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Everything posted by CabayeNay

  1. 1. Who is ASM? I thought I had the monopoly on flouncing? 2. How fucking dare you call me a sad act. I might be a cunt, but you're an apococunt with sprinkles on. Cunt.
  2. Out: Ginola, Ferdinand, Asprilla, Beardsley. In: Hamilton, Tomasson, Pistone, Barnes, Rush, Andersson, Guivarch. Paul. Dalglish.
  3. He was fucking fabulous for us and Liverpool, eh?
  4. I get the feeling that he'd be a fucking awful manager. No personality whatsoever. Gullit Shearer Dalglesh Maradonna Being a brilliant player doesn't make you a manager.
  5. There's more to the Anthropic principle than creationism vs evolution, you thick cunt. Break the argument down, and it states that the universe MUST be fine tuned for us to exist; the fact that we exist means that in our particular universe, no alternative framework is possible. Of course, in other universes the composition of matter and energy may be different, but this is irrelevent to us, as we are unlikely to be able to interact with such states of existence. Using this to argue the existence of a creator is bollocks anyway. It doesn't stand up to the logic of a child, much like any argument for a god.
  6. His music was OK. He was a deluded, obese druggie who fucked kids. Like a thin white MJ, he is revered just as much. It's all a mystery to me. Must be the rose tinted spec effect.
  7. If someone had a joke at a player crossing his chest, there'd be a bit of a grumble from some fuddy duddies, but I'm pretty sure no one would have huge riots. The islamic world needs to get a fucking grip.
  8. Can't take my artistic licence away from me, bitch.
  9. It wasn't four disallowed goals, it was the way that the whole game was spoiled by wanky biased decisions for 90 mins.
  10. IIRC we kept getting penna appeals turned down, whilst we never got a chance to get a string of passes together due to Webb giving non-existent fouls against us. Don't believe me? Have a look at the match review on .com.
  11. And what percentage of those 1,433 were amoral oxygen thieves? Around 100% is my guess. I suppose you don't like the police because you keep getting arrested for mugging OAPs or something, or are you a 'loveable rogue' like those cunts the Krays?
  12. The media coverage of this has been disgusting. Leave the poor family alone. And surely the media's obsession with murderers only causes more lunatics to want to get their 15 mins of fame.
  13. Howard. Fucking. Webb. He reffed the 3-0, and if we'd have had a fair ref then it would have been about 7-0. I haven't forgotten the uber penalty he turned down when Ba got smashed in the box. Nailed on they will get a pelanty.
  14. My pick - 41212: --------------------Harper----------------------- Santon-Williamson-Coloccini-Ferguson ---------------------Tiote------------------------ ---------Cabaye--------------Jonas---------- -------------------Ben Arfa--------------------- -------------Cisse-----------Ba---------------- Alnwick Perch Simpson Anita Obertan Ameobi Ameobi
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