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Everything posted by Rayvin

  1. I'll believe that when it's over but I hope you're right. I thought he'd be doing a lot worse after the recent few weeks than it looks like he is. I think I read he was 7 points behind... that doesn't sound like a lot? Is that a lot in the US?
  2. I question the extent to which one could consider people like Osborne to be qualified to run the country's economy with his history degree and career as a politician. Also not sure who Green is? That said, I don't care if they're politicians or not. Look, my position on this isn't actually one that would benefit me personally. I'm more than happy for the status quo to remain in place on a personal level. I struggle on principle, but I don't lose out if they succeed. I do think we should take more seriously the consequences of their stay in power though. Our refusal to listen and to encourage improvements in people's lives is coming back to haunt us...
  3. Anything that isn't immediately interested in the perpetuating of the 'norm' and status quo that we live under and which is now serving up backlashes like Brexit and Trump. It doesn't need to be anarchy, but it needs to be something that causes those in power to feel some pain due to losses in their own, up until now very well protected, personal interests. I genuinely don't think I have an extreme definition, and to be honest I use it as an easy go to phrase for my general sentiments. But we have 600k people supporting a man with little to no charisma in the UK just because he represents change. We have 51% of the country committing economic suicide on behalf of the rest of us because they want change. The yanks have Trump, Europe has the rise of the hard right (and in places the hard left). How much more of a battering does the centreground need to take before someone else gets a turn? And the thing is, I don't think the hard left or right will make anything better. And I personally do well out of the centre. But there needs to be a demonstration, on apparently quite large a scale, that people at the top are actually listening to people at the bottom. The establishment has been caught cold. I'm alarmed by how pathetic the establishment response has been, in truth.
  4. I'm not sure how 'vague' a notion it is... Do you expect anything meaningful to change in people's day to day lives under Hillary, or will we see a continuation of an ever yawning wealth gap and a general continuance in the fall of the standard of living? I dunno, maybe she can improve things for the better. Nothing she has said suggests to me that she can, because, whatever positive intentions she might have, she's deeply embedded in the system that has failed to respond to such challenges for years now. The fact that it may simply not be possible to address this is unfortunate (Howay made the point yesterday about how the States simply doesn't allow for change just because you voted in a certain president due to the power of the two houses). Maybe I just need to accept that the system is impenetrable and that there's nothing that can be done to achieve real change. I do worry though, that the continuing failure to address this, to be seen to be listening to the ordinary people, will result in more Trump style horror shows in the future. That said, I suppose I should be genuinely glad that we've dodged the bullet on this one.
  5. We deserve a far better anti-establishment candidate than Trump. Such a shame, it's a real missed opportunity.
  6. I find the whole thing beyond parody and an utter farce. It amazes me that anyone can think either of them are a good choice. It amazes me that the Americans have let this happen. Donald Trump should be nowhere near the White House. All it's going to take is some medium size revelation about Hillary in the next few weeks and he'll be in power. That says everything you need to know about Hillary's suitability as a candidate. 'Depressing' doesn't do it justice.
  7. I'll clarify then - I find it bizarre that both of them are bringing Putin into this. More strange that she is given that she's supposed to be the candidate who isn't crackers. Was Russia behind that? Impressive if they were. I assumed that was another internal leak of some kind. Then again, I suppose her personal security over emails has been so 'extremely careless' that the Russians could just have hacked her. Not reassuring if that's what happened...
  8. I find her claim that Trump is a puppet for Putin a bit bizarre I have to say. As if Putin would go anywhere near Trump. Or her, for that matter.
  9. Good, about time they fell away.
  10. Essembee would have been proud of that.
  11. I don't doubt we'll win, just not sure it'll be a landslide. Happy to be wrong though! Fair enough, your logic makes sense. I'll upgrade to 3-0 for the poll then...
  12. They've cracked it! They've worked out what their problem is... http://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/is-the-name-of-our-stadium-the-problem.1287517/ Just one poster like, but I think he's serious.
  13. The thread title is perfect IMO. And you're just the latest in a long line of people who have either forgotten the poll or not made it public. To be honest, fucking the poll up may be part of the same voodoo magic that's at work with the thread titles now anyway.
  14. How are we collectively just not getting these match threads set up right It is a good title though. So, I'd say 2-0 for this one. No reason we shouldn't beat them.
  15. Always feel a grim sense of pride in Greggs. The most recent North East company to become a PLC I believe. On my MBA they had Gregg's financial director come in and give us a talk about the various challenges they've faced and so on, it was pretty interesting. Then we had to carry out Excel based linear programming to work out the most efficient means for getting pasties to the masses All in all they're a well run business.
  16. It makes no difference now anyway, surely? I assume his polling is now in the gutter?
  17. I meant for Trump to have brought him along, based on Trump's usual standards. My judgment was about Trump I'm surprised it's so mundane.
  18. Is that it? Fair enough to Trump then, really. I mean, I can see why he'd have him there. I assumed he was a jihadist or something.
  19. I remember when hearing that it's a year out would have killed me. These days it doesn't seem like such a long time..
  20. What does Obama's half brother have to do with anything?
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