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Everything posted by mincepie

  1. Another who needs replaced and not by Anita
  2. He's shot now, was never that good but we had his best years and is now one of those that needs to be replaced with better
  3. Put a group of fools into a box and they will eventually convince themselves they are not fools
  4. That's the first time somebody has ever called me a mackem Monkey Brain
  5. Laughing at people with nothing to say or posting blind idiocy makes someone a macken does it?
  6. What a load of posturing crap is contained in this thread. Is this forum full of geeks or something. Did people object to the antics of Joey Barton when he was our player ? And he actually did something wrong . What a laugh some people are.
  7. So a bloke who has done nothing wrong, but is being pilloried from pillar to post for exercising the right of this country to free speech, is a shit manager and appointment because his supposed political views are different to people who are commenting here. Very immature and thick too. Only 2 or 3 people have commented with any sense here, including the football angle and his very good record at Swindon which is very relevant in all of this. You have to wonder if a number of people think the football is relevant at all . Doh.
  8. That's a bit strong but the overreaction towards someone who has done nothing in a country where you are supposed to have free speech is over the top to put it mildly
  9. Tee hee. What did you say about the mackems new manager again ?
  10. So what is De Canio's crime that is bothering everybody ?
  11. Yes, anything goes if you are winning so don't pretend it doesn't.
  12. So when exactly did he blow up a plane, shoot someone or lead mass anti government demos or something. If he wins games the mackems won't care about anything else and neither would most balanced fans of any club
  13. Is this relevant to anything or is it the first nonsense you thought of
  14. He did very well at Southampton so should get another job. Good luck to him
  15. Maybe its to show we are near the top of a league
  16. He has done quite well and is a much better than Harper is now
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