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Renton last won the day on December 28 2024

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  1. His hatred of Zellenskyy is at least partly motivated by the Hunter Biden laptop fiasco. Increasingly it's looking like his raison detre is mainly based on petty grudges and revenge. The whole course of history is being changed because this orange prick is so thin skinned and vengeful. I'm always interested in sliding doors moments in history. So many to choose from. But surely that bullet missing his melon head by only millimetres is the ultimate example. In another universe, his head exploded and the world is a much different place.
  2. He fucking loves his own voice doesn't he? I've heard so many theories this week as to why he behaves like he does. One of the most plausible is that he's treating all this as a gameshow and still thinks viewing figures are the key metric to his presidency. Even after last Friday's debacle, he made the comment that he bet those watching on TV loved it iirc. I get pathological narcissism is a thing. I just don't get how anyone could vote for it.
  3. Erm, you're the adult. Do as I say, not as I do, now fuck of you little parasitic shit. 👍 I read 2 or 3 books a year nowadays, on holiday. Don't know how anyone has time to read a book a week like. When do you do it? A couple of other things. I've got a horrible tendency to scan read and then 10 minutes later I realise I haven't really taken anything in and I need to reread the last 2 pages. Think it's because for work I read so many papers I just scan for key facts. Secondly, tbh most books start off well and end shit imo. Rare you get a novel with a great narrative arc. Same is true for TV series I guess.
  4. You know that utter rubbish Trump spouted about $8 million being spent on "transgender" mice (clearly mistaking the research for transgenic mice)? The fuckers doubling down on it on the official White House website. https://www.whitehouse.gov/articles/2025/03/yes-biden-spent-millions-on-transgender-animal-experiments/ When science get politicised to this extent with the politicians clearly not understanding their arse from their elbow, you're fucked. The US will lose its place as a science superpower. Honestly, trying to argue with MAGA reminds me of conversations with LeazesMag.
  5. This has got to be massively damaging and I can't see it being reversible. I think Tesla outside the States are finished. Even in the US I'd think many people will boycott the brand. I can only assume the UK being an outlier is down to pre-sales, or us just being cunts. Also in further good news for Musk cunt, his SpaceX rocket exploded yesterday. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cj92wgeyvzzo
  6. More insanity, it's hard to keep up! https://x.com/ReallyAmerican1/status/1897771888010575990?ref_src=twsrc^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1897771888010575990|twgr^7d75b8eaedd441c1ae76164886672af557070999|twcon^s1_c10&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.readytogo.net%2Fsmb%2Fthreads%2Fthe-trump-thread.1637230%2Fpage-711
  7. I don't understand any of this. But here's hoping.
  8. I though we were over the CT baiting. He's a board treasure now iirc.
  9. We still agree with John Alovsius though, right?
  10. 'Kin hell. Looking forward to Farage and the gammons defending this one. Musk must be off his tits promoting this.
  11. And, unfortunately in the UK, ewerk is.
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