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Everything posted by Rayvin

  1. Wolfy made a new account?
  2. Trump is President. At this point even CT could be PM.
  3. That's the real problem here. Arguably this has come to soon for Labour. Another 3 years would have given the Tories enough rope to hang themselves. That said, I suppose we'll still get to see that. Just need to dig deep for 5 years and stay the course. Half tempted to go into politics myself
  4. Sounds like a return to form then for the great British public. Oh well. Maybe it's best to leave the Tories holding the can for Brexit anyway.
  5. I dunno man, I see this all very differently. Also don't think Miliband was a disaster, he was just the one that made me realise the Blairites had nothing to offer. Not his fault, the underlying ideology has been found out. Same issue the Tories are having. I don't think a stronger leader would have finished May off. I have my belief on what the underlying causes of the last two years of nonsense have been, and the Blairite wing have no answer to it as far as I've seen. They would have campaigned on a single market footing and they would have lost. They also would have had a manifesto that looked a lot like the Tories with a few minor policies to 'help'. The whole election would have been dismal and without hope. Turnout would have been pathetic. That said, I could be totally wrong about that, maybe they do have something to offer and I just don't know what it is. Either way, I suspect we're going to see the party fracture if the Tories get their landslide. If it's close, maybe they'll stick with it. Heaven forbid they actually get behind the platform of course.
  6. That's the one thing I'm now sure won't happen. They're not going to get control of the party back after this showing from Corbyn.
  7. It's a bit of a read, but this article in truefaith of all places gives a really in depth critique of how screwed they are. http://www.true-faith.co.uk/financial-fair-play/ Sounds as though the issue isn't so much whether or not they have money, but that they've fucked themselves to the point of not being able to spend anything without falling foul of FFP. If they do fall foul of it, they get points deductions. Obviously I'm no expert in this stuff, so someone like HF or ewerk would have to go over it, but it looks robust enough.
  8. I love how we're living in an era where the biggest self inflicted political fuck ups come around on an almost yearly basis.
  9. Certainly the weakest I can remember. I think he'll resign following the vote. EDIT - that said, one of the Tory MPs has defected to the Dems - so they've gained at least one seat they didn't already have! Well, very likely they have anyway.
  10. Fair enough, at least they're voting in their own interests
  11. Can't disagree with any of that.
  12. @Meenzer Tim Farron has just refused to confirm whether or not homosexuality is a sin. Something I thought had been cleared up previously but which, looking at it now, he was apparently lying about last time, and can't force it past his conscience twice. Not a good look for the Democrats sadly. They look like they're going to pick up very little of what we hoped.
  13. What are your thoughts on the past few days? You've not said much and your insights from the media side of things are normally useful.
  14. Agree here, but she has to play the game well else she ends up being exposed as a useful idiot. I mentioned yesterday that polling indicates her support is falling these days - I think the SNP need to make improving people's lives the primary goal.
  15. We'll see how it goes I guess. Tbf, the Tories are still up in the polls in big enough numbers that this may all turn out to be rather irrelevant Oddly it seems to be the collapse of the fringe parties that have contributed to this, rather than Labour.
  16. If they manage that while Labour have expressly stated that a coalition won't happen, and without having costed their own (Tory) manifesto, then I think we just have to accept that the right wing press own the minds, literally, of about half the population.
  17. Presumably we're either selling some of what we've got already (Mitro) or we're not buying any other forwards. You're basically right though.
  18. http://edition.cnn.com/2017/06/02/politics/donald-trump-cold-war/ In the 80s, Trump planned to call Reagan and have himself instated as ambassador to Moscow - at which point, he'd have a one hour meeting with the Russians and would end the cold war
  19. What more have they got though? Silly question, I'll bet they have something.
  20. Ipsos MORI: Conservatives: 45% (down 4) Labour: 40% (up 6) Lib Dems: 7% (no change) Women and middle-aged voters are punishing Theresa Mayfollowing controversies over the “dementia tax” and school meals, an exclusive poll reveals today. The Ipsos MORI research for the Evening Standard reveals significant shifts to Labour among women and the 35-54 age group — the “pinched generation” juggling caring for ageing parents and their own children ... Before the Tory manifesto raised care costs and scrapped free meals for infants, women were dividing 49-35 for the Conservatives over Labour. Now that gap has closed to 45-44. Among people aged 35-54 there has been an even more dramatic switch. Before the social care row they split 52-34 for the Conservatives. Now they divide 36 for the Conservatives and 46 for Labour. In other words, they have switched sides. Among older voters, aged 55+, satisfaction with May has dropped from 70 to 57, though she is still positive on balance.
  21. Syria is on its knees as well, it's actually understandable why this isn't a priority for them. Frankly, the US is out on its own in my eyes. Utterly disgraceful action to take. Basically agree with your point though, the Accord was better than nothing.
  22. Nicaragua shouldn't be lumped into that group given they rejected it for not being radical enough, and are working to their own agenda on tackling the issue with commitments far in excess of what Paris would have held them to. They're going to be running on 90% renewables by 2020.
  23. Amber Rudd may not even win her seat...
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