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Everything posted by Rayvin

  1. Did they trace it back to the Firestick then? You must have actually gone up the chain somewhat to get that level of scrutiny on what happened.
  2. Good on you for taking it in your stride and apologising to them.
  3. I'll scan the Chinese newspapers if it sticks - I reckon there'll be an inquiry into how they've failed and that China expects better, etc.
  4. China will be fucking seething about this In mentality they're like the mackems of the international community.
  5. We're doing really well in the medals table... not far off China now and third by some margin. Is that just because half of Russia was disqualified though?
  6. I'm going optimistic in the poll for this one out of desperation. Also, I have a vague hope that the defeat yesterday will have shaken some sense into them.
  7. I think it is must win. I think it's fucking ridiculous to say that so early in the season but ffs. We're starting as poorly as we do in the PL.
  8. So I'm now 50:50 on us being promoted. I get that the team 'needs to gel' or whatever, but honestly, I didn't think we'd be losing at home to Huddersfield. We're continuing in much the same vein as we were.
  9. Yeah was considering buying this but was put off immediately by the at best mixed reviews. One of those games that's all hype by the looks
  10. I use Prime for the delivery aspect - the video library is just a bonus. I'm too disorganised around Christmas to survive without it.
  11. I work with Amazon day in day out as a supplier to them and honestly you're not going to get anything from the front line. Amazon operates like a machine - if it doesn't understand something based on pre-loaded scenarios, it can't comprehend it. So you get people telling you the same stuff and failing to look at the nuances of your question. They are going to continue thinking this is your fault.
  12. Does the fish usually show up on your holidays?
  13. I actually wouldn't mind him playing if it meant we were more likely to win. The guy is a twat but at the end of the day we got him for next to nothing while we were advertising ourselves to potential transfers as a stepping stone club. He's exactly the kind of player we were trying to bring in. Yes he was a waste of space last year but his value isn't 35m. His real value is closer to what we paid for him in the first place. The only thing that really bothers me about him is that he thinks he's better than us. That's patently not true.
  14. That is beyond pathetic. Horrifying as well.
  15. Aye that's true. I recall reading that he really loves the fans and so on. Why they get taken in by this bollocks is beyond me. It'd be like us being taken in by any of Sissoko's nonsense.
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