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Everything posted by Renton

  1. Drum roll.........l.. Oh. the suspense of waiting for him to sign for Liverpool is killing me.
  2. Self flagellation is the key to redemption, I believe.
  3. I agree with you. But the worst case scenario is he signs, and suffers a long-term injury. If that happens we're fucked, basically. And I mean fucked with a capital F.
  4. I bet most the youngsters won't have a clue how that song goes though. Also it's got nothing to do with Bill Shankley - I wouldn't mind him as our manager - and he's been dead for several years!
  5. 22134[/snapback] 22186[/snapback] Brilliant post, summed up why I think I was justifyed to write the "Jesus wept" response. Thing is Calimag, we are still in the minority; Souness has an inexplicable support base in the North East. I referred to Robinson's article earlier in this thread - that so-called journalist said that supporters of Souness were not "perceptive". BOLLOCKS. All of this was predictable. The people who are unperceptive are the idiots that keep supporting this abomination of a football manager And then when he does go, they will change their tune and say they never supported him. But I know who you are!
  6. And who was manager in the 2 season after that - Thats right, Sir Bob. The man who couldnt control his players and vertually gave them free reign of the dressing room. 22177[/snapback] One season, where we came 5th. And it wasn't until the beginning of last season where we had that outburst from Dyer. Robson was basically too old and soft to handle that then. He was more of a father-figure than anything to the players, even if they were rough, thuggish, loudmouthed louts. And Dyer later apologised saying he felt guilty about the whole thing. So far we haven't had any direct apologies to Souness, and that whole telling Bellamy he won't play again saga is an example why. 22183[/snapback] I agree, inspiration. Somehow I am convinced Jenas is a truly great player waiting to happen, but its not going to happen under Souness, that's for sure.
  7. Can i ask why? 22140[/snapback] Are you that guy Robinson, that writes for the Sunday Sun? The reason is that your "article" is pathetically naive, and completely misses the point that Souness has been a disaster at every club he has been with, bar Rangers. Oh yeah, and your little pathetic dig at the fans, who personally I thought were way too generous on Sunday. Oh, and also your utterly stupid comparisons to Robson's team 3 years ago. If you can't tell the difference between now and then mate, I pity you. 22146[/snapback] there was no pathetic little dig at the fans. i just feel the "sack the board" chants are not going to help the team's morale. after all we as newcastle fans all want the best for the club. these revolts are not going to the make the situation anymore prettier than it already is oh and in case you missed it, we aren't Galatasary, Liverpool or Blackburn, we are Newcastle. What he did in the past doesnt always reflect what he does in the future 22150[/snapback] The bit in bold - probably the most idiotic thing I have heard anybody say, ever. I really hope you are not, and never become, a person that employs people for a job at any company. Also, I take it you did not go to the ManU match? There was no "sack the boarsd chants", just rounds of applause by people like you that accept mediocrity - or worse. There was a small demonstration after the West Ham game I believe (I wasn't there) - they are the real fans in my opinion - not people like you who write ridiculous "happy" articles. Your head is either in the sand or up your own arse, or both. People like you are going to get us relegated! 22164[/snapback] there has been talk of such chanting and it has also been discussed on the internet but i was wrong by what i said about the chanting should stop since it hasnt even begun. i dont accept mediocrity, i like all fans what newcastle to be the best and i think you have no right to say who is and isnt a real fan. of course i am a real fan or i wouldnt have bothered with signing up to this board or writing that article or making my own website. i would have just said of piss it, i dont care what happens to the team anyway. I just like to keep optismistic. it isnt idiotic, i'm not up my own arse and i in no way want the club to get relegated. no fan does. it isnt a ridiculas article it is my opinion. i dont call your opinion idiotic. i hope i do become a manager of a company so i can not hire people like you who cant except that other people have opinions too and they may not always be the same as yours but that is no reason to insult me and my abilities 22170[/snapback] Sorry, I missed this before I wrote my last response. The bit about it not mattering what you have done before you get a job is idiotic imo, otherwise why does anyone do exams? Anyway, sorry for being rude JohnyHall, we simply disagree, that is all. Keep writing and keep posting - I will keep criticising it as well.
  8. of course i dont blame the fans. we have been the best fans by a long shot in regards to the past few years no matter how the team has been doing. i just feel we shouldnt drop that. we should keep that optimistic spirit up. i dont blame the fans but i dont fully blame the management like others do. it is also down to the players 22173[/snapback] I guess we have different ideas on what makes good fans. If we all keep clapping and cheering regardless, we are fucked in my opinion. Apart from that, I disagree with every word of your article. Others will agree of course, that's their prerogative.
  9. Let's get this straight - you are saying if we lose any of our next 5 matches Souness should be out? If so, you are basically saying you want rid of Souness now!
  10. Can i ask why? 22140[/snapback] Patronising????? 22151[/snapback] no i am not patronising. i wanted genuine feedback as i am looking to write articles like that in the future. 22153[/snapback] Sorry that was aimed at Renton 22161[/snapback] I'm patronising? Come on then, tell me how you've reached that conclusion, after an article from "Johnny Hall" who blames it [at least partly] on the fans? I take it you agree with him then? The list grows longer: Ketbaia's mobile (and numerous pseudonyms) Johnyhall Pilchard Chops NJM Who else thinks its the fans fault? Jesus wept.
  11. Can i ask why? 22140[/snapback] Are you that guy Robinson, that writes for the Sunday Sun? The reason is that your "article" is pathetically naive, and completely misses the point that Souness has been a disaster at every club he has been with, bar Rangers. Oh yeah, and your little pathetic dig at the fans, who personally I thought were way too generous on Sunday. Oh, and also your utterly stupid comparisons to Robson's team 3 years ago. If you can't tell the difference between now and then mate, I pity you. 22146[/snapback] there was no pathetic little dig at the fans. i just feel the "sack the board" chants are not going to help the team's morale. after all we as newcastle fans all want the best for the club. these revolts are not going to the make the situation anymore prettier than it already is oh and in case you missed it, we aren't Galatasary, Liverpool or Blackburn, we are Newcastle. What he did in the past doesnt always reflect what he does in the future 22150[/snapback] The bit in bold - probably the most idiotic thing I have heard anybody say, ever. I really hope you are not, and never become, a person that employs people for a job at any company. Also, I take it you did not go to the ManU match? There was no "sack the boarsd chants", just rounds of applause by people like you that accept mediocrity - or worse. There was a small demonstration after the West Ham game I believe (I wasn't there) - they are the real fans in my opinion - not people like you who write ridiculous "happy" articles. Your head is either in the sand or up your own arse, or both. People like you are going to get us relegated!
  12. Can i ask why? 22140[/snapback] Are you that guy Robinson, that writes for the Sunday Sun? The reason is that your "article" is pathetically naive, and completely misses the point that Souness has been a disaster at every club he has been with, bar Rangers. Oh yeah, and your little pathetic dig at the fans, who personally I thought were way too generous on Sunday. Oh, and also your utterly stupid comparisons to Robson's team 3 years ago. If you can't tell the difference between now and then mate, I pity you.
  13. Can I be first to say "Jesus wept"? Jesus wept.
  14. Oh Ok, sorry. The problem is, it's relegation form, no matter who the manager is. Also, it's indisputable that so far in his reign, Souness is the worst manager we've had since being promoted, at least if you believe in those little unimportant things like results. I agree we were under decline under Robson, but I am certain that if we still had him we would not be as bad as we are now.
  15. Option b then - truly pathetic. So what? I wanted Robson out long before he was eventually sacked in such an awful undignified manner. The point is his successor has been completely unable to reverse the decline - in fact he has hastened it - as well you know. The facts will tell you though that Robson finished 5th in his last year, whereas Souness finished 14th, and in the process broke every negative record we had whilst in the premiership. And its getting worse, with the worst EVER start for Newcastle United. Go on, keep defending the undefendable. What a fucking joke.
  16. Don't forget the other stat that under Souness we have NEVER come backf rom behind in the prem to win a game. Yet according to him he sorted out the team spirit and morale and dumped the trouble makers and cancers from the club. Well Graeme i think you'll find the best example of team spirit is shown in adversity and thats when SBR team used to show its strength, comig back time and again from behind, you know with players like Robert, Bellamy and the like. Its incredibly depressing to be a toon fan knowing that if the other team takes the lead we will not win that game. 22008[/snapback] That is an amazing statistic for a manager who has been in the job for a year now. Come on you Souness supporters, explain to us how this can be possible with a man who has restored spirit and morale back into the team..... Or of course you can: a) Ignore post b ) Blame it on Robson c) Blame it on Shepherd d) He hasn't had long enough yet e) None of the above, insert excuse here: _______________________________
  17. We wouldn't need Owen if we still had Bellamy though. They are very similar players too. Owen has a better shot, but to be honest, Bellamy's shot was improving. And in every other category, I think Bellamy might be superior (aprt from personality, obviously).
  18. No way would Pearce leave a massive club like citeh.
  19. I'm sure Shearer said yesterday that he wouldn't take the job for several years or words to that effect. Personally I reckon Shearer being number two to Mike Newell might work OK. They're great mates and Newell is doing wonders for Luton. He could groom Shearer and hand over when the right time comes.
  20. Well man, FFS, the lad hasnt even trained with the rest of the squad!!!!! And for me, Laurent Robert was a waste of space and yet to LM he was freakin Pele!!! Luque will be far more effective than Robert in the long run, I am certain of that. 21539[/snapback] I'm sorry, but that is just plain arrogance, no-one can know that. If he scores and supplies half the goals Robert did he will be doing well. Robert was a very capable player in offense, you would have to be very prejudiced to dispute that. He's been getting great reports from Pompey too, even though their team is otherwise quite shit. And it's early days, but we certainly don't look as good without him so far, do we?
  21. Agree. Coming from spanish footy to the prem, with no pre season or practically any training with his new team he gets thrown into his debut straight away, against one of the top teams in the prem, whilst we are in the middleof a crisis and playing shite and having little or no help in attack because of our manager/formation, the injuries etc. And people think you can judge him on this??? You don't judge any player after one game, some players do little for a season before becoming great players (Henry, Pires etc at arsenal being the best examples) 21099[/snapback] Has it ever happened with a manager? Instant success is rare in this world. Working at things is how you get somewhere....... 21109[/snapback] Jesus wept, he has played 1 game with no prior training with the rest of the team and has missed personal training due to flying here to sign, aswell as being pulled from Deportivo last fixture. Fact of the matter is that you are pro whiner, nothing anybody does is ever acceptable to you. God, man, you are so depressing, do you take Zoloft, if not I would recommend a vist to the Quack, I think you need it. 21515[/snapback] Not got the hang of the quote button yet, I take it?
  22. And where was the striptease at the end of the match? KILL HIM tbh.
  23. If we lose to the mackems, we will singlehandedly break the internet. 21505[/snapback] Too true.
  24. We could complain about the lack of terracing.
  25. Keep the faith, Fulham is We'll get it right. 21367[/snapback] Like last year, when the most inept tactical display in the history of football ensured the better team lost 4-1, you mean?
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