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Everything posted by mincepie

  1. Only a real moron could defend Mike Ashley and it hasn't just happened with bringing another moron like JFK back this week.
  2. you haven't got a point or a clue you thick idiot.
  3. it depends on what actions are taken by governments birdbrain. What is your solution or do you not think there is a problem.
  4. Some good points. Especially the point about the Family. We have a problem though with this happening in broad daylight on a street in Britain, symptomatic of an increasing lack.of respect from these mongs for British law and social values, and it is bound to be used for political purposes. At least someone has sense on here rather than come across as being pro Islamist and sympathising with those that are opposed to the UK talking about the old Empire and similar crap.
  5. Do you think there is a problem or not ? It seems to me there are people on here who think what happened last week is justifiable and can be simply explained away as the fault of ourselves. Strange cunts.
  6. I don't think anybody could have see how good he has became. Overhyped by the London media but in the Ryan Giggs class
  7. If you don't think something is a problem then don't offer a solution. Is what happened last week not a problem ?
  8. you don't have one then? I thought not. Thick as pigshit.
  9. I asked for your solution. Is that too taxing for you dickbrain.
  10. The more freedom we give them to bring their way of life here the more they want. Simple as. The bad old British Empire has fuck all to do with it. There is a lot of idiots talking crap in this thread. Anything less than a life sentence will only encourage others to do again what happened last week. A soldier killed in such a fashion on the streets of Britain ? Incredible that the warning signs are being glossed over.
  11. the bad old British Empire. Go on, give me laugh and give us your solution to how everybody can live happily ever after in peace and harmony
  12. Aren't they supposed to be signing the right type of players now
  13. This morning a lot of staff will think the players are a bunch of cunts
  14. I thi k he is just asking a question, do you know the answer
  15. Tiote has been shit for the last 2 seasons. Get rid of him.
  16. What makes you think they are going to sign better strikers
  17. very good, much better than these boo hoo i don't want to believe this so I'll pretend that its just been made up by a nasty journalist comments
  18. a sports journalist who is privy to information that others dont have access to is there to give the public that information. The alternative is to only print what the club chooses to tell them.
  19. I think that late goal by spurs will put Wigan down especially as they will be distracted by being in the FA Cup Final
  20. what a laugh it is to see the reactions of people who live in a fantasy world.
  21. It is. So much for the transfer policy where they are supposed to be assessing the character of players. Who actually believed that ?
  22. Sturridge was briliant yesterday, we should have signed him.rather than Cisse
  23. While 2 years on the club that had won everything in the last 40 years continue wasting money and Newcastle United are chasing good value . Liverpool haven't really looked back since buying Andy Carroll etc despite the amount of money. If yesterday is anything to go by they are on the way back again too.
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