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Everything posted by Rayvin

  1. Northernsoul has just countered his colleagues' fallacies about Labour with factual information concerning the Tories. Whose fault is it that they are misinformed to begin with, and further, that they simply walk away thinking to themselves that he can't possibly be right? It's the fucking narrative man. Who peddles it, predominantly?
  2. I know mate, but the narratives are set in stone by the press - nothing we can do about it.
  3. They all looked like journalists though Or photographers anyway.
  4. The bookies will just be responding to betting patterns man, it's not like they have the inside track
  5. Momentum is supposedly out in all the marginals today. 8000 of them harassing people to vote Not sure how successful it'll be, but I suppose it's worth a shot.
  6. Having a virtue is different to signalling it
  7. Noble and principled stance though. Not that you'd think such things were virtues at all given the sorts of things being said these days.
  8. Hard to say anything other than those people deserve everything they get, frankly.
  9. I actually deeply wish I had your faith in the media. It would make my life so much less enraging.
  10. The Times is owned by Murdoch, why would they want to do anything to harm a Tory victory? I wonder how drunk is drunk enough to be able to handle the results...
  11. Agree that the Tories will win a majority. The rest is academic really. 60 seats sounds about right but frankly, knowing the voting success of the things I care about, it could be horrific. That said, hopefully the polls persuade people to go out and vote.
  12. If that one is right, the Lib Dems are fucked.
  13. happy birthday mate
  14. The government should be sorting that rather than the consumer. It's not like Amazon would ditch us.
  15. Worth bringing back up since May is threatening to tear it up
  16. @wolfy Depends on the extent to which you're a free thinker
  17. If anyone is voting because of patriotism, or nebulous concepts like that, they're brainwashed. Otherwise agreed.
  18. Even gave you a like for your ego
  19. Not only back, he's voting Corbyn.
  20. The Lib Dems hung their entire political future on it, so I'm certain they remember it
  21. I believe in social liberalism
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