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Everything posted by Rayvin

  1. Aye that's it. Exactly where Katarn is meant to fit in, since this appears to be his story. Although he's also in the post-RotJ landscape as well. Hopefully he survives on that end of it.
  2. I don't think we do give the Russians an easy time mate. I think we're generally all agreed that they're deplorable in some of the actions they take. The thing is, I can remember a number of arguments on here where people have defended our foreign policy as part of discussions on terrorism, so people do take sides on that issue as well. I said a few weeks ago that our establishment already identifies Russian cruelties. It doesn't identify its own. We need to do that - and that's what 'lefty liberals' try to do. There is no subtle pro-Russian bias man. The only people I've come across who are pro Russia are those who actually hate the yanks.
  3. ... That... just makes me think the rapture is upon us.
  4. I think they sound more dangerous than they are. They're a relatively poor country still, and if push came to shove with the Americans I don't think they'd have the financial stamina for a drawn out conflict without making conditions on the home front desperate. That said, their foreign policy appears to be successful. I sometimes wonder though if they and the yanks are in cahoots on the basis that having each other there as 'the big bad' allows justification for continued military expenditure and populace controls.
  5. Sterling is going to go back up at some point, right...?
  6. Nosferatu in drag as a description for May has made my morning.
  7. Its interesting that that 'right' in the US got hit with this and the left did here. People don't care who gets into power as long as the centrist establishment loses. I genuinely think Sanders would have won if the democrats hadn't conspired to take him out.
  8. Where are you thinking of moving to? And is it for citizenship reasons?
  9. Given that Trump is now shot, I suppose I can at lest resume hating the establishment without feeling conflicted about it. Hopefully we get a more credible candidate next time.
  10. Yeah I don't see him coming back from this. And as much as I enjoy watching anti-establishment candidates succeed, this guy as President would be a fucking disaster. If Hillary loses it now she must be even more useless than I thought.
  11. The state has just decided that foreign experts will now no longer have their views accepted as contributions towards forming government policy on Brexit: https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2016/oct/07/lse-brexit-non-uk-experts-foreign-academics What the fuck is going on man, this is a clear move to 'other' everyone who isn't British. This is exactly the sort of bullshit that most of us were worried the Tories would start doing, the bigoted fucking pricks.
  12. That, to be fair, is a very strong argument. The only counter to which appears to be the paragraph which indicates that there is potential for FDI to go back up due to the weak pound. But that said, it also explains why this is unlikely. It does make you think that Gemmill has the right approach mind. The people who voted for this deserve it.
  13. I'm struggling to keep track of this argument, are we saying that there will be indirect benefits to Sterling falling off a cliff (i.e. less air travel and therefore global warming reductions), or are we just saying it won't matter in the long run because the UK will prosper in the face of adversity as we're still a key market for other countries? Or both? I'm amazed that people are still selling Sterling at this point tbf, surely it's bottomed out by now...?
  14. What about the other appointments. A number of them look solid to me..
  15. Yes, and we will react then with a proportionate amount of hysteria
  16. Not entirely sure they're buying into the craic here, Gemmill.
  17. The Russians aren't going to fire on US airplanes, they know what that would mean. Unless you're thinking they'll issue them to the Syrians?
  18. Nick Brown being made chief whip is encouraging (for me). Always thought he did an ok job locally. He sent an email around to local labour members in the run up positioning himself firmly on the fence in the whole coup debacle, but he wasn't an out and out Corbynite.
  19. Looks like they got him at the end though?
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