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Everything posted by Rayvin

  1. Was anything they released untrue?
  2. Ok, so they'll step it down. Just let him go ffs, Wikipedia is an impartial force for truth, and I honest to fuck don't understand why some people, especially those in the supposedly independent media, have a problem with him or the organisation.
  3. Good news, always thought that charge was utter bollocks and apparently that's now what Sweden has decided. What charge would the UK be able to arrest him on exactly?
  4. Presently away for the weekend but will give this thread full attention when possible. I know you'll all be looking forward to that. 40th is very poor it has to be said, and like Gloom, i'd be interested to know the methodology.
  5. Expected though, Scotland is a lost cause as far as Labour are concerned. The Scots have understandably had it with our shit now.
  6. True, although that's just the scapegoat. The lib dems missed the memo on immigration it seems.
  7. That's what Corbyn is saying but weaker.
  8. Why are the Tories suggesting a free breakfast rather than a free lunch at school?
  9. Bans for diving: http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/39962886 The FA says it will act "where there is clear and overwhelming evidence to suggest a match official has been deceived by an act of simulation, and as a direct result, the offending player's team has been awarded a penalty and/or an opposing player has been dismissed".
  10. Fair enough. That's what the Flat Earth Society thinks though.
  11. You can't prove who I meant tbf. You're entitled to your opinion but you'd need to be a free thinker to work out the truth
  12. May has come out against Thatcherism... which suggests she is actually aware of the underlying issues. Which would be great news, had someone not in the Tory party stumbled onto this. FFS.
  13. Is this what you think the sun does?
  14. I am nearly certain that this whole thing is an elaborate ruse to bring about this exact scenario.
  15. One thing I do find intriguing here, is the premise for why gravity exists at all. I understand how it works, but not why it functions in the way it does. Why should an object with mass exert a force on other objects with mass around it? I googled it yesterday and it seems that people have concluded that the force itself is a manifestation of the curvature of spacetime. One article put it quite well when it suggested we think of a blanket being stretched out, and then having a ball dropped into it. It distorts the otherwise flat blanket in such a way that any smaller objects then added to the blanked are then pulled towards it. But while this is a reasonable satisfying answer, it doesn't consider why this should be the case at all. I don't know if we'll ever understand it, and I'm sure Wolfy will point to this as part of the global conspiracy and note how it doesn't make any sense, but it's interesting to think about.
  16. Even if the atmosphere was left behind, which isn't what I said, we wouldn't be blasted off into space. The atmosphere doesn't hold us to earth, gravity does. I think you've blended your theory about atmospheric pressure with our view there. On the sun, you're saying it's reflected in the ceiling of the cell. Why would the reflection move? And surely we'd be able to see where the source is?
  17. But you said the sun goes up and down? How can it go up and down and also sideways across the world at 650mph? You also keep saying atmosphere drags things along as if this is what we're telling you - we're not. We're saying that everything on earth; you, me, the atmosphere, all have momentum that matches the spin of the earth. Nothing is being dragged by the atmosphere.
  18. This doesn't make sense to me, can you elaborate?
  19. Definitely lost now.
  20. Huh? You mean we've lost the argument or you've lost me? If the latter, you're right but only by virtue of self-fulfilling prophecy
  21. Honestly, at this point based on how the conversation has progressed, you'd have to conclude that wolfy either has a vested emotional interest in believing this stuff, in much the same way that religious people do about what they believe, and that he will stick to it in the face of all evidence to the contrary... or that he's winding us up. Seems a smart enough guy to be able to see how irrational his position is, so I don't believe the problem is that we simply haven't presented the right counter information. Obviously you can never be 100% sure of anything, but the only way I see wolfy's theory stacking up is if there is a grand conspiracy at play that is literally able to manifest a reality that doesn't exist - and which, when tested by us, returns results which support the presentation of this reality. It's just so unlikely. Just on the sun thing, just for the hell of it - when I flew to from China to the UK a few years back, I remember setting off around lunchtime, and arriving in the UK 11 hours later, at what would be 11pm and dark in China. In the UK, it was 3pm and still daylight. How would that work? 11 hours definitely passed, as my watch was still on Chinese time. I remember this vividly because I was tired as fuck and still had an entire afternoon to get through before bed.
  22. I've thought about this a lot over the past few months, and I think Hillary would have won previous elections if she'd beaten Obama in the run off. I think she would have won vs. Bush junior too. Times have changed though.
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