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Everything posted by Rayvin

  1. We'll be fine man... We added pace which means we're going down the counterattack route, which is Rafa's specialty. It's not going to be pretty but we'll be fine.
  2. My girlfriend was peering over my shoulder when I opened that and now thinks this place is full of deviant perverts. At least now she knows the truth.
  3. I'm on a train and have literally nothing better to do
  4. Aye this is where it all falls down for Wolfy. It's not that he has "out there" ideas so much as he can't offer any evidence in support of this global conspiracy, any motive, or how they've managed to cover it up to so long. I think I said last time that the only way such a thing could work would be if you literally had all scientists and researchers indoctrinated into a higher subgroup of humanity whose job it was to pull the wool over the eyes of everyone else. And even then there's no reason why this should be the case.
  5. Why would Japan, a country which as a core component in its national character prioritises pride and honour, go along with pretending that they'd been nuked? After fighting a 4 year war with the country who benefited most from the nuking as well. I wonder actually if Wolfy needs this global conspiracy to be true because the realisation that no one is at the wheel is a really scary one.
  6. I actually still think Moyes would have been fine for us, and i would now go so far as to say that even Benitez wouldn't have saved Sunderland last season.
  7. Aye but if we can see out this season then we should be able to pay the going rate. Hopefully Rafa is aware of this.
  8. That sounds a lot like what some of us have been saying for the past couple of weeks. And if this is true, then Rafa isn't necessarily being messed about.
  9. Stress? Public humiliation?
  10. Absolutely agree with the concerns. I was hoping that it might better portray my issue with the 'MSM' - not so much that I think they're part of some establishment cover up, but that by not expanding to include a wider range of ideas and views, they're effectively channeling the spirit of the establishment and the status quo in everything they report. Which at this moment in time, I would argue, is driving people to the fake news sites that you're complaining about (and which I fully agree are a blight on our information landscape).
  11. I read broadly - also, Marina Hyde tweeted it.
  12. The Brexiteers have all moved onto the standard "we all knew it was going to be hard but it'll be worth it in the long run" line. Obviously no one can explain why things will get better later on, but there it is.
  13. @Dr Gloom https://www.spectator.co.uk/2017/07/media-culpa-journalists-are-losing-publics-trust/ Interested on your thoughts on this. For me it's his final point that's causing the problem. Having said that, I'm not throwing this at you to be provocative, genuinely am interested.
  14. Different needs for different requirements though. China is attempting to fast pace itself into a developed nation - I don't see any way of doing that without steamrolling over people's rights. They're also doing a decent job of controlling a populace who have become far too nationalistic, and are probably a greater threat without the CCP than they are with them, at this point in time. Were they a developed country, then obviously the situation would be totally different. I will stress though, that they don't have my blessing. Just my understanding on a pragmatic level that some things (population control in a nation with 25% of the world's population and 8% of the world's fresh water) are more important than others (human rights with respect of having children).
  15. I actually think the Chinese government runs the country fairly well. Unfortunately they have a very emotionally immature populace. Someone in Taiwan (biased) once described mainland China as what would happen if you let chavs take over your country. There's elements of truth in that. As for the BBC, are they not just reporting that it happened? Has there been any wider commentary on the issue?
  16. Aye I read this. It's not really a PC issue IMO. China is populated by people who are just hopelessly insecure about their nation and how it is perceived, and fiercely nationalistic. Any slight against the motherland requires contrition and repentance. Chelsea have issued a grovelling apology and China has threatened to ban them from ever returning. Nation of crybabies.
  17. This forum is nigh on impenetrable for newbies mind It's like a proving ground where you have to commit to at least one argument with a forum mainstay in order for everyone to invest enough emotional capital in you for it to be worth sticking around.
  18. Wtf What was he even angry about?
  19. Sargon doesn't monetise his videos but seems to make money through Patreon. About $6k/month. The thing that really stunned me recently is some Professor who recently became the focal point of Canada's ire by refusing to use people's personal pronouns. He's a psychology professor and the sort of people who watch Sargon have swarmed to him. He makes $60k/month. At the start of the year, no one had heard of him.
  20. Yeah I told you that. I'm sad enough to follow such things He now has 460k subs though, plus sponsorship deals. I suspect he's pushing £60/£70k now.
  21. True - Hello Fresh was something we used for a while, before stopping it and just buying the stuff locally and using the same recipes. Still though, I find cooking tedious and could make an argument for working into the evening and earning more than it would cost me to get someone else to deal with dinner. The problem with restaurant food is that it's probably not very good for you to eat it that often, and you're paying a premium (though it will depend on the place I concede).
  22. I don't have a cleaner but Andrew's logic seems sound to me. How long before we hire chefs as well though? Although you could claim Deliveroo already handles that.
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