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Everything posted by Rayvin

  1. Surely that's where their youth players would come into it though?
  2. That's actually pretty bizarre. On the electability thing - they've disenfranchised huge swathes of their membership though. If they move to the centre with the Tories then great, maybe more people vote for them again - probably not many of their 500,000 membership though - and while that isn't an election winning number it's also not that small. I also expect they'll lose more working class to UKIP though. It's not like the working class are after centralist policies to protect the middle income earners, which is effectively what the centreground used to be under Labour (it's now high income earners under the Tories). Honestly, I think they're imploding - it's going to be a slow motion car crash, but the death knell was actually the balls up in Scotland. The source was not combating Tory nonsense about austerity. And the more I think about that, the more convinced I am that this is actually Ed Miliband's fault. Corbyn is in power because Miliband utterly failed to challenge austerity and sidled up to the Tories on the issue, and because he changed the voting rules for membership elections. Either way though, had it not been Miliband it would have been someone else. New Labour failed.
  3. I think now, it's just 'vote Tory'. I don't know where this idea that Labour is suddenly going to be viable again post-Corbyn comes from, but I can't say that I subscribe to it. They've been a shambles on all sides for fucking ages now. Even I think they look less competent than the Tories, and I think the Tories are utter muppets.
  4. Dare I ask what level we all are...?
  5. It's quite addictive but not sure how lasting it'll be... I'm sure there's more than just me and Andrew playing it from here as well...
  6. I wondered who would be first to admit to Pokemon Go on here... loser! Yes, I have it too.
  7. Rayvin


    We destabilized Europe - and the coup looks like something erdogan set up himself. I just think he saw the opportunity while Europe was weak and took it.
  8. This is all very interesting but Corbyn is going to win and we'll be a one party state. #Brexit
  9. Rayvin


    Very probably true. Putin will be about to capitalise on the chaos we've inflicted.
  10. Rayvin


    I defer to Isegrim on this really given he's much closer to it, but I had thought there was a big issue in terms of people from Syria coming over with different views of boundaries and sexual acceptability. I also gather a German politician, who was raped, made out that her attackers weren't Syrian to avoid a populist backlash against immigrants...? I could be miles wide of the mark here and apologise if so, but parts of this sound grim.
  11. We did get Gayle though, he looks alright to me. And Mitro and Perez are still good strikers.
  12. I wonder what the chances of Fish trotting on are...
  13. Well I feel I learned a lot in this discussion.
  14. :lol: That's totally what I should do. No on the neighbourhood cats though, not that I've seen. It's a bit big for a cat anyway, I'd have said.
  15. The spade is beyond me I'm afraid, at least not while I think it might stand a chance. One of my co-workers kindly offered to run it over though, so there's that option...
  16. So, as if by some manner of universe balancing act, I now have a bird situation myself. A wood pigeon has, I'm guessing, flown into the side of the building I work at (and am responsible for) and has landed in the little shrubbery garden below. It remains alive. It can move but can't fly - I'm assuming this because it's now been there for about 24 hours. I fed it a bit yesterday to see if it was intent on remaining alive or if it was waiting to die, but it managed to resist while I was there (Athough what I fed it had gone when I looked next). I assume this means it ate it, although I have no conclusive proof. In a nutshell, do I wait for it to die and then bin it, shuffle it off premises to be someone else's problem (I don't much fancy the idea of it being kicked to death) or call someone out to pick it up? I do not want to take it to the vet, and don't feel that I could ask any colleagues to do so either. I blame Renton for this entirely, along with my post about never having had problems with seagulls before.
  17. Rayvin


    Ah sorry, no. I was thinking state level responses to this kind of thing.
  18. Rayvin


    9/11 is going back some way in my political consciousness, but did it follow multiple and sustained low level terror attacks? Also, was the invasion of Afghanistan not a severe reaction...?
  19. Rayvin


    I have read that a large number of sex attacks (obviously not ISIS inspired) took place when the Germans brought in so many refugees. Much of this was covered up, and now the German police are shutting down groups voicing discontent at this situation. It sounds like populist backlash is being muted to a degree, probably to avoid the situation escalating. Maybe Parky would have a better idea how true this is, though. Aside from that, I'm not sure it would take much more for some serious manner of response. Maybe a particularly shocking attack that killed several hundred people? I really don't think we're that far off a severe reaction - I would imagine France is closer than most.
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