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Everything posted by Rayvin
Great line. The MSM doesn't have fake narratives, they have very real narratives. They're just not all encompassing and often hypocritical. Agree that nothing is real
Yep just found it. Fair enough.
Fake news? Do they? I've seen a lot of things thrown at them but not that one. Like what?
Dacre is an establishment media force though. Barron isn't. Although I want to be clear here, I don't think he should appoint the guy either. I'm a bit concerned by what exactly he thinks he needs him for, and it's not like the guy has ever been in office. But then again, I'm no more concerned than I would be if he'd hired whichever sad individual heads up the Guardian these days. Ultimately, the media and those with media influence should be nowhere near political positions. Not when they still have an outlet. Presumably Brietbart is going to become a full on propaganda arm of the Trump office.
I had a look at Brietbart last night and while fully confessing I didn't 'dig deep', it had literally nothing offensive posted on there. Some of the comments beneath certain articles were off kilter for sure, but the articles themselves are actually really lacking in any racial/bigotted substance. As in, the Daily Mail is far worse on a cursory glance. I've come across Milo Yannoupoulos before in my diggings around the internet - he seems to be one of the figureheads for the paper. He just carried out some kind of tour around American universities campaigning against feminism. He's a British guy educated at Cambridge (before dropping out) I gather. So yes, anyway. While Brietbart has some inflammatory headlines it seems, I wish to draw attention to some of the headlines we've seen from the Guardian in the past few years: Why I hate Men. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2006/nov/02/whyihatemen Women hitting men is not the same https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/may/18/solange-jay-z-beyonce-fight-assault-domestic-violence-men-women Feminists don't hate men, but it wouldn't matter if we did (presumably she hadn't read Bindel's article) https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2015/mar/13/feminists-do-not-hate-men So how is the above different to Breitbart, save that some of the terms used aren't as on the nose? I suspect it is a platform for hate speech, but I'm not having the Guardian telling me that after their crusades in the ever divisive gender wars.
it is a very Fish style post. Nice to have fans from other clubs on sometimes though
Libertarian-ism has a lot to answer for as well in this. Entirely unsustainable in practice, there'd be hell on.
How is he going to be undermining democracy?
I guess so, just a bit concerned about the relative loss of creativity. I suspect we'll win but I think it's going to be a harder fought slog now than it would have been. More like the Newcastle of last season in terms of style.
Aye, says something doesn't it? I'm not sure that survey weights income/finance high enough to be honest.
Dont we need Shelvey for most of that though? Do we know what's happening with him yet?
Did you go suburbs, inner city trendy, or out in the sticks?
Yeah maybe it overcompensates on that stuff. Economically I've not even got a house, so it's not like I can say there's that much going for me. But when you spread the factors over several criteria like that I suppose these are the results you get. I don't really go to museums either these days. And I certainly never went to private school - my parents could barely afford to send me to university.
I don't think I've ever been in a single place for more than 5 years throughout childhood and adulthood... maybe if you find the right place it makes sense. I'm perhaps just reluctant to set down roots anywhere.
Me too. You and I weren't born into it though we dragged ourselves up. Although 1 and 3 from that list are true for me. If Durham / Leeds counts as elite unis then maybe 2 as well Leeds isn't, not sure about Durham these days.
This is the best one I've seen for measuring your social class: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-22000973
I'm buying a house too tbf ... and I think Andrew is younger than me. Never come across a 'forever home' though... never been one of those people who would want to stay in one place forever, maybe that's why. Seems alien to me.
Brexit complicated the whole matter. Prior to it, I genuinely hoped that Corbyn could pick up the anti-establishment vote - unfortunately it's been captured by the right. The only thing in our favour is that the Tories don't fully appreciate that they've pulled the pin on a hand grenade, and it could still all go quite a way south for them.
Even Parky was hedging his bets towards the end.
Trump was given a 15% chance of winning. Those polls were very, very wrong.
Can you expand on that? I'm interested in what else you think comes into play.