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Everything posted by Rayvin

  1. That still makes me feel a bit ill. I still cared about England at that point...
  2. Didn't he fuck up then as well? He's pretty consistent on fucking up.
  3. Leeds have sold out to be fair to them. Guess that explains why there were so few away tickets available.
  4. His dedication to the cause is impressive given that you aren't playing anymore
  5. I think there may be an error in HF's copying and pasting there...
  6. Aye, it's looking good. We can afford to fuck this one up but it'd really cement us if we win.
  7. I had high hopes for sausage party... is it one of those where all the funny bits are in the trailer? Or is it just lame?
  8. As much as I take this to be an in jest remark, it's worth pointing out that this guy is likely fucking minted, and can't have cause for the same manner of concerns as most of the working class who have been abandoned by centre-left political activity. Thus, he will just be a racist. That's on him. The comfortably-off liberals need to ask themselves why their message of peace (bombing the middle east) and success (you'll make it if your family made it first) isn't resonating with the people who have voted the racists into power though.
  9. This guy sounds like an utter disgrace...
  10. I just don't really use Facebook. The idea of it being a news source is something of a revelation to me based on this election.
  11. Definitely true on Facebook. But then, which right thinking people use Facebook for news?
  12. I'm genuinely starting to get on board with Gemmill's vision of refereeing
  13. If you thought Trump was bad, get ready for the man who would be God.
  14. Are...are you serious? They're ALL called Mick?
  15. The policies, man. It's all about the policies. You think I wouldn't prefer some charismatic, eloquent and persuasive individual heading up Labour?
  16. Good question! Really not sure. They might have had to be balanced? Probably Sanders in the overall scheme of things, progress from the left is always better than 'progress' from the right. And yeah, but they were all too old for this. They should cap it at 60 or something.
  17. Sorry, who the fuck is the older knacker in those The kids I kinda get, although it's still sad. It's him joining in that makes it beyond sad. Is he just a random mackem?
  18. I think he would have. It depends on whether you believe Hillary lost because she's a woman, or because she's a corporate stooge and card carrying member of the establishment. Hence why I've said it would have been extremely interesting if Palin had run.
  19. I meant in terms of politics, not charisma
  20. Yep, very fair. The noises coming out of the DNC are encouraging actually. They might just go full Corbyn.
  21. I think selective reporting is the bigger issue. There's no fact checking process that needs to be carried out if you're simply 'not reporting' something.
  22. That's a wider issue within the Alt-Right vs SJW war. It's not really played out in the election (believe it or not) but having seen some of the stuff from both sides, I can safely say that they're both as pathetic as each other. They're all overgrown children with no ability to compromise and reason things out. I'm not referring to all feminists here incidentally, just the branch of them that he means when he's talking about it.
  23. I don't disagree that the 'post-truth' era is a concern, but I do think the MSM is ultimately responsible for this. If people think the media lies, as they do right across the political spectrum, of course they're going to seek out truth elsewhere. The agendas and narratives they've foisted on us have come home to roost. Do I think the direction we're heading is a good one? No. But you know who and what I think is ultimately responsible for this anyway. I have to say, there is a not insignificant part of me that is just fucking loving this. I keep trying to press it down but seeing the people who have told us what to think, how to think it and understanding how this benefits them in the social order, come face to face with the monster that such nonsense inevitably caused, is very satisfying. Putting my slightly more civilised hat back on, the solution here for politics and the media to be more open and honest, and to genuinely give people a choice.
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