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Everything posted by Rayvin

  1. They will next time, IMO.
  2. I concede that we're only getting the establishment views over here and it's hard to gauge how his popular support is reacting, but much of this isn't looking good. He does look incompetent Parky. Whether he intends to or not, he seems hugely underqualified to do this. Not because he isn't a career politician, but because he's just dim. I considered a Trump figure to be inevitable in the long run and hoped that it would galvanize real change in response. However, it looks like it'll fall flat. The establishment will point to Trump and tell us 'look, you've had your fun now but that guy was a fucking headcase. Go back to letting is decide who rules you. Go back to sleep'
  3. He had a better narrative. He doesn't now. Although he does need to cling on to the one that won him the election if he's going to survive.
  4. Ah I see. He's right though, that's basically just a sideways step in terms of quality (Celtic aside).
  5. that is just so embarrassing... I can't believe even Rooney thought that was a good idea.
  6. Yikes, busy on here today... Don't worry about Trump, the media are tightening the net on him now. I agree that control of the narrative is the most important thing, I just don't think he's doing it. The media are. It's the Russian stuff that they'll get him on in the end. Be interesting to see who the media replace him with when he's ousted.
  7. Is that what all that was about? Why is Clark doing that then, do we know? If he explained it in there somehow I honestly wouldn't know.
  8. I really don't think it's going to be that easy for them to get rid of him, although I agree that this is the direction we're heading in. What will happen if they do? It'll be seen as a coup by everyone outside of the West, and by half of the US.
  9. Banana skin. Villa will raise their game against us because of course they will. Gonna say 2-1 to us but could go the other way too.
  10. Yeah ok, these people are vapid morons following a parroted media narrative that confirms their biases and which they refuse to challenge, but this is from infowars who aren't exactly paragons of common sense and proportionate reactions... people are stupid on both sides of this. God, the world has been hijacked by fuckwits. And worse, they've hijacked it from corrupt, self-interested arseholes. Where are the people with any sense of reason? Do they all just stay away from politics?
  11. I think it's fair to say it's been happening non-stop since he was elected.
  12. FFS. The man has no backbone whatsoever. No ability to take ownership of his views, what he has said in the past, anything at all. Absolute waste of space.
  13. Until Farage comes back, anyway. This really is becoming an open goal for Labour. Problem is it won't tell us anything. If UKIP lose now, it's probably just going to be because Nuttall is a total fucknugget, not because Labour have performed well.
  14. Has he claimed that as well? Fucking hell yeah, that'd really kill him off. The thing is, even if he was there, there's no doubt at all that he's just attempting to make political capital over it, which is disgusting in itself. I saw this in the Guardian earlier - Arron Banks is 'sick to death' of hearing about Hillsborough. 'Milking a tragedy forever is sick'. 'It was an accident, and time for people to see it for what it was' https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2017/feb/15/ukip-donor-arron-banks-says-he-is-sick-to-death-of-hearing-about-hillsborough Shocking lack of awareness and reading of their voter base on this one, I would have said.
  15. This whole thing is an absolute farce. What he should have done straight off the bat is just fucking owned up to it and apologised - it would no longer be news by now had he done that, although sure, he would have taken a popularity hit. He's made this so many times worse by attempting to weasel out of it, though. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm delighted he has. This might cost him the by-election and may chime a death knell for UKIP as a result, but watching this unfold is incredible. Only point I don't understand is how they've proven that no close friends of his were there?
  16. That results feels about right - and if you lot are saying that we dominated anyway, then actually, that should surely allay some concerns? We (marginally) outplayed Norwich away. We can get a result against anyone really, is what that tells us.
  17. Tonight is Valentine's mate... Agree I need to get on though. Will be free quite a bit towards the end of the week, will make an effort then.
  18. Someone has rated him down in the 10 minutes since I last looked at this thread
  19. There's a difference though. Liberals are liberal. Progressives are snowflakes
  20. I think it was an amalgamation of our two points, Fish. Naturally I was the one to get credit though.
  21. Alternative view is that he's using it as a gambit to force Ashley back. Or maybe even as insurance if we don't get promoted, since he won't now view that as entirely his fault. There's no point in worrying about it either way. He'll leave if he means to leave, but it seems as though he's going to stay the course this year first. That should get us promoted.
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