all bets are off once war starts. (league of nations plays it safe - echos of the past? League of Nations - HISTORY ) I fear, despite some great work by the BBC (Opening Onion sites so that the dark web can be used for Russians to see other news) - that our actions only bolster public opinion in Russia. BUT, that said - I was chatting last night on a Russian dark web forum (after a hard day on here!) and I think the perception we have that Russians support Putin , is mostly false in the educated population. It's very similar to the UK blaming foreigners for everything and wanting Brexit - in that mainly the old or less educated are supportive of it. Most people are just incredibly frightened of the repercussions of being known to be against the state. Obviously this is all just some chap on the internet , but people were discussing this new move by Russia in the past month, to encourage and reward citizens for reporting people who are "enemies of the state" - This harks back to the days of the NKVD. It's like History has gone full circle and no one is remembering what happened. Sanctions will not work. in so far as unseating Putin - they might if people were REALLY doing them (Both the USA and the UK will continue to purchase exactly the same amount of oil as they always have done, until December because *contractual agreements*, which is bollocks). I fear we are punishing the powerless general public - but we have to be seen to be trying to do something, I suppose.
  17. Ok, time at the bar please - More love, less anxiety driven news. I quit reading the news for a few days (and I felt guilty cos "ignorance") - but I think you can know too much .. First day I read it again, I'm hammering this thread! Escalation is unlikely, strategically. he's a madman but he's not quite got the cards up his sleeve that we thought he had. It's awful to use these terms, because human beings are dying on both sides - but he's embarrasing himself showing this capability. Rusty tanks and an inability to win a conventional war with his next door neighbour - after taking 6+ months to mobilise a sizable proportion of his total army. Ukraine (*cough* Rest of the World Alliance) will win here (strategically - of course, everyone loses on a human scale). Hope he has a massive fucking coronary through the sheer stress of it all.
  18. Now I can cry that you're being harsh. Im in no ways saying surrender I'm saying let Ukraine defend itself with our assistance , but dont escalate. if we escalate we get a MAJOR war for years , all caused by him being a cnut. If we allow Ukraine to defend and kick him out - we WIN without major war in europe , because even Putin cannot withstand such an embarrasing and damaging loss. When Russia retreats, it's unfeasible to think that Russians are not going to turn against the regime - they will see what we are seeing now.
  19. I get your point - but why do we appease Yemen? Arguably now Ukraine is the same - Donbas etc seperatists, backed by Russia and the other side is a coalition of many nations, led by the Ukraine? And yes, Putin is a fucking nightmare and needs dealing with, and I believe we finally are doing what we should have done with Crimea. Escalating warfare to drive into the russian heartlands (Liz Truss) is what got my debating blood up earlier and what I'm really ranting about.
  20. There's always hope. people would have said the same during WW1 and 2. Humanity generally is brilliant - most things invented or made are made by people with good intentions. I have to do it again and bite though, because the numbers don't add up here: Number of invasions of foreign countries. Number of civilians killed Number of proxy armies created to destabilise countries. Since 1950 Not so much for being" reined in by the checks and balances that exist in Western democracies" I'd be VERY surprised if the US or Israel don't top that chart - or perhaps some African nations that have perpetual forward and back war.
  21. Still drink there tbh, straight in after the game and served within minutes. Then within 10 more you cant move!
  22. I think that the only way the war will end, is by a diplomatic agreement ratified and accepted by the United Nations. OR A coup against Putin - but I doubt that is possible in Russia. OR Putin dies , russia retreats and starts working with us again - I think (seriously hope) this is a distinct possibility. But anyway, lot of posts today forward and back ... In 1 paragraph I'm just sharing my belief that escalating or "doing something" is in no ones interest, no matter what we think our perceived cause is. We need to stop burning non essential fossil fuels NOW or we are all fucked. Collapse of ecosystems that support modern human life are a bigger threat than nuclear warfare to me - because , the "climate change" nukes are already in flight. One good thing that could come out of this and the pandemic is learning how to team up globally to shared goals. I've still hope.
  23. I don't think there's a war that's ended without a diplomatic agreement, other than perhaps Iraq? (sorry for keeping on using that example). Personally, I'd love us to get on the negotiating table and call Putin's bluff with this: Leave Ukraine - Ceasefire (remain Crimea). For the "disputed" areas that you are saying have been victims of genocide : Let a United Nations negotiation team, including as many capitalist as non capitalist countries members - hold monitored and independently verified elections and let the citizens choose their nationality. If the majority win - then the territory can be Russian/ Ukranian - if it loses then let the seperatists retreat to Russia. Sounds fair and doesnt give him a leg to stand on. Ukraine will want retribution tho, and I'm not sure what the heck we could do with that - the Russians have caused billions of damage. I fear we're going to have a middle east situation on our doorstep. Or, we carry on as is, which is what I personally think is the accepted tactic - because Russia cannot win, if they were going to , they had to murder civilians with a shock and awe bombing campaign for 5 days straight , like we did in Iraq. The sad thing is, they resorted to dumb bombs and indescriminate artillery just 2 or 3 weeks later when they realised they weren't able to meet their targets. You cannot roll tanks and planes in , when they've got their defenses up. BIG mistake - they could have cruise missiled every single AA Battery they had. My main concern, as a hippy twat - is the immense loss of life and suffering that is, for now invisible, byt the fact that this war has probably already reduced our outstanding carbon budget by a year already - making hte IPCC report not "in the future" at all anymore.
  24. That's interesting though isnt it. I'm not sure we can know either way. Is this happening BECAUSE of nato over expansion, or not? If we had kept to the North Atlantic , then I'd agree - but we've definitely expanded into territories that were contested after WW2. I'm NOT an expert (as you know) but I do remember in my History A Level learning that a lot of the USSR vs USA problems were caused by Russia effectively (in their view) winning the war, raising the flag over the Reichstag and losing millions of lives doing so - only to have the USA get the pick of deciding where Russia could occupy and where it couldnt. I think it became a pride thing, with either side slinging awful (but TRUE) shit at each other. Such as USA appeasment, the GM Motor Nazi war machine and IBM holocaust enabler - and then the USSR's appeasment, arms deals and sabotage.
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