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Everything posted by Rayvin

  1. Rayvin


    End of Journey Webcam/Photo - post-exit, photo is taken of internal seating areas and relayed to manned observation post and central office. Visual check carried out on photo and car approved for further collections. If visual check flags potential issues, car is recalled and observed manually. Timestamped photos are taken as evidence and the car is cleaned down. Previous customer is billed for clean up. Car re-released into circulation following clean up.
  2. I thought Obertan was mostly alright, surprisingly.
  3. Good game overall, even if watching the standard final 15 minutes of frantic defending is still a part of the average match day experience.
  4. Think we should probably swap Mitrovic in soon...just to mix it up a bit.
  5. Can you imagine if we got a third? I can't remember the last time we scored 3 goals... EDIT - although we'd probably lose 4-3 if that happened.
  6. We were never going to have the whole team right, but I'm glad attack took priority over defense for a change.
  7. Haha what the fuck? Great stuff though.
  8. Our defence is too short, more importantly...
  9. Not sure about Anita who I think you may have sacrificed De Jong for, unless he's -still- injured? Krill should be ok though, as long as Southampton aren't playing with a humpback whale up front.
  10. I wonder what this comment will look like I'm referring to in a year or two when MF no longer has that avatar...
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