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Everything posted by Rayvin

  1. Isn't it statistically the most embarrassing game any of us have seen?
  2. It's genuinely not looking like Huddersfield have it in them to catch up. And Reading getting hammered just makes it all the better. Norwich have had 38% possession
  3. That was true and all I'm sure it did work once, thus giving it a success rate of about 1 in 300.
  4. Rayvin


    It's not good news for the left, this one. Sweden is always held up as integration done right. The populist right will have a field day with this.
  5. I could not be more convinced Brighton are going to beat QPR
  6. Absolutely agree, but surely if we don't stand tall in the face of chemical weapons, we run the risk of a very real race to the bottom. It might not be our problem but we have to live in the same world as these people.
  7. Maybe so, but they're 16th. I'd be surprised if Brighton had any significant trouble putting them away.
  8. Superb comment on the Guardian What strikes me about this decision by Trump, which we all know he would have been Twitter-raging about if it had been six months ago, is that he clearly decided that this situation required him to live up to the "tough" rhetoric he frequently uses. It also provokes a useful bit of handbags with Russia, at a useful time in that bit of the picture. But mainly, you can almost see him going "Right, what are we going to do - options!" "Well, Mr President, we could fire off some missiles at something military over there. That's the usual doing-something-nothing approach." "Bah! Did Obama do that?" "No Sir, he did not." "OK, I'm listening. How many missiles?" "Well, five or six is usually sufficient." "Right! I want sixty, d'yhear? Sixty! I want that place going off like popping candy! That's how we show we mean business!" "Sir, we only have 59 missiles in theater." "Well 59 then, goddammit! But find me the guy who is in charge of ordering missiles, I want a word with that guy."
  9. @@Happy Face What do you make of these guys? https://off-guardian.org/
  10. I thought the question of why this was allowed to happen in the first place was key tbh. No point getting rid of Trump if you don't address the underlying catastrophe that created him.
  11. Great stuff mate, so much more informative than the Chron's effort.
  12. Agree with basically all of that - but what they need to do to get rid of him, are things that they won't do.
  13. This is the same Clinton who, in response to this attack, said that she would blow up every airbase in Syria, and implement a hardline stance with Russia?
  14. So you're saying it's going to be a scoreline along the lines of the famous 8-0?
  15. He's gagging to win the thing, we know that for certain. If Chem weaps help, and he's not previously brought the yanks in by using them, why stop now?
  16. ...I mean, I'd personally be amazed if anything remotely interesting comes of this. But who knows.
  17. You aren't a chemical weapons expert and yet you're telling me that it's not effective when dropped from planes... I don't think you get to play that one both ways Why would the risk it - who knows. Maybe because they've had no repercussions previously?
  18. No chance is that going to happen. I mean, come on. That's just setting us up to be the fall guys in some bizarre PR stunt where Defoe comes out and says he's leaving, but he's turning us down on principle
  19. I remember him telling me that I shouldn't worry about the poor in this country, and that he would inform me when things got so bad that people like me should vote for policies to help... until that point, I should be entirely self interested, apparently.
  20. The argument against the idea that they've inadvertently blown up a munitions depot appears to be that doing so would have all but entirely destroyed the Sarin. Thoughts?
  21. That's convenient. Is there any real evidence at all to support this? I mean, literally anything? Has Russia got a single damn piece of information other than it's "word", and the word of the fuckwit who currently rules Syria, that this is what happened? I'm prepared to give Russia a lot of slack in the face of Western aggression, but I'm not going to choke back their bullshit unless they have any actual, meaningful evidence to contribute. As it stands, the West for all its 'hastiness' in responding here, has the far more convincing story.
  22. I tried, I got nothing. As for the rest of it, we know the Syrian airforce bombed that area at least 30 minutes before the alarm was raised about Sarin, so your argument could stand but - I was under the impression that the Russians had agreed with Obama that they would have all chemical weapons in Syria removed by mid-2014. So for your argument to be correct, the Russians would either be duplicitous or incompetent.
  23. Citation? Also, presumably then you believe that the Russian story about Rebels blowing up a chem weapon storage facility is the likelihood?
  24. Was under the impression that both Turkey and the US have intel confirming it was dropped from a plane..?
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