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Everything posted by Rayvin

  1. Whereas voting for the party that will actively work to make your life harder is the pinnacle of common sense. We aren't relevant enough for anyone to nuke these days ffs. On the other hand, we actually DO have falling standards of living.
  2. I thought the consensus was that he wasn't successful after all? That if he's put his money in the bank at the start of his life he'd be richer than he is now.
  3. Did they ever? People are fucking stupid and arguably always have been. They get bought by media narratives and utter bullshit.
  4. I'm actually looking forward to the stream tbf
  5. This day sound fucking immense
  6. Think Harry shoulda married that Chinese lass personally. East Asian people are hugely underrepresented in Western TV and cinema and moreover, she was a lot hotter than the one he ended up with.
  7. Funny how when the right uses identity politics, the right runs rampant... and equally when the left uses identity politics, the right runs rampant. There's a lesson in there somewhere but fuck knows if any centre left politician will ever grasp it.
  8. How is this not getting more coverage? It's an absolute scandal: http://www.express.co.uk/news/world/792112/Marine-Le-Pen-French-election-votes-computer-Emmanuel-Macron Basically the French have issued duplicate polling cards to 500,000 people living outside of France. Which means they get to vote twice. And they're just going to let it stand. I mean, as much as anything that staves off Le Pen is a good thing, this is dubious as fuck.
  9. Zelda is big, new and brilliant indeed. Took me upwards of 60 hours to totally finish it and I'm a Zelda veteran. Smash Bros is a great one to finish on as well, get the adrenalin going
  10. Are you thinking of formalising a twitch channel as well or is this just a one off? EDIT - or do you already have one?
  11. Judging by that comment, you're not going to go Tory either. What do you mean he went full Tory anyway? As in agreed with them on everything?
  12. It's interesting to hear him talking about China. Will he have a career to go back to after this? He's 28 or something isn't he? So out at 34 unless he gets an early release, but even then he'd be the wrong side of 30. I think he's finished, personally.
  13. ... That's not cunning, it's fucking stupid. Based on that article, he would have made about 30c profit per share. For 15,000 shares, that's about EUR5k. Was that worth it? What a monumental pillock.
  14. Rayvin


    That'll be another feather in Le Pen's bow...
  15. Suppose so. And hey, I was just putting over what their argument would be. I mean, if you asked them I'm fairly sure you'd get the 'where does it end' line.
  16. They claim to have costed it out. But also claim to do so by borrowing 500bn. The economics of that is sound (and less than the Tories have borrowed in 7 years which is 700bn) but not a vote winning headline for a populace not well versed in economics. No idea what their Brexit position is, and if even I don't know, it's not a good sign.
  17. I've harped on about that last point endlessly. It was an independent article. I think the Tories finished 4th.
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