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Everything posted by Rayvin

  1. I don't remember Weldy... Fair point though on the rest of it.
  2. I remember them I've been kind of hoping that Ant picks up on this and does that thing where he tracks their IP and posts their facebook profiles and other personal details up online. That seems to quieten people the fuck down pretty quickly - and even if it doesn't it'd be amusing.
  3. It must be good, there's presently another 382 mackems reading this thread...
  4. Fair enough I guess, my posting earlier was more a bored attempt at staving off the now sadly rampant case of fuckwit infestation that appears to be plaguing the board.
  5. I reckon it's become a harder game now, given the fact that Spurs contrived to lose today - but that said, maybe we should take some encouragement from the fact that they lost at home. Maybe they have been psychologically damaged by missing out on the title. Either way, it'd be nice to end a disappointing season with a win at least. I reckon if we do win, it'll be another of those in the 1-0 category.
  6. He's really not very good is he? I thought ILDC was bad but this guy's patter is both rubbish and dull.
  7. It looks like he's struggling for a come back for this one. This has brightened my mood a bit actually, despite being all but relegated there are worse clubs to be stuck supporting.
  8. With more time Rafa would have kept us up. We were relegated by our MD not reacting quickly enough. He's hopeless and we know it. That said, at least he didn't cover up the fact that the club was playing someone who engaged in sexual acts with underage girls in order to keep us up last year.
  9. Rayvin


    I think you'll find we agree on Colback so that's not really going to work for this rather pathetic attempt at 'banter' Try again.
  10. I'm surprised we haven't had a visit on here by ILDC yet. I guess despite everything he doesn't have the balls to go for the 'banter' until they're absolutely mathematically safe. This was disappointing anyway but being honest we've had this coming. After 80m spent it's bizarre but I think the really big mistake this season was McClaren. Didn't have a clue, don't expect he'll get anywhere near the top flight ever again.
  11. To be fair, fish thought we were gonna stay up until about 6 weeks ago.
  12. This is absolutely spot on. Infuriating in the extreme.
  13. I guess you and I cancel each other out then. But given that you claim we should vote for labour irrespective of principles in order to keep the Tories out, and yet won't vote for Corbyn simply because you believe that he won't win, yours is an odd position to take up. Either way, Labour is fucked and you and I, who share quite similar politics I would imagine, stand pointing the finger at each other. A shambles that I don't think Corbyn has been around long enough to be responsible for. He, along with this disagreement, is the consequence of the death of new Labour.
  14. Another one on that last point, austerity doesn't even support big business or job creation... It supports the government balancing it's books in the short term and very little else. Big business and job creation both benefit from greater spending from governments.
  15. But when did Keynesian economics, something the county used for decades before the financial crisis, become 'far left economic policy'? This is the bit that doesn't make sense to me at all. I do get what you're saying but it's hard to reconcile it with the facts IMO.
  16. I didn't say anything whatsoever about far left socialism or Tory lite. Corbyn isn't a far left socialist for one thing. My point was that it is the blairites who are causing this farce, not Corbyn. You and I seem to agree that the Tories are bad for the country, but people with your view are the ones undermining Labour's effort to get into power. If Labour was unified and failed, I could accept that. The current backstabbing and general nonsense going on makes me want to resist the blairites who, for the record, I previously supported. I also thought Tony Blair was a good leader, at the time. Looking at his legacy though, it's hard to argue that he did in fact make the country fairer, especially given how New Labour collapsed when he left. New Labour is dead, there's no one to get behind in it anymore, and those left look like nothing more than traitors at the moment because of this carry on about Corbyn. If the guy fails, he fails - but if he fails because rebel MPs knife him in the back, there will be negative consequences for Labour from the membership. How could any of us who voted for Corbyn come to trust the party again after that?
  17. But the alternative to this is that we compromise and win the GE by posing as the fucking Tories. This, despite the bizarre assertions from some on here that Labour would offer one thing (right wing/centrist policies) and then do another thing (left wing policies), is not an improvent on the status quo - largely because that latter view is utter bollocks, assuming that Labour have more than a single term in power planned. I am not going to vote for shit I don't believe in, and I will not, without caveat, be persuaded to do anything otherwise. Labour is either going to get its fucking shit together and act as a unified party behind Corbyn without the constant bitching, or its going to force him out and I'll probably never vote for them again. I'm just one person, but I'll not be alone. This farce about his leadership is fucking mental, all coming from people in the 'centre' of the party, and is literally doing the work of the Tories for them. If we all unified, actually took the challenge to the Tories, and then lost - fine. It didn't work. Get rid of Corbyn now though, in the way it's trying to, and Labour risks losing the young people that it will be increasingly the basis for its support going forward. In a nut shell, these MPs who keep railing against him need to shut the fuck up and get in line behind the party. The infighting is quite possibly the biggest issue putting the neutrals off, and it won't stop with Corbyn being replaced (it'll just flip the sides, but with the membership attacking MPs rather than MPs attacking the membership).
  18. I've been pretty impressed by what he's said and how he's put it across when I've listened to him directly. Been less impressed with what he's said when hearing it second hand through the media though.
  19. Agreed, but you and I are in a minority on this one apparently. Not as small a minority as some would have you believe based on last night though
  20. Makes you think though, if not for the SNP there'd be a very different landscape to British politics. They've successfully split the left. That aside, not a bad night at all given the concerted campaign made against Corbyn. Unlikely to face a coup now at least, unless Sadiq Kahn has messed up. Happy enough with it but there's clearly work for Labour to do. Not sure why so many people voted for a party that's about to become an irrelevance (UKIP) but there we go.
  21. TS must stand for TrophyShy... Maybe he's an android and dating later versions of his core model.
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