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Everything posted by wolfy

  1. You have the entire weight of mass opinion by indoctrination on your side. You have no scientific method on your side as regards this stuff, other than a reliance on what is deemed, authority. It's an arrogance based on nothing other than your own internet ego. I have no problem with that mind you. You are what you are and you could well be ok in normal everyday life and maybe not as needy. It makes no natural sense other than what you were told. You can't explain gravity and why it works and neither can so called scientists. It is what it is because magic is required for people to believe the nonsense that is spewed. Go and pour sea water or drinking water on a ball and tell me the outcome. No, there's no easier ways than what's being placed upon people whilst also keeping them dumbed down and asleep whilst they are pick-pocketed and amazed in part whilst scared shitless as and when required. It's clever and allows the slite to dine on the misfortune of the many. We are all made to feel obliged because we live in a box of bricks with a run and follow a work pattern. And yet we still feel sorry for rabbit and guinea-pigs. Those in absolute power won't need money, you're correct, but those who police the sheep will require payment. Haven't you been taking notice of all the merry men on here? I'm in my mothers basement relying on handouts. Who are the ignorant one's. Hmmmm.
  2. I agree that we would find it hard to find a high profile/quality manager if Benitez was messed about with transfers, but what I'm saying is, we go Benitez in as manager when Pardew was sacked and he was toyed with, with funds,a s well as being crap mind... but the issue is, this club will still attract a top quality manager or a high profile one if the wages pull him in, even if on a false transfer promise, because it's a massive pay day for him and also he gets to keep his high profile. It's a no lose situation in reality, because our club is deemed a poisoned chalice that affords a semblance of pity to any departing quality manager. Like I said: football is sold to the devil and has been for long enough. Managers of a loyal mindset and the inner fire to take a club to the top are only fired by blank cheques and are in no way worried about failing due to the ridiculous contracts they are on.
  3. No you don't. You arrogantly believe you do but you certainly do not. It's similar to how you view my stance. Natural science backs it up. Water backs it up perfectly regardless of what you try to argue. It requires nothing more simpler than the flatness of water. The level of water. To believe water would stay on a huge spinning globe is to literally throw away your natural logical mind in favour of nonsense spewed out by people put on a pedestal to do just that. Money for the people who instigate it. Shroud the energy in secrecy and make it massively life killing and you have the massive cloak as well as the cost of disposal and security etc, plus the massive build cost of these so called nuclear powers stations and you have huge bills for what was promised as a near free energy source. To set up a ruse and mask the reality with a dupe, you still have to employ people to run it. How many submariners actually truly know what's powering their so called nuclear sub? They all know it's nuclear power because they've been schooled into it as part of their training, plus the emergency drills, etc. Why would anyone doubt any of it? You have to look deeper into it all to actually get any inkling that all may not be what it appears to be on the surface. That's for you to decide, or not. Your choice. I have reasons for why I think on anything I think with this stuff. I'm sure I explained it a long time ago and I'm sure you will have read up on it at the time.
  4. It is easy money. Imagine duping the world that you have to make WMD and enough of them to counteract retaliation of each country to create the MAD (mutually assured destruction) effect that supposedly keeps us all safe from either country daring to unleash hell. Who do you think could be pissing up the tax dollars set aside to keep building these so called WMD warheads that are shrouded in secrecy and sat in supposed underground silos just waiting to be unleashed at the drop of a hat in the event that some country (like North Korea) goes nuts and fires theirs. The cost to build and the cost of upkeep as they sit there doing nothing and yet seem perfectly stable just ready to go in silos. Then the ruse of dismantling in a so called tit for tat peaceful lowering of threat levels which apparently cost an absolute fortune. And in all this time no brains have managed to replicate one and detonate it in an act of badness as a rogue nation. Sell us the fear and make us beg to keep it because we can't be having any country bullying ours, so race race race and then dismantle before racing again and so on. Conventional warheads disguised as WMD? Maybe empty shells that look like missiles like Korea parade in their square as a military so called might. Just remember, you only know what you are allowed to know and most of it can be anything but the reality you come to believe/accept. Billions upon billions of dollars for space rockets and nuclear arsenal's and star wars perfecting so called global safety nets and yet it all could be one huge party by the wolves or whatever street is on the agenda.
  5. That all depends on what people regard as a quality manager and a high profile manager. Koeman at Southampton and now Everton with lots of cash on the hip? What about Palace and Frank de Boer? I could go on but the issue is in what is classed as high profile and also quality? High profile and quality in one country does not spell quality in another but it does keep the high profile tag. Lots to ponder.
  6. So basically you are reliant on what you're told and accept it as the truth, because your belief in photo's and video and so called testimonies, is strong. That makes you potentially gullible and easily acceptable of indoctrination. I'm less easily reeled in by this stuff but I used to be. Like I said, it's not easy gaining the strength to go against mass opinion. I agree, the burden of proof would be with me if I said what I say is 100% true. But I don't. I tell anyone that it's my musing/thought process in figuring out what Earth is against what it certainly is not. I do not ask you to believe anything I say. I simply give people food for thought. Whether they take that onboard or reject and/or ridicule, is their choice. He doesn't have to lie, he just has to believe he knows what's what when he doesn't. And I don't believe he knows what's what in terms of the energy process, other than what he's been told about it. Simple as that really.
  7. High profile and quality don't necessarily fit together all of the time. It appears to be horses for courses with them. One high profile/quality manager's club can be another high profile managers downfall. What makes quality and how is high profile achieved? A lot to consider to get at the nitty gritty.
  8. How many clubs would? Very few to be honest.
  9. Not for Kevin. That's why he loses one now and again when he jumps up screaming and farting and spluttering in the playground.
  10. Maybe you don't wear the same stuff as Kevin.
  11. I'll try and talk about socks and sandals just for you. You have to remember that I can't just automatically get down to your level unless I know for sure how low it is. I got you now, so, good kid.
  12. Aye and you lost a sandal when you jumped up and said that. Pull your socks up, kid.
  13. What proof have you seen that satisfies your standards? What photo's do you have or have seen that proves a reality? People testify every day in court and even swear on a bible that they're telling the truth. Do they all tell the truth? What science do you understand that proves anything I'm questioning? Natural science is proof enough for me that we are being duped about Earth. You have no proof other than the words of people placed on a pedestal to tell you stuff that goes against logic, yet authority wins the day, because is gains mass opinion and a misguided trust among those masses. A lot of what people believe, including yourself, requires you to abandon your logic and your own natural senses in favour of a saturated indoctrination throughout life of which is extremely hard for many people to recover from. Most people will not dare to question stuff because they fear ridicule and persecution. It's easier to go with the flow but going with the flow does not gain all the truth's. Debate can only move forward when one side gains in providing enough realism or food for thought to actually sway the opposition. Easier said than done when the people of the world hold a belief system that does not adjust to any other form of questioning. There are no industries or anything else that rely on any global Earth reality because a global Earth in how we are told, is not a reality. Do you personally know Rikko and if so, do you 100% know he's dealt with nuclear fuel and watched it do what we are told it does? How many people on a sub or in a so called nuclear power plant, or making so called nuclear weapons have access to the reality of what's going on? A cleaner at a so called nuclear power plant or a person wiping down a so called nuclear missile can go home or on a forum and tell all and sundry that they're in the know. You can read a book about it all and profess you're an expert but you would be no more an expert on it any more than a sci-fi person reading up on the diagrams of all the star wars ships and weapons, etc.
  14. I think you've probably put in 500 posts that consist of a total of about 50 words and 400 smileys. You're a right joy.
  15. Ashley will walk away from the club when he's ready. At the minute he's not doing anything wrong that suggests he needs to walk. Like him or detest him, he's a businessman just like all the rest of the business owners. And yes, I mean football clubs as businesses. Top football elites sold out to the devil long ago. It's just a question of tapping in digits for podium standings.
  16. Mass forum opinion tells you that.
  17. I could name you any amount but none would be a reality until one took on the job. Rafa took on the job when we were in the shit. He's very high profile. Bearing this in mind I'd say that most managers would take on this job. The issue is in wages and funding a project that flirts with success. That's my reckoning.
  18. Nope, that's not what I'm saying at all. That's what you're thinking. If you question something official and then accept a further explanation, without proof and then argue for it against someone who still questions it, it does not make your stance correct. When someone calls me a nutter for questioning and then says I do it without evidence, then fails to prove evidence for their own acceptance, then they're simply relying on authority and mass opinion to elevate their stance. It does not prove anything and you know this. Which expert is this and what do you know about them that makes them an expert? I've provided many reasons in the other topic but I cannot help it if people just reject it or go into a frenzy over what I say. The truth is that I cannot physically prove to anyone what I'm saying and nor do I pass it off as 100% legitimate. All I pass of as legitimate, is that the Earth is absolutely 100% not a globe that we walk upon and you nor anyone else have proof that it exists, except mass opinion and ridiculous photo's and video that supposedly proves a globe. Logic dictates how silly it all is but most people will not dare to venture down that route because they are weak and afraid of being called names. Those who believe in authority and their answers to questions, unconditionally, without really taking any other interest in questioning it, have no reason to believe anything otherwise. This goes for so called nuclear weapons and all the rest of it. It's an acceptance and/or belief system. We are all closed minded and we are all hypocrites in many aspects. It just depends on what's on offer for the time. One thing is for sure and even you know this. We are being lied to on a daily basis and those in power are anything but as honest as they portray. That being the case and you knowing this, means, how do you know what the truth is?
  19. We can't expect anything other than to simply hold our own this season. Avoiding relegation is obviously the primary reality . Remember, we went down with a bunch of dross and mercenaries and had to clear the decks. Rafa built a squad up to do what was required to get us back into the top league. Mission accomplished. Next mission is to keep us there and build as we go, which we are doing, albeit not in the way we'd all dream and hope for. We all hope for top quality signings. We all hope for top 10 or better finishes. We might get our hopes realised but we must not let that hope become expectation or the manager and players are going to have one hell of a hard time of it adjusting.
  20. I don't have any proof. I don't need any proof in order to pacify you. I'm a Newcastle fan for me, not so I can prove it to you or anyone else.
  21. And yet here you are feeling it necessary to carry on wasting your precious time on some boring, illogical nut case such as myself. Do you see the problem or are you just angry?
  22. There's always managers that will be prepared to manage us. It wouldn't change if Rafa left. There are enough high profile managers out there that will take on this job. The major issue is in their full on genuine intentions and the club's in employing them. High profile with little money to spend = short tenure and upheaval. High profile manager with cash on the hip to build = potential success. Rafa appears to fall in between those two options, which means it's a waiting game to see how the balance tips. A club our size and stature, in the premier league, cannot rely on bread and butter managers unless our aspirations are to play around the bottom half of the premier league or yoyo. The Rafa Benitez's of the world have to be backed, fully, for good and for bad, as well as indifferent in terms of their rebuild in their own image. As long as there's progress, even slight, then it's a case of trusting what's being done, regardless of what we think is happening in the background. This club has a postcode that isn't the best pull for top quality players, unfortunately. To even it up we have to have a manager that has the respect and qualities to make the attraction. Benitez has those but someone like Grayson etc, would leave us in a position of turmoil with nothing more than run of the mill players, or at worst, a squad full of begged mercenaries.
  23. You're a bundle of laughs and interesting as all hell to me. Edit: COUGH.
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