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  1. Where do you get that from? Might be true, but I haven't seen that take elsewhere.
  2. Ooooh, I love a good rant.
  3. Oh great, that's all we fucking need. Is there anywhere in the World that's normal right now?
  4. Hmmm, or we can just pre-emptively lock the little shits up? Hey, what?
  5. Maybe this has been going on longer than I thought then! Seems nepotism and cronyism (the latter in this case) are an indelible part of the US political system. Banana republic stuff this.
  6. No, you're missing the point. What he's done is used the judiciary for nepotistic reasons. It's corruption, simple as that. Hunter Biden was convicted by 12 jurors the same as Trump was in New York. He's been pardoned before he was even sentenced and is now also immune form any other wrongdoings in the last 10 years. And Biden repeatedly lied about it*. If you can't be honest enough to see the problem with that, then fair enough. Time and time again what we are seeing recently is that is things aren't properly codified people like Trump wil corrupt the system, and that corruption then acts as a contagion. The democrats are now also infected. * As I said, I entirely understand his personal motives and probably would have done the same thing myself. Still wrong though.
  7. The principle is the same, even if it is much less egregious and is well-intentioned. So, both parties stop playing by the rules then. Games without rules are great, I can see that ending well. At least with the Dems playing by the rules there was an anchor to normality, normative politics. If that is removed, the ship is well and truly out of control (to continue the nautical analogies). Or if you prefer another even more nerdy example, it's like Galadriel using the one ring. You've given up on fighting the side of good. The whole system will be corrupt.
  8. Not really the point though, we now, with some justification, have proof of "theyre all the same" narrative. What makes it worse is that you could make an argument Trump never hides his intentions, however awful they are. Biden has lied repeatedly on this matter. I'd probably do the same in his shoes at this stage, because family comes first. But there is something wrong structurally in the US that this can happen at all. Now both parties are complicit in abusing the system, I can't see it ending well. Maybe that ship has already sailed but both parties are now full speed on the tiller.
  9. Finally the brown paper bags are working.
  10. FUCK OFF YOU CUNTS. That is all. I mean, I'm chronologically 3 or so years older than Gemmill but follicularly and groovily easily a decade younger.
  11. FFS. Just fucked up on my IT awareness by clicking on an obviously fake link from a phishing e-mail sent by my own company to catch us out. I'll probably be sent in shame to do another fraud awareness course now. No excuse really except their filtering is normally soo good I just accept the stuff that does get through is legit.
  12. It does seem like it. Appointing a bunch of grifting lunatics into positions of highest power and getting them to implement introducing near suicidal economic policies. We're going to see how far "common sense" gets you compared with using experts. As scaramucci says, it's like getting one of us arm chair pundits from toontastic to manage NUFC. I mean, fair enough if it was me, we'd be dead certs for the PL again, but imagine if one of you fucking no hopers was given the gig? We'd be beneath the mackems in 2 seasons.
  13. Maybe, but it just shows how far American democracy has fallen. I never realised until recently the politics and law was so intertwined there. Failure to seperate them will ultimately prove disastrous. Also the US was supposed to be a bastion of secularism, on paper much more so then the UK which has clerics in the upper chamber and the head of state is also the head of the church. But the reality is quite the opposite as the US descends increasingly into autocratic theocracy and I don't know a single church goer who isn't over 60 years old or recovering from mental illness. Makes me feel a bit better about our own country, although we are somehow failing just as much in other ways.
  14. Could be canny. I'll draft you something for a cut.
  15. Basically you're getting free accountancy advice from @Gemmill. Are you happy with this Gems?
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