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Everything posted by Rayvin

  1. It's not hatred I don't think, but effectively the US had a choice between someone actually left wing who would have helped people, and someone to the right of Theresa May on the payroll of Wall Street who is a demonstrable liar who by the sounds of it, should be prosecuted by the FBI - as their left wing candidates. It's the fact that the establishment, again, as usual, is going to win. Despite the shitshow on offer.
  2. I am curious as to Corbyn's position on ISIS if it's not the same as Smith's though. Assuming Smith's is talking to them.
  3. Political aides for leadership change speech for MP. That's animal farm? I think every government in history could be accused of being animal farm then. FFS Renton, there's some solid and meaningful criticisms to make of Corbyn but a lot of what you're going for is the sort of hysteria that the right wing press would go for. He isn't this demonic figure - he's a lefty and with traditional lefty ideas, and he is being opposed by half of his party, leading him to take steps to get things under control. This is fucking normal - this is what he should have been doing last year. If he doesn't do this, Labour will continue to struggle. I don't personally believe Corbyn is treating his MPs any differently, at present, to how May treats hers.
  4. Momentum have a type now? Come off it man, people on all sides use the same arguing strategies.
  5. With the caveat that I can also see Renton's side that, if you believe Islam to be a surpremacist ideology, then logically you would assume talking to them wouldn't work.
  6. I'm just going to agree, essentially word for word, with NJS here.
  7. Dunno like, can you recall any wars we've been involved in within the last 50 years that actually had our national security at stake?
  8. Yeah but mine don't match, so I've missed the lowest of low bars for middle class-ness
  9. RTG tearing itself apart over whether they should immediately jettison Moyes and bring Sam back
  10. You're joking What an utter twat. Unbelievable.
  11. He could be using it the other way, and casually remarking that your version of events sounds very elaborate, and that thus, by implication, he is suspicious of it.
  12. A built in vacuum cleaner...? Built into what, your arm? WTF is a built in vacuum cleaner
  13. Woah, hold on I have none of those things, what does that make me Contrast this with a BBC poll that decided I was part of 'the elite', i think we can safely say that these things are nonsense.
  14. Pulis likely to be one. I reckon the club that they're talking about as having helped their investigation is probably West brom.
  15. Aye but watching Pardew crash and burn would be about as satisfying. We'd get to watch the two of them burn for the price of one.
  16. The Telegraph has started publishing more. Apparently BSA has also called HMRC the most corrupt business [sic] in the UK. In fairness that's just an opinion but as a PR thing, it's pretty interesting. I reckon the Telegraph is trying to get him sacked here like, they'll keep publishing while this 'meeting' goes on.
  17. It can only have been about continuing to lower expectations. I think on that basis, Allardyce has done a fucking marvellous job. The next England manager just has to be vaguely competent and not corrupt. Which rules out a lot of them tbf...
  18. Unbelievable that he'd jeopardise himself in this way like. If you think about it, it actually is unbelievable. A month into the job and getting involved in dodgy backroom deals. The man must think he's bulletproof. And I guess we're about to find out if he is.
  19. Surely not Pardew. What the fuck is going on with football, seriously. What happens if Allardyce goes back to Sunderland after the inevitable sacking of Moyes as well..?
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