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Everything posted by Rayvin

  1. Was always too much to hope really. What she's doing in such a marginal seat I don't know. Still though, that's it for her leadership bid. No chance they'll risk that.
  2. Ah damn, Tories retains Shipley.
  3. The BBC thinks we'll get the Tories down to 316, which, with the DUP, gets them 326. FFS. Although as I said, Sinn Fein wouldn't vote anyway, so they're actually about 6 seats better off by default.
  4. Probably a sound decision. I imagine Rudd will have won somehow so I doubt you'll be missing much.
  5. Shameful. She needs ditching. As do the Blairites at this point IMO.
  6. Ah I missed that. Oh well. Still, there'll be others.
  7. Rudd and IDS we probably both need now. Not sure if Shipley has been declared yet but the signs were good that Labour should take it. It's the fucking DUP and SNP who have messed this up.
  8. Salmond gone. Fucking SNP making this way harder than it needed to be.
  9. Labour have lost 3. But that said, the biggest issue is simply that the Tories had quite a few more to begin with. Here's the Guardian's analysis though in a useful infographic - it's helped me keep track of things better than the BBC. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/ng-interactive/2017/jun/08/live-uk-election-results-in-full-2017
  10. The Press Association seems to think they'll get 321.
  11. Looking at it, it'll be a Tory DUP coalition. Forgot Sinn Fein won't take their seats. There we go then. May looks ridiculous but have we changed anything?
  12. Just about to hit the point where the Tories overtake Labour. Taken a lot fucking longer than thought.
  13. The right wing press is seething
  14. I'm still here. Just waiting for Rudd's seat really, nothing much else to comment on.
  15. They were always going to, but it's not about them beating us. Literally every seat won off them will make a difference here.
  16. Maybe so, but if we can make this a mathematical certainty I'd feel better about it. DUP now have 10 seats. So we need the Tories to be held down to 315.
  17. Basically, we need Amber Rudd's seat
  18. To their credit, they've come out and said they won't - but they probably will. We can rely on every other party not to, we just need to push over the line so that the DUP can't make the difference.
  19. Aye, we need the Tory total to fall short of of majority mark by more seats than the DUP win. We're about one or two seats off that atm.
  20. Good - this looks like the end of fucking UKIP.
  21. Fuck, scratch that. I assumed Farron was being faced down by Labour, not the Tories. Thank fuck he won!
  22. Farron holds. Probably just as well.
  23. Labour approaching the low watermark some were predicting under Corbyn 172 I think it was.
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