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Everything posted by Rayvin

  1. I missed this yesterday but congrats - sounds like you fully deserve it. Really hope it goes well. Definitely splash out on something to celebrate!
  2. That is surprisingly addictive...
  3. I think we'd do better with the French league purchases if we focused on players like Cabaye and Grenier rather than silky wingers who have to be utterly amazing in order to work out here. Hopefully we're going to focus attentions on a slightly wider spread of nations now though.
  4. Rayvin

    Fifa 16

    So is Fifa better than PES? I've had a long standing lack of interest in these games but I thought I'd pick one up. I haven't played one since FIFA '95
  5. Fully agree with that, I suspect patience may be a little thin after the failure of Cabella though. That said, since his name came up in another thread, I don't recall Debuchy having this sort of problem.
  6. Some stores here have been doing it... my guess is that supermarkets were resisting somehow.
  7. That's not great to hear... there's a part of me that thinks he should suck it up anyway, but at the same time it's not like he would have had as deep an understanding of the way the league was played as those who signed him, so if we're looking to attribute blame...
  8. Agree with Ewerk, would only take him back if he can/will play on the left.
  9. How does this statement: Tie in with this statement:
  10. I love how he's still plugging away about that 'attempt' to infect his computer as well. He's been saying literally the same shit for about two years now, almost word for word.
  11. His stock is high right now and he's trying to cash in as it won't last...
  12. I think that looks a tad optimistic... Norwich - 3 points Sunderland - 1 point Stoke - 1 point Bournemouth - 1 point Leicester - 0 points Palace - 0 points Liverpool - 1 point (depending on who takes over) Spurs - 0 points Villa - 3 points Everton - 1 point WBA - 3 points So 14 in total.
  13. ... EDIT - you're both wrong by standard English logic and wrong by your own logic, given that you've capitalised it in your own damn post.
  14. Fully agree with the comments here, although he's inevitably going to claim his poor form was as a result of being shafted onto the wing, and that he's actually good enough for the top clubs when played through the middle...so I reckon he'll get his CL move. As has been noted before though, no one leaves this club to go on to big things, they just stagnate in the following team.
  15. This is a bit of a bizarre comment to be honest not saying it would have gone much better for anyone else at this point but McClaren has shown us fuck all so far.
  16. How many managers in how many years is that?
  17. http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/oct/03/three-medecins-sans-frontieres-staff-killed-in-afghanistan-hospital-bombing So much the US' moral highground on bombing civilian targets... a hospital and several doctors killed by random US airstrike.
  18. I fucking loved the last few pages of this thread especially Chez's point about how everyone would have been building pyramids if it was the obvious thing to do with your day We would have fucking sucked at pyramids, we'd never have gotten past the planning stage due to high amounts of pre-historical bureaucracy and complaints at local woad meetings from NIMBYs. That said, I feel like Chez is right to a point here. Clearly there were civilisations who had an extremely strong grasp of mathematics, far stronger than you would expect for that time period by looking at the subsequent couple of millennia. Not saying that's aliens mind you. Massive knowledge loss on entry to the dark ages I guess.
  19. Loved those gifs hazard must have fucking hated him by the end of that...
  20. I'm genuinely starting to think essemmbee is just arsing around on here, some of his comments are too perfect
  21. Did he play a one-two with a defender's left leg to get past his right leg FFS...
  22. It's going to be a sweet moment, but if they don't come off, are we going to have to accept that at the very least he's learned from his experience here, and is actually not a bad manager That'd be a bitter one to choke down...
  23. I thought it was 1am... that sucks, I was going to chance staying up till 1 but there's no way 3am is happening...
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