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Everything posted by Rayvin

  1. I don't find the Guardian massively reliable, but the BBC I have some time for. Fair enough.
  2. It'll have a higher price to justify a lot of the R and D. Later models will be improved and more competitive.
  3. I was going to state that RT is entirely untrustworthy but then it seems to come from the bureau of investigative journalists... I know nothing of their origins, mind you. Either way, it's not exactly an imaginative stretch to think that this would happen.
  4. Ah true enough - I've already concluded that I could never go into politics based on some of the rants made in private messages on facebook (where I'm less restrained). It depends on how likely you are to show up on their radar I guess.
  5. Yes except that anyone with designs on such a thing wouldn't use gmail or yahoo. Or if they did, they'd deserve to get caught. For you, is it just the principle, or do you see some manner of long term issue posed to yourself as a result of ignoring this?
  6. I still use gmail. To be honest, this shit doesn't bother me probably as much as it should though... At the end of the day, I can't imagine that they're literally reading each email. It'll be scanning them for words they potentially don't like, but given that I've no plans at present to overthrow the state, I don't see my emails being of any real interest to them. I'd feel differently if they were using this as a means of corporate espionage.
  7. Being fair though, that's a grim fucking picture of her.
  8. God, that looks like there's nothing inside her head. Just a dark shadow where her eyes should be. Like someone is wearing her face...
  9. Aye, essembee, this is a fucking weird argument to have. Clearly you're applying double standards on this one - and you don't need to, Sunderland provide fucking loads of examples of subhuman behaviour as a football club without us having to come up with examples that could just as easily be turned back on us...
  10. I thought I responded to your post mate, sorry! Generally speaking, I'm glad there are some people on here capable of resisting the lure of the Tories as they get older. Renton and Gemmill should take note
  11. I always value your contributions in this thread, rare though they are.
  12. What the actual fuck has gone on there exactly? I'm assuming she just woke up one morning and realised what she'd done, but did something kick it off?
  13. Which is why she campaigned against it. Born again or something is she? So full of shit...
  14. He is a fucking dead ringer like The nose, the eyebrows...
  15. I meant if we know it's going to fall further. Buy now, cash out when it hits parity. Although I also accept that it's going to go back the other way soon... do you think they're going to happen more or less on top of each other? Some people are going to make a killing here.
  16. If that's true, it'd be a good time to buy dollars...
  17. Yes but he's the gateway to that. I swear I've made this point before
  18. FFS you guys are really battering my hopeful outlook. As a caveat - I think New Labour promised the defeat the Tories forever in their move to the centreground (in reference to your cynicism), but I don't think this is about party politics anymore. That whole system isn't working. I think for me this is more about Neo Liberalism and whether it can survive the current political chaos.
  19. Fully agree with Parky on this, it's the basis of my thinking too. It may not happen, but it could. Especially in a political climate where things like Brexit are possible.
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