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Everything posted by Rayvin

  1. FFS. We really need to get over equating everything to the nazis, it's getting fucking ridiculous now.
  2. I was messing around too tbf. I didn't actually mean you were a Tory
  3. Hasn't it? Are...are we still living under feudalism?!? And yes, I can tell I'm not sure this is a recognised SJW issue though. Actual improvements to people's lives through addressing economic inequality isn't something they'd be interested in, as they're part of the bourgeois middle classes They're all about divide and rule. You sound like a Tory though
  4. That would probably work, I grant you. For a generation at least. Maybe every couple of generations you need to bomb them so that living memory carries the threat of not submitting to the status quo. Alternatively, we can try and make positive change - controversial way to go of course. No money in it for those at the top.
  5. I'm not elevating Pardew and Allardyce here, so much as saying there's probably not actually a lot to choose between many of them. I mean, even Guardiola has looked intransigent and tactically flawed this season - and he's supposedly the poster child for intelligent management.
  6. You know the point I'm making. No one lives life thinking "well it was even shitter than this 100 years ago, so on that basis I should just pipe the fuck down".
  7. Aye, you'd think so. So at the moment they're thinking "Fuck, I'm being left behind and have no hope for the future".
  8. I'd be interested to see how either of them get on at a big club mind cos you never know. There are times when I think this whole management game in football is populated entirely by charlatans who don't know what they're doing. It'd be interesting to see one of them in charge of, say, Arsenal. Moyes at Man Utd might be the closest we've gotten and he had an arguably better record than Van Gaal, from memory.
  9. When the blitz was happening, were people looking back at the Somme and thinking 'well this isn't so bad'?
  10. That last point is what I've felt UAF and the EDL should have done years ago. We could nominate Sunderland as the venue. I watched an interview with Tommy Robinson on how the EDL got going, and actually, you can see how he ended up there. Of course he's just painting his side, but it sounds like the community he lived in was living in fear of violent gangs of asian men, embroiled in drugs, prostitution and all manner of general crime, and that local authorities were too scared to touch them. That's a failure of the establishment. Had stronger action been taken against such people, maybe we wouldn't have ended up here. But equally, maybe such action would have been branded Islamophobic and ultimately shouted down. I always end up thinking the whole thing is a massive political failure based around a project that wasn't properly thought through, communicated, or reinforced with solid cultural education. So now we're all fucking terrified of each other.
  11. I mean, what people on here have said is true. I think Renton has the closest line to the centre on this: "This is about as good as it gets, what more do you want from us" is the centre's line. The problem, as has been expressed at great length, is that this is a tough fucking sell when you've got the super rich in the picture as well Especially when so much of the misery is centred on the young. Apparently Le Pen is polling well with younger voters. Says it all really. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/apr/09/forgotten-france-marine-le-pen-president "Only Le Pen cares about us" The centre, as I've said before, can get to fuck. They're delivering us an absolute nightmare.
  12. The French centre is collapsing as per what we've seen elsewhere: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/apr/11/france-left-europe-jean-luc-melenchon-presidential-election
  13. I know what you mean. As you said before, maybe it's nothing more than directors wanting to put their own mark on it, and finding such things easiest to do in the origin story. Vanity at the end of the day.
  14. This is a fair point I suppose, but I can't remember how I felt about it at the time now sadly. I think the second one blew me away more though. Could have done without the cringetastic gif though Fucking hell Fantastic Four was bad.
  15. Don't think Nolan's trilogy was actually improved by the origin story mind. The first film was fairly weak. The second two were much stronger in terms of narrative and dramatic effect. I think the second two could have happened without the origin... certainly the third one. Maybe the second needed it for the emotional attachment to 'Rachel'.
  16. I see - if the drug is likely to help you self medicate and minimise the impact of the condition, you should be free to take it iyam. Stupid state of affairs all of this - I'd say it's a branding issue more than anything. Drugs = bad is a hard message to bring people back from.
  17. Which condition are you medicating? If you don't mind my asking.
  18. It absolutely was. Although those Muslim domination marches are the things that gave rise to the EDL, so I'm not about to defend any of those fucknuts.
  19. Dude... You and I are never going to agree on anything
  20. I'm actually impressed that Short has given up on viewing this from a short term perspective. He seems to have accepted relegation with the view that chopping and changing has kept them just above the line but can't move them on. And that's fair enough. Had he done that 5 years ago I think they'd be in a far better position than they are now - the downside with doing it now is that it's going to cost them at least a season worth of the new PL deal money, and the club is living way outside of its means.
  21. Have to say I agree with this, but not so much because Moyes is a poor manager. He's not right for a rebuild job in the championship because he's now tainted by this failure, and has lost the patience of the fans (and possibly the belief of the players). Allardyce might have had them a few points better off but remember that Moyes did actually destroy Allardyce's Palace a few weeks back. They have played well this year, in spells. Even in their loss to Man Utd, they had some decent spells from what I gather. The players just aren't good enough. They lost too many key performers over the summer and replaced them with shit. Plus they've had Cattermole injured all season - as much as I dislike the guy, he really does make a difference for them.
  22. Laurie Penny https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/apr/10/trump-man-aggression-towards-women-us-election#comments You're either a Trump man or a decent man, apparently. There is no inbetween - and she's even using alternative facts to support her argument
  23. Really? Have you seen their squad I'd say it's rivalling Villa of last year's for how bad it is. Rodwell has been a mainstay of their midfield and until a few weeks ago hadn't been in a winning Sunderland side for 36 games or something. Who are the players that you think are good enough to keep them up under better management? Defoe, Pickford and...?
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