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Alex last won the day on October 17 2024

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  1. I certainly hope you’re right
  2. @Kid Dynamite would be a good one for some practical advice I would think
  3. It’s the same with Brexit, which of course is very closely related. It should be constant reminders that Reform campaigned for this and it made us all much worse off. Not a fucking peep though
  4. Of course it is. But the argument FPTP prevents them from getting into government is no longer valid with it being a 5 party race now (and that’s just in England). The methodology Electoral Calculus uses applies polling at a constituency level and is more advance in terms of its modelling than most media outlets. So you can’t just ignore it. Labour are at a low ebb but Reform should be too given their stance on Ukraine for one thing. And the infighting. But they’re polling better than any other party
  5. Projections would currently make Reform the single biggest party under FPTP with enough seats to form a coalition with the Conservatives
  6. Probably bought the media stuff at the time. A lot of journos trotted out stories. John Gibson even came out of retirement to do a piece which alluded to it. I didnt really mind his affection for ‘United’ as it was understandable given his success there. I can’t really say I had much of a view on him beyond thinking he was a dinosaur and a shit manager. To be honest it was more us looking for a redeeming feature of an otherwise typically abysmal Ashley appointment. When this lass put us straight me and the other fella laughed as I said well he hasn’t even got a nice personality going for him.
  7. Might’ve mentioned this but in his early days as manager here I was talking to another parent whilst watching my laddie’s football training. We were saying at least he seems well liked / canny or words to that effect. The older sister of another lad was there. She works at SJP on match days. She said he was horrible, either rude or completely ignoring staff. Whereas the other players and coaches were the complete opposite. That was when he’d been there a few weeks before his failings became obvious and when he had no real excuse for being like that. I know it’s only an anecdote but the same lass never really mentioned her job there other than that. Just another little insight into what a strange and unpleasant character he seems to be. Not to mention how fake his jovial media persona is. Except when the mask slips when he gets mild criticism like off Gayle.
  8. What they going to do? Make him buy the first round at his leaving do?
  9. I honestly have no idea what they think they’re doing at this point. Like Renton I’m probably as staunch a supporter as you’ll find and like to think I’m a pragmatist. It’s one thing overhauling a system to provide the actual support to get people who want to work into jobs. As I actually think that does people good. But just cutting welfare to save money is an appalling tactic. It’s political suicide too. As well as the aforementioned taxing of those who can more than afford it there’s the lack of honesty on the need to rejoin the EU. In all but name at least. Because that’s the only real way to raise people’s standards of living. You’ve got Cummings meeting with Farage now, plotting what they’ll do in government. The government are already in a precarious position where the huge majority is because of the collapse of the Tory vote. I honestly think reform winning next time is a very real possibility. Scotland will vote SNP and Labour won’t do the necessary pact with the Lib Dems. The latter will only happen if they have to after an election. You can’t just go back on everything you are supposed to stand for and blame a changing world. It’s domestic affairs that decide elections
  10. The importance they’ve attached to this fixture btw. And they lost anyway
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