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Everything posted by @yourservice

  1. Cheering the fuckers, then 2 minutes later "get off the pitch"?
  2. I wanna join the gang.
  3. Alsation: I've had enough of the killing.It's strictly phone sex from now on.
  4. There once was a woman from Limerick Who got up to a very strange antic It involved an Alsation With a strange fascination It pounced and it bolted Whilst inside it exploded RIP.
  5. Last edition this Sunday, it's being pulled.
  6. Those odds are from Paddy Power, who don't seem to have updated the players.
  7. Obviously Nolan is out of the betting now and Tevez looks like he's away. But I fancy Suarez to have a good season knocking a few in, 14/1 is canny odds aswell.
  8. I think the whole of the t'ninternets was in on the deal
  9. How many ordered today? I'm sure it was a mega Monday, one day deal only? Yet to receive any cancellation email, hopefully cause I ordered yesterday.
  10. Ordered this through PayPal just after it was posted on the ukhotdeals site yesterday. I'll be waiting for my cancellation emails coming through, got no chance with the amount of people buying them in bulk to hoy on ebay.
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