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Everything posted by Rayvin

  1. I'm going to be generous and state that I don't think the following is necessarily fair on May (though it's exactly what she signed up for) but i think she'll end up roundly despised. She won't Brexit hard enough for most leavers because she won't actually want to destroy the country, and the remainers will hate her on principle of destroying everything we thought we knew about Britain. By the end of her tenure I suspect she'll be desperate to leave government. As for the UK, I look forward to our incoming cash flow issues and associated chaos.
  2. Oh well. It's not like I work at Nissan I guess.
  3. Is that something that's actually true, or is it something that we're just telling ourselves though...
  4. Why do the parentheses deserve an inner space, and yet the full stops don't?
  5. I think we've all laughed at this particular development before, but apparently the mackems are confirmed as having to pay the £10.5m for Alvarez. This chap summed it up besst: So, he's cost us a season-long loan fee, a year of wages and now 10.5m and he played 13 games for us. About a million per game, then! Oh and we let him go for free because our hotshot board were convinced we wouldn't be liable for the transfer fee?
  6. Which comedian is that? And spot on, I'd say. The same issue exists in management to be honest. No one is thinking beyond the next 5 years, tops, into the future - as they probably won't even be in the same company these days. So you get decisions being made that look good in the short term, but which have long term negative consequences that can be identified, but which aren't dealt with because they'd lower EBITDA in the short term. Dismal state of affairs. There needs to be a cultural shift towards long term rewards, especially as we're living longer. I also don't think politicians should be afraid to come out and say that we need to reduce populations. I'd support motions along those lines. I'd support a two child limit in the UK ffs.
  7. It is depressing. What's bothering me is the extent to which it might be true. It's all well and good for this guy to make the argument it has - and I can see how it makes sense, logically - but surely there must be government policies or something that can be enacted in order to at least limit the damage? Are our governments so short termist that they're simply not capable of doing this?
  8. Well, you know me. Full of optimism about the world.
  9. I came across this post today by a hedge fund manager that could be nonsense but if not, paints a rather worrying picture for the UK regardless of political parties in power. Anyone with a greater financial mind than me want to weigh in on it? https://iiblack.wordpress.com/2016/08/16/example-title/
  10. That guy sounds like a legend. Fair play to Rotherham, if this fella is the standard then they sound like a decent bunch.
  11. Good, let's hope we can draw a line under this now.
  12. If that doesn't scream 'Fuck, there's no plausible story I can come up with that anyone will believe' I don't know what does.
  13. Oh god... Japanese culture making a stride into our own.
  14. I suspect the latter would greatly increase the chances of the former, but yes, I take your point.
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