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Everything posted by Rayvin

  1. Maybe in response to disciplinary issues? As a lesson? He is suspended for the first 4 games after all.
  2. I'm increasingly starting to think the extreme left and the extreme right just feed off each other when it comes to blind, unreasoned rage.
  3. Spurs were sniffing around a while back too, if I recall.
  4. Quite a good fee actually, if they ever pay it...
  5. Devils advocate then - who else could we have had for about the same price? I'm struggling to think of anyone who would be happy to drop down to us, and who would also would be that cheap.
  6. Rayvin


    This is true, although I think we're reaching a saturation point in the media with this stuff. There's no hiding from the fact that the media have had a fucking field day between terrorism and Brexit this summer. It's all getting a bit tiresome to read now though, and I suspect I'm not alone in thinking that. I can't imagine people starting to get hysterical about it. That said, I can see people entrenching anti-Muslim biases I suppose, which isn't desirable.
  7. Rayvin


    Was going to say this myself. Getting us to assume that everything is a terrorist incident is the primary objective of the terrorists, surely. Either way, a sad thing to hear.
  8. ...This thread is fucking weird, guys.
  9. Sounds alright to me mate. Also a good excuse to hit the States.
  10. How did you let the second half of his post go without comment after your reaction to some of the others
  11. Was just reading a Hull forum for their take on this and it sounds like they're having a fucking shit summer. Lots of talk of only having half a team left, owners incompetence holding them back, no manager, etc. Straight back down for them, by the sounds.
  12. Biggest spending in championship history also?
  13. Villa went for him at the end. As if he'd choose them. Welcome to the guy - not particularly followed his game but sounds like a strong buy.
  14. Do it! Sounds exactly like the sort of thing you should do post-break up.
  15. I'm starting to think I wouldn't mind that.
  16. In related news, have Villa honestly just spent £12m on McCormack?
  17. A tad out of nowhere. I don't have a tattoo, although I figured I might one day when I'm too old for it to be in any way cool.
  18. Well, y'know, let's hope he's better here than he was at Villa. I think that's as big a welcome as he'll get really. Can only hope he has something to prove, I guess.
  19. Do UEFA not hand out some manner of commemorative item for referees or something?
  20. No, but, I did get her a job here for a while... If we ever break up, she's going to sue me for sexual harassment isn't she?
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