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Everything posted by @yourservice

  1. This whole forum is addicted to talking shite lately
  2. Taped it, worth watching? Smoking Aces - disgraceful, made my gums bleed. Like a bad batch of smack Aye,it's a canny Sunday afternoon flick
  3. A man called horse (Richard Harris) Made my nipples bleed.
  4. Martins is having a good game though. Still more likely to score than Smith though, it will probably be another two years before he gets another goal... Smith's more likely to control the ball though. Do people STILL think Martins is any good btw? Who do you think is more likely to get a goal then, Smith or Martins? What good is Smith's ball control if he can't even score in a brothel? I do hope I've jinxed him, but I can't see it! But it's you that turned this into Smith v Martins. I'm not talking about one player relative to the other, I'm talking about Martins not being a good footballer. It's fucking embarrassing at times how inept he is when he's actually required to do something other than put his boot through a shot. I see you didn't answer the question. I'm not Martins' biggest fan, but some of the criticism he gets is over the top when he's our only striker who is actually capable of scoring. Alan Smith, England striker my arse. Martins would get 20 goals a season with a suitably creative midfield. Gemmill basically uses him as a scapegoat tbh... Thats being a bit overfriendly to Martins
  5. When you consider how shit Fulham are and where they are,it puts things into perspective
  6. Fulham are shite and Newcastle have had them all over,shame we don't know how to put the ball in the back of the net. 0-0
  7. @yourservice


    Ditto you auld twat! Oops!
  8. Parker, Emre, Owen and Solano all canny signings. classic,absolute classic mate,well done.
  9. I thought it was complete horse shit. I thought I was unhappy with Kill Bill vol 2, but this drags Tarantino down to a Rob Zombie level of uninspired drivell. Inland Empire It is an incredibly dull film, and vacuous to boot. Everyone in Hollywood is a whore wracked with self doubt? You don't say! Is this a revelation that warrants three meandering and incomprehensible hours on the thought process of an actress? But then again it did intrigue me. I did after all sit there for the full 3 hours. And through the entire end credits (which I never do) and then for a little bit longer to think about it some more. And I want to watch it again to see if I can get my head round it, but it's the cinematic equivalent of a Paul Mckenna cd to cure insomnia, so I can't see that happening. Maybe I'm being harsh because I'd just watched Sicko beforehand and that was about a real issue (you know, people whose kids have died and that) wheras this is plainly pretentious guff about people who get paid to play dress-up. This is an unfair comparison as Inland Empire has a sense of humour about it's subject, just not a particularly funny one. I liked the Beck and Nina Simone tunes. And the Locomotion. I've also not seen all of Lynch's other films and there seemed to be a lot of references to the one I have, so maybe you need to be more familiar with his oeuvre (christ I'm more pretentious than Lynch) to 'get it', but even if that is the case, I still think a film should stand on it's own. The really annoying thing is reading back all the reviews by people that love it. I've not seen one be specific about where it's excellence lies. It's all vague gubbins about how brilliant it is that it makes no sense and how labrynthine it is, is that a good thing now? Feeling lost by your story teller? Mind, Laura Dern was good. But she's canny in Jurassic Park too, which was a much more fun experience. I've still got Mullholland Drive there to watch too. Looking forward to that. ok.
  10. As long as it's not Ian Brown then your feet will be safe on the ground
  11. @yourservice

    UK Nova

    I used to be,I'll have to check what my password is again I see demonoid is gone now,where does everyone go for their torrents now?
  12. This bloke must have rushed in to write this up last night and all he got was grief http://forums.ledzeppelin.com//index.php?showtopic=1544
  13. Looks good http://www.ledzeppelin.com/disc_tsrts.html
  14. John paul jones actually looked like he was enjoying himself I'm sure he was smiling
  15. Intro and Good times bad times...sounded ok to me for 60 year olds,especially Plant who done well to get the notes in,considering he found it hard anyway back in the day,hence no communication breakdown etc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rsHcUwtw5H0
  16. Waiting for the Flac to pop up soon,as for the set list i think it's classic,they are getting on like
  17. @yourservice


    What happens if your too pissed and fat to get there?
  18. It's being screened in cinemas everywhere but here http://www.nme.com/news/led-zeppelin/32989 edit: not the live one tonight tho
  19. Maybe a torrent with a cam shot later through the week
  20. Anyone going? Wonder if they will release the dvd?
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