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About CabayeNay

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  1. You two are pissing even me off now, and that's saying something.
  2. Howard Webb MBE. Massive Bell End. Didn't see Evra's shirt pulling then.
  3. I'd love to throw the cunt in a locker full of broken glass and dogshit, weld it shut and push him down a hill.
  4. Will be refreshing for a change. Better than Simpson constantly playing the ball into touch under no pressure.
  5. The Poundland Arena sponsored by Wonga. Halftime hero: Dennis Wise. Song played as players come out the tunnel: Park Life by Blur.
  6. I hope Ben Arfa gets the chance to cut inside lots and we don't waste this positive selection by playing hoofball.
  7. Moreso now even Pardew has made him look a right twat by picking him!
  8. Ba 1st scorer. 3-1 win. Draw HT, NUFC FT.
  9. A loan intended to help you get your bum filled? Awesome.
  10. I thought you'd come to the conclusion that my claims were all bullshit.
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