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Everything posted by Rayvin

  1. I think Ant banned the idea of a return to offensive thread titles?
  2. Sometimes I actually start believing that you guys think the title makes a difference...
  3. Extremely unimpressive. We're going to be promoted but only cos huddersfield are nearly as poor as we are at the minute.
  4. So Brighton are promoted then. Fair play to Hughton.
  5. Getting tired of this now. We're really starting to tempt fate here.
  6. I wouldn't say perfectly sane...
  7. tbf, that's the progressive left versus the working class. I know what you mean though.
  8. To be brutally honest, NK has to come crashing down at some point. China should be doing it but...
  9. Realistically we're limping over the finish line here. Huddersfield probably messed this up for themselves over the past two weeks with a couple of defeats though, rather than us securing promotion through a show of strength. If they'd stayed on track this would be extremely uncomfortable. As it is I reckon we'll stay out in front by a point or so by the end of the season. Hopefully then we can consign this season to history and kick on.
  10. We very much need to keep our focus and not fuck this up.
  11. I didn't know he was mixed race tbf. Also the mayor of Liverpool reporting the comments about people from Liverpool as racist is a bit fucking weird
  12. I wonder what being sponsored by Trump would be like We'd be pilloried of course but it'd be an intriguing development. As for the media, knowing our luck it'll end up being the chronicle...
  13. Aye but that's what any politician would do.
  14. Is that a bad thing?
  15. The Impact of Nuclear Detonations on our Scouting Network Started by: The Fish
  16. It'll be even better when WW3 breaks out Parky'll be going on about false flags everywhere and neoconservative imperialism, Renton and Gloom will be proclaiming that the apocalypse is nigh and that we should have placed our faith in the centreground eternal, I'll be droning on about how inevitable it all was because we refuse to elect leaders who actually represent us, Alex will be chiding me for having the political awareness of an A level student, and ewerk will be on the sidelines making snarky comments. So, basically more of the same.
  17. Living standards are falling again: https://www.theguardian.com/business/2017/apr/12/living-standards-fall-first-time-since-2014-uk-inflation-pay-growth
  18. Aye, who knows what this place would be like without Brexit and Trump tbf.
  19. Aye, looking at it now we were all unified in rage at that point
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