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Everything posted by Rayvin

  1. If that turns out to be true, I'll genuinely believe that Ashley meant what he said at the end of last year...
  2. Actually quite disappointed with the departure of Cabella here. Looks like he was a total waste of time. Is this guy going to be any better...?
  3. I'm yet to see your response to the deficit comment from yesterday, CT - especially given the comment of yours that I was replying to, I actually think a response would be interesting. I'm prepared to be wrong for what it's worth.
  4. Dunno about the Mirror but the Guardian are only acting out of fear - I've read most of their editorials. Either that or the feminist overtones at that newspaper which I always thought were there for the sole reason of causing click generating arguments BTL are actually now more important to them than left wing views (hence the backing for Cooper, a candidate who hasn't actually offered any policies for anyone to get behind). I didn't mean Corbyn specifically either. I just meant that the right wing media shut out Labour. Not the Tories, not policies, but fear-mongering over the SNP and other crazed ramblings. I increasingly believe that Blair did a deal with the devil to win power (Murdoch) and that this deal has since expired. We won't see a Labour government again until the powers that be feel it serves their interests. Democracy my arse.
  5. I dunno, you have a lot of faith in politics if you think the individual matters more than the vested interests of mass media and their backers. The reality is that the media will feed the ignorant a crock of shit regardless of who is leading Labour.
  6. I think they do that as a kind of group therapy... Their situation is so dire that their manager would rather give up the whole fucking sport and retire. At least it's finally become clear that the problem is the players though.
  7. Really? Thing is, some people have left wing views. Enough people to warrant actually getting Corbyn into power in the first place. The same people who vote him in are going to hold the same views in two years time, with or without Corbyn. The next leader will still have to appeal to those same people. I don't see how it could be any worse than Labour and the Tories squabbling over the centre ground for no other reason than wanting to be in power. That very phenomenon is why so many people are totally disillusioned with politics.
  8. The country voted the way they were told to by the media. As proven by the unexpected gains that the Tories made following the shitstorm they created over the SNP. I agree that the country isn't right wing generally. What the country is, sadly, is fucking stupid.
  9. I've covered this ground so many times with people who don't understand Labour's finance record that my head actually wants to explode every time we get into it now, but are you aware, that prior to the 2008 financial crash, caused by Tories on this side of the Atlantic and their equivalents on the other side, the deficit was 1) stable and 2) less than the last time a Tory government was in power, as a proportion of GDP. So, in a nutshell, Labour were delivering exactly what you've just said that they should do to get ahead. The point is, the media have perpetuated a lie for which we are all now suffering.
  10. No they won't, because the narrative for austerity is too prevalent a lie. Someone could come along and solve the whole fucking lot, and the right wing press would annihilate them. That is the problem CT, the real answers are being drowned the fuck out.
  11. He's not being put forward or even voted for in order for him to win though. Not by a lot of people. It's an attempt to force Labour back over from the centre-right. He won't win the next election, he'll quit as leader when he fails, but Labour won't be what it is now. This is a necessary process.
  12. But do you not also think cracking down on tax avoidance, which costs us £70billion per year, should be a higher priority than controlling for £4.6billion in welfare fraud? Wouldn't that stand us in better stead going forward? That £70b could be spent on public services, investing in science and technology, putting the UK at the forefront of the information/knowledge arms race. Instead, with respect, we're playing petty politics over things only the Daily Mail gets wound up about.
  13. I agree with this, but as things stand I can't see any political party actually delivering on such a thing. Especially not the Tories. There is no vision for the future of this country, we're just winding it down now, really.
  14. They're not exactly devoid of mess now...
  15. I think it's a foregone conclusion now. NuLabour is dead and given what it's become, not a moment too soon.
  16. I still look back fondly at the fanfare surrounding Rodwell's arrival
  17. Rayvin


    See, you guys have taken the perfectly sane and not at all boring as hell debate that Mako and I were having, and you've just ruined it!
  18. Rayvin


    You know what, I've re-read the posts here, and you win. Acid detecting sensors to capture all manner of human excrement are certainly more practical than a camera. Not sure they exist like, but they would make sense. 'Course they might also go off if someone brought an orange juice into the car, or their deodorant smelled too strongly...
  19. Rayvin


    I considered that, but figured that they'd be more costly in the long run. You'd need them pretty much all over the place to cover the possible eventualities for a car soiling episode, they'd need regular replacing, would play up and require maintenance more often than a protected camera in a box would, etc. They could also be vandalised, whereas the camera could be more easily protected. I put an extraordinary amount of thought into something this trivial. Let me have my moment
  20. Rayvin


    End of Journey Webcam/Photo - post-exit, photo is taken of internal seating areas and relayed to manned observation post and central office. Visual check carried out on photo and car approved for further collections. If visual check flags potential issues, car is recalled and observed manually. Timestamped photos are taken as evidence and the car is cleaned down. Previous customer is billed for clean up. Car re-released into circulation following clean up.
  21. I thought Obertan was mostly alright, surprisingly.
  22. Good game overall, even if watching the standard final 15 minutes of frantic defending is still a part of the average match day experience.
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