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Everything posted by Rayvin

  1. Hence my surprise about this article! This has restored my faith in the Guardian to a degree - credit where it's due.
  2. Agreed. This is going to end up all over the place as far as clubs are concerned, it seems.
  3. Yeah that's true actually. I kind of think the issue has to become a lot less taboo to talk about before society will be safer in general, rather than people 'hiding in plain sight' like you say, they can come forward and say that they have this predisposition, have no desire to act on it, and perhaps need some manner of support. If it's a genetic thing, that is. They'd be lynched in this country at the moment, if they did that. Possibly literally. But then maybe that will make the individuals who are on some manner of perverse power trip more dangerous.
  4. Ah ok, sorry - I better understand what you're saying now. I do note that the Guardian on occasion put forward an opposing viewpoint, but as I say, I was very surprised to see this particular view. I've never seen them publish this one before. I guess I can see why you don't think this is a big deal, but for me this is on par with the Daily Mail writing an article suggesting that maybe immigrants aren't to blame after all.
  5. I wonder if it's a case of not being certain about it for a lot of people though. There was a PE teacher at our school who was regularly talked about in this respect amongst the students - I was aware of the rumours but obviously had no actual reason to believe it was anything other than my classmates making stuff up. That said, if you're talking more about a group who have been abused and who aren't talking about it, then perhaps the idea that they've somehow 'done something bad' by letting this happen to them is prevalent.
  6. So you're saying that the Guardian publishing the overwhelming number of opinion articles that it does on a particular theme, is something we should consider to be of no merit in terms of inferring the newspaper's worldview? Because occasionally they publish a single article by a Tory? Did you see how many anti-Trump articles they published after his election. It was 23. That day. 23 anti-Trump editorial pieces. And you don't think that's representative of a wider agenda? I'm not even disagreeing with that part of the agenda, but I think we have to acknowledge it! I think we're always going to disagree on this one mate. I can respect your view as a journalist but I think you have a slightly purist view of how these things operate. For instance, would you say that the Daily Mail doesn't use editorials to put across its agenda? It's all about competing narratives these days IMO.
  7. I personally would have gone straight to my CEO with it given the possibility of it turning into a PR disaster, but I suppose it's possible it was passed up middle management until someone felt they were senior enough to deal with it. Not sure we'll ever know, can't imagine it was a well documented decision.
  8. You still died less frequently than I did
  9. You could prep it now and just keep it in reserve?
  10. I agree - but it hasn't published -this- article. This is a big deal. This is the first time I've seen them publish something that so directly cuts to the very heart of all they hold dear. The Guardian may now be starting to realise that identity isn't the be all and end all of leftwing politics. I don't think they even would have considered publishing this a year ago. EDIT - I've read their opinion articles almost every day for over a decade. I'm fairly up to speed with what they think...
  11. Happy to do conquest as well but I thought you were fine on rush. You're better in tanks than I am!
  12. Trump did get a swing from the working class but he still had less than 50% of them iirc. He actually had fairly wide reaching support through a few groups.
  13. If a newspaper publishes a disproportionate number of opinion articles on a specific theme, are you suggesting that said newspaper has no agenda or overriding belief system? The Guardian itself admits it does ffs.
  14. will you be running a live blog? That's the done thing these days isn't it?
  15. I think he was just a cult figure. I know what you mean though, maybe it's a slow news day.
  16. Aye but then the counter logic goes, if we get a PL standard player who is prepared to drop down to the Championship for 6 months, couldn't we get a better one in the summer who wouldn't drop down, but would join us as a PL outfit?
  17. Good sitcom though, and one that is certainly well loved by a certain generation of people in this country.
  18. awesome mate, happy for you!
  19. I almost exclusively post links from the Guardian And I know, it was just a timely report in terms of the discussion.
  20. Obama's impact: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2016/dec/01/obama-fossil-fuels-us-export-import-bank-energy-projects Not good.
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