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Everything posted by Rayvin

  1. I knew some pedant working in something like the food or energy industries would pick me up one that What do you do again?
  2. I mean, frankly, we're all working in dying industries. That's one of the great challenges of the modern age
  3. I hate to say it mate, but the same trend that will put paid to Dacre will effect the press on the whole - and indeed is doing so. Even the left wing outlets like the Guardian are struggling now. So yes, it's good for breaking the strangehold that the media have of information, and it may finally smite the Heil, but we'll lose some decent sources along the way too.
  4. Osborne absolutely loving this.
  5. There is just no way the Tories will go back to the electorate against a resurgent Corbyn. They have far, far too much to lose. It's not a standard Labour party they're facing with Corbyn.
  6. Might just be tiredness, but I'm finding it difficult to really become enthused about all of this in the end. The Tories will hang on with everything they've got in my opinion, and May certainly won't be around if they go back to the electorate again. Labour need to start working immediately on improving their campaigning and setting things in motion to capture the necessary votes to throw them back next time. Personally, I would target Scotland.
  7. The thing is, if a big deal isn't made of it, she'll just coast on through.
  8. Sounds like Kensington is going to Labour.
  9. I think it will, based on the fact that I thought the Tory/Lib Dem alliance wouldn't last and it did.
  10. Yeah but, this time they were getting students out on the basis of 'you can make a difference'. And the while they certainly did, they haven't actually achieved anything material. Harder to sell the second time around.
  11. Can we win that one? Tougher fight, the Tories won't be surprised next time.
  12. Chaos is a ladder Saying that, I've no idea how McDonnell thinks he's going to get away with that.
  13. “The two parties have worked well together for two years.There’s no reason to suppose they won’t continue to do so in future. “But the point made time after time to Labour MPs remains: for as long as you allow yourselves to be led by an IRA cheerleader, you exclude yourselves from entering No 10.” This is from the DUP. They can get fucked. A total irrelevance of a party until Calamity Theresa happened to fall on them awkwardly last night.
  14. Aye but it's not a toxic issue in the Labour Party since they're voting out anyway, and Labour's stance would actually be beneficial to people (jobs ahead of other considerations). The Tories are driven by ideology on this one, on the extremist fringe at least.
  15. Too old for this again. But my point was that the Tories won't risk running another election in the short term because there's every chance they could lose. I suspect that at some point over the next 5 years, Corbyn will step down and be replaced by someone else - what we've ensured, is that this person will hold the correct policy positions.
  16. Only thing here is that the Tories have pro-Remain backers in their camp too. They could be emboldened because actually, they could swing EU based decisions on their head very, very easily. Only 2 of them would need to rebel.
  17. They're not going to risk giving Corbyn a straight shot at winning, which they will now absolutely believe he's capable of.
  18. I dunno, Corbyn ups the stakes considerably. Are the extreme anti-EU Tories going to risk re-running an election that they could lose outright, and thus inadvertently usher in the most socialist leaning politician in 30 years?
  19. It really is crazy what this has come to. May is such a fucking muppet. While this is, on paper, a 'good' result for Labour, it still doesn't change anything. The Tories are going to cling on.
  20. They sound worse than the Tories, if that's even possible. Obviously without the same clout, but still.
  21. She's off to form a government man, she's clearly going to survive it in the short term.
  22. I have taken almost no interest in the DUP whatsoever for the entirely of my political life, and in the space of 10 minutes, I now hate them
  23. They've ruled it out. "Snowball's chance in hell"
  24. They're opposed to Corbyn on the whole Irish Republican thing by the sounds of it. This is getting stupid now. I keep coming back to how fucking stupid Scottish Labour and the SNP have been here though...
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