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Renton last won the day on December 28 2024

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  1. I thought of you when I said it. As the World turns more to shit, the more will come to your way of thinking. DOES THAT MAKE YOU HAPPY????
  2. Aye. I'm beginning to think Trump offers a window of opportunity for Labour to be brave, come off the fence, and pivot to the EU. Polls overwhelmingly show most people want closer ties with the EU and not a Trump America. Instead the opposite is happening. I mean it might not work. But at least fucking try. Better to die on you feet than on your knees etc.
  3. I don't think the written messages are proof of much tbh. People write strange things, and if it all had been down to chance she might well still have felt guilty. Honestly don't know enough about the rest of the case against her. However, things like this, I leave entirely to the professionals in medicine, psychology, statistics etc, and the judiciary.
  4. You know the worst thing? This response was predicted a long time ago, going as far back as the referendum. People have said this is what he will do, it is documented. And he still does it, and it still works, and he still gets away with it without challenge. I mean apart from the fact the man is a right wing cunt, can you even imagine what would happen to the country in terms of competent governance within days of his election? It would be the end of us.
  5. From the Guardian feed. Well, I helped them summarise.
  6. Someone remind us too that he wants to abolish the NHS so his mate Trump can introduce a private health care system. That will be a sure fire vote winner.
  7. For clarity, I wasn't being sarcastic or doubting you. I mean, it is absolutely bewildering to me what his appeal is to anyone. The BBC and MSM refuse to treat him like a normal politician though which is a big part of it. He has zero policies and is never pressed on this (let alone his countless demonstrable lies previously). 🤷‍♂️
  8. I dunno. @Rayvin tells me, unbelievably, Farage is down with the kids.
  9. And this. The implication being the last time we met I looked ill, you cheeky cunt.
  10. Well no like. People are generally concerned you've got cancer if you drop weight, or some other horrific disease. Gaining weight just makes you a fat cunt which has implications relating to your moral fibre, so is impolite.
  11. I need to put some muscle mass on for the next step I think. Still, losing 15kg without resorting to ozempic is an achievement. Of course, as you lose weight your calorie requirements come down as well, even my Google app tells me this. It literally becomes harder the more you lose. Talking of aging, I'm off for a another thing this afternoon I get to do more of at this age, a funeral. My suit actually fits me now which is a bonus. All my old clothes do. 👍
  12. Gets much harder. 50 milestone is the bitch. I've lost a lot of weight but stalled now at 85 kg. Doesn't matter what I do I can't seem to get passed this number. Do 10,000 steps plus religiously, live on fucking salads. And I am still in the overweight section of the cunting BMI chart.
  13. Only times I've been to Brick lane was when I was taken by someone who knew the score. Best curries I have ever had, better than Rusholme even. Added bonus you could take your own drink.
  14. Am the same. Spent most the weekend doing job applications, so feel I got no break. I must be one of the few people willing to take a 20% pay cut and still struggling to get into the sector I want to. I'm going to London with the family at the weekend to see Circque de Soleil at the Albert Hall, so looking forward to that. Might go to the tower of London during the day.
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