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Everything posted by CabayeNay

  1. So by that token, all big companies are evil then. Personally, I'd rather get all my shopping cheaply in one trip from a supermarket than spend all day trapsing round ten shops to get what I need for twice the price. Oh, and supermarkets create jobs too. It's like saying digital cameras are evil because they have killed the wet film industry. Loan sharks make vast amounts of money ripping off the stupid whilst adding no value to society, whatsoever.
  2. How about you put less effort into getting riled about fuck all, you wet twat, and more effort into learning how to tie a tie all by yourself for your big day, or is it tracksuit order all round followed by a spread in Weatherspoons?
  3. I would have done that had the word "clueless" not been used. I never start abusing someone pointlessly. Only ever in retaliation to someone acting the twat.
  4. Shirts only would still turn me away. Horrible, horrible company devoid of all morals.
  5. Hang on, I got called an idiot for suggesting that Dalglish is shite. What response did you expect?! "Oh, yes. Sorry Tom, although what you have said is utter bollocks, you are right and I am wrong. Sorry to question one of the chosen few. I promise never to step out of line again."
  6. I'm clueless?! So you're going to totally ignore everything he did after that?! Thought so, stupid cunt.
  7. Christening are stupid. Instead of indoctrinating a poor child, why not tell the parents to get a fucking grip and watch the match?
  8. I'd rather it was called the 'Mackem loving chav arena for bellends' than the fucking Wonga.com arena.
  9. When will YOU answer MY simple QUESTION?! Who the fuck is ASM?!
  10. I agree. This Wonga thing is the tip of the iceberg. Football is fucking shite now.
  11. Not once have I ever threatened to stop supporting the club in my life. Relegation, Ashley, the monsoon derby. Wonga stuck everywhere?! Just no. I refuse to follow a club backed by loan sharks.
  12. I'm 29, so anything before '93 was bollocks fir me anyway!
  13. Adidas - Newcastle Brown Ale Adidas - Northern Rock Puma - Virgin Sondico - Wonga No thanks. You can stick NUFC up your arse if that happens.
  14. If you believe Sky, football was invented in 1993.
  15. I swear to god if we end up with Wonga on our shirts, I'll stop watching football. I could deal with SD, but Wonga can cunt off.
  16. Yeah, back in the days when sports nutrition consisted of fry ups, cigarettes and Guiness and tactics involved "Kick the cunt!" and "Hoof it into touch!". Management had moved on a little bit since then, petal.
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