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Everything posted by Rayvin

  1. I'm out tonight (sorry for missing your earlier comment) but, having said that, will try to get on towards the end of that window. I have discord on the PC but not on Playstation - is it a download?
  2. Well if Carver says it's all going to be ok, who are we to criticise
  3. So it's not a conspiracy? In which case, Gloom, no one on here thinks the MSM are a conspiratorial group.
  4. You've got me confused with Parky - he's the one who thinks there's a conspiracy. I just think you're all navel gazers trapped in your respective bubbles and entirely resistant to changes in narratives that you yourselves don't set
  5. Ah so, Snow claims he didn't say that? Even so, it's hardly high drama
  6. As much as I really want to dislike that guy, what is it exactly that he's done wrong by saying that? Hasn't Snow been in the news for saying 'Fuck the Tories' or something?
  7. We shouldn't get too carried away with the schadenfreude until Ashley fucking signs someone mind. We're probably a couple of weeks of Charnley's incompetence away from Rafa walking out unless some progress starts being made.
  8. I think it's been deleted now (probably due to embarassment), but they had a 360 page thread on RTG inspired by an ITK, concerning the inevitability of the German takeover.
  9. Antifa have guns now too man. It's surreal.
  10. FFS. Well done Antifa you utter fucknuts - you've legitimised the NRA. Is civil war likely? Not on a national scale, but they've already had street brawls between Antifa and Trump supporters that the police had just stood by and watched. I noticed recently that Antifa are now going to protests armed to the teeth, so why wouldn't we expect the NRA to take that as an open invitation for stuff like this? People are fucking stupid.
  11. Aye, saw that Has no shame at all.
  12. It's hard to imagine that the club could be incompetent enough to offer him 100m a few weeks ago and then turn around and change that to 30m. Having said that, id quite readily believe that they never offered 100m to begin with unless Ashley actually said it.
  13. I'm stunned Milan would even want him.
  14. Man gets sent flying by out of control bus. Gets up and heads into pub like nothing happened https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2017/jun/27/i-get-knocked-down-man-hit-by-bus-gets-back-up-again-and-heads-to-pub
  15. Well, here we go then. 5 years of whatever this is.
  16. https://www.google.co.uk/amp/www.bbc.co.uk/news/amp/38666914 Corbyn maybe one of the few people who can say they lied about him. Even the BBC admitted as much
  17. There will be ways in which they have bias based on the context of the culture they work within, but I can't think of a better news outlet across the whole world. As such, we basically have to consider them the standard.
  18. It's quite possible that he's learned from the January window that he needs to make noises about a lack of activity sooner rather than later.
  19. Have to say, even with my less than favourable opinions on the MSM, I consider that because the BBC gets criticism from both 'sides' of the political spectrum, it probably is neutral. That said, it is revealed as a mouthpiece of the establishment more on what it doesn't report on than what it does.
  20. yeah totally understandable for you personally. Sounds like the change came in with the financial crisis then? Makes sense I suppose, but if so, it's definitely been supported and encouraged by Tory austerity drives.
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